Chapter 2 Enemies Reunited

754 Words
Seven years later, in the grand ballroom of the arms dealer Quest's mansion... Julian had his blond hair perfectly styled, his tall, muscular frame, and handsome face drawing the eyes of many women in the room. He was no longer the foster kid of the Nightingale couple, but the head of their vast empire. Isabella, in her elegant gown, stood by Julian's side, holding his arm. They whispered to each other, looking very intimate. Suddenly, the bustling ballroom fell silent. All eyes turned to the woman entering through the doors. She wore a stunning red evening gown, radiating like a queen under the lights. It was Lena! Julian stared at her, shock and disbelief flashing in his eyes. She looked almost the same as she did seven years ago. But something was different. Something was missing. Julian stood frozen, watching as Lena walked slowly toward him... Isabella's smile vanished, replaced by a dark, venomous look. Lena was alive! Years ago, Isabella had pushed Lena into the sea with her own hands. Everyone believed Lena was dead. After seven years, Julian had finally given up looking for her and decided to marry Isabella. And now, she had come back! Julian's eyes followed Lena, meanwhile, his heartbeat quickened with her every move. Lena's lips curved into a smile as her gaze swept over Julian and Isabella. She walked up to Julian slowly. She raised her eyebrows and gave Julian a beautiful smile, as if she had forgotten her hatred from seven years ago. "Lynn!" Julian exclaimed, stepping toward her, wanting to pull her into his arms. Lena took a step back and casually wagged her finger. "Julian, let's keep our distance. After all... you're engaged to Isabella now." Julian hesitated, glancing at Isabella. Lena caught a flicker of reluctance in his eyes and smirked. It seemed their relationship wasn't as solid as it appeared. "Lynn, even though I'm engaged to Belle, you're still the one I... cherish most," Julian said, choosing words that wouldn't upset Isabella. Lena suppressed her urge to kill him, pretending to be regretful. "But you can't have two fiancées, Julian. If you had to choose between Isabella and me, who would you pick?" Julian was about to speak when Isabella yanked him away. "Julian, Lena is dead. Who knows where this imposter came from?" "Belle, what nonsense are you spouting? This is Lynn!" Julian said urgently. Isabella dragged Julian away from Lena, who watched with amusement. "Lynn, wait for me after the party," Julian called out as Isabella pulled him onto the balcony. "What do you think you are doing? Are you planning to bring Lena back into our world?" Isabella demanded, her gaze icy. "She has no one else. Where else can she go? Belle, she must have endured so much in seven years. If she could swallow her hatred to come back, it means she has nowhere else to turn," Julian said. Isabella's eyes gleamed darkly. "You know she hates us. Aren't you afraid she's back for revenge?" "She's just a girl. What can she do?" Julian's arrogance made him dismiss the threat Lena could pose. Isabella grabbed his hand. "She knows our secrets. And if she exposes them..." "Relax. The case was closed as an accident. I know Lena. There's nothing she can do," Julian said, turning to find Lena. Isabella's eyes burned with fury. Fuck! If only Lena had died in the sea back then. Suddenly, her eyes flashed with determination as she made a phone call. "Eugene, I need you to take care of a woman for me." Lena had no intention of waiting for Julian. Her purpose was to see Quest. She had hoped to seek his help seven years ago but had met with an accident. Now, she finally had the chance to reconnect. Too many guests surrounded Quest, making it impossible for Lena to approach him. She wasn't in a hurry, though, and left her gift before turning to leave. Just as she stepped outside, she heard Isabella's voice behind her. "Stop right there!" Isabella stormed up to Lena, unable to hide her anger. "Why aren't you dead? Why did you come back? Don't think just because you have nothing now, you can come and snatch away what's mine!" Isabella hissed. Lena looked at her blankly and then slowly smiled. "Why did I come back? To drag you and Julian into hell, of course. Enjoy everything you have now, your man, your business, and your shares... Cuz I will take them all from you!"
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