Is home still safe ?

2390 Words
As Alec walks away from Lexi , he breathes out , raking his hand through his messy honey locks . ' This can not be f*****g happening to me .' he thinks as he strides back to his room . Alec thought that everything would be alright , that it's just a piece of paper and he wouldn't even have to see her , until his dad called in the early hours of the morning when he was balls deep into his girlfriend's cunt and informed him that Lexi was going to live with him . Alec rolled Jamie to the side and got up , pacing his bedroom as an anxious feeling crawled up his chest . He could not believe his father arranged for her to stay at his home . He tugs at his hair , he felt like ripping every inch of the mansion apart just so that there wasn't room for her , but nonetheless , Jamie told him to calm down and just to stay out of her way . Jamie said that if he just accepted this whole situation , it wouldn't be so hard on him , but he couldn't accept it , he felt his whole relationship was on the life if Lexi came to live with him . Jamie wasn't too thrilled about Alec having a wife , but Alec told her that Lexi meant nothing to him and they won't be married for long if he had something to do with it. He called Lexi a business deal . Alec tried to ignore how beautiful Lexi had gotten , her brown hues light like a honey pool and her long brown wavy hair looked softer than ever , her hair now straight when it was usually kind of frizzy . As Alec's blue orbs landed on her , standing in his home , he had no f*****g clue if he felt excited to ruin her perfect life or angry because she had returned , but he told her to stay away since he had the perfect girlfriend and was going to marry her in the future . Once getting back to his room , he forced a smile , staring at Jamie as she sat n***d on the bed , scrolling through her phone , her messy dyed blonde hair hanging around her shoulders . " Is she here ?" Jamie asks as she lifts her gaze , locking her phone and putting it on the bedside table with the screen down . Alec rolls his eyes , nodding , " Unfortunately ." he scoffs in a sarcastic joy tone . " She might be nice ." Jamie shrugs , thinking that Lexi would leave them in peace and could actually be a friend who hid their secret . Alec shrugs , feeling guilty that he didn't tell his girlfriend that his current wife was his best friend in high school before she moved away , but Alec did not want to cause drama in his relationship so he continued to lie about it and acted like Lexi was just a girl he didn't know . Alec wished that Lexi was a girl he didn't know , then it would have been easier to ignore his existence . Alec pulls his top over his head , tossing it to the side before he crawls onto the bed , grinning at Jamie . " I'm hungry ." he grins , his voice seductive as he stares up at Jamie's dark blue orbs . Her hues were like the sea while a storm was rumbling through the sky , making the waves huge and dangerous , her eyes were the ocean who would drown people , not make them relax . " Then let's go eat ." Jamie smiles , but when she wants to get up , Alec grabs her waist and pushes her down , grabbing her ankles and hooking her legs over his shoulders before he lowers his face in between her soft legs , his tongue flicking over her clit and Jamie moans , her hands fisting the bedding beside her . She wraps her ankles around his head as he tongue f***s her into oblivion , her other hand grabbing his honey blonde locks and he groans as he licks up her juices that was pooling out of her . He thought she tasted sweeter than honey and he was loving how she moaned his name repeatedly , he liked knowing that he was doing a good job . After his breakfast between Jamie's legs , they headed downstairs to the kitchen , walking hand in hand with Jamie dressed in just a robe and when he entered , his body froze on the spot as Lexi stood there , drinking water with her back rested against the counter . Her long dark hair wrapped into a messy bun and she's dressed in a pair of black shorts and a white t - shirt that was tucked into her pants , slightly tugged out and just in a pair of socks . Lexi freezes , the cup tightly cupped in her hands as her honey orbs flicked between Alec and Jamie . Oblivious , Jamie smiles , walking up to Lexi , " Hi , I'm so happy to meet you . I'm Jamie ." she introduces herself . Alec's eyes are locked on Lexi , who is staring at Jamie with a baffled expression . " I'm Lexi ." is all Lexi could say as she was too stunned . She saw they were holding hands and it made her chest ache painfully . " I know ." Jamie giggles , " And you're so pretty , I just hope we can be friends ." Jamie beams , her eyes glistening with joy and hope . Lexi wanted to scoff , she knew she and Alec would never be friends again , he was staring at her with a hostile glare . " Sure ." Lexi forces a smile onto her face and Jamie whips around , staring at Alec , " See babe , I told you she could be nice ." Jamie scoffs and Alec forces a smile , " Yes , you did ." he clears his throat before heading to the fridge , trying to not look at Lexi's bare legs that he once had his hand on , not sexually , but he casually held her leg when driving around in his car and he knew that it was the memories that was going to haunt him . ' If I don't look at her , I won't think of her .' he told himself as he pulled out ingredients to make french toast . Lexi felt so shy , she always felt anxious meeting new people - but the fact that it was Alec's girlfriend has left her standing baffled . Lexi wanted to hate her because no one told her about Jamie , but she seemed so nice . Lexi felt like she wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear and Alec wished she did just that . " Do you want to eat with us ?" Jamie asks and Alec stood behind the counter , his eyes glued to the bread in front of him and wished that Lexi would decline that request . " No , I already ate ." Lexi mutters and Alec let's out a sigh of relief , thanking god that his prayers have been answered . " It's just past seven , when did you eat ?" Jamie asks and Alec has never wished so bad to shut his girlfriend up . He loathed the sound of Lexi's voice , feelings of anger coursed through him , he wanted to grab her things and her and toss her out of his house . " I ate at the airport when I landed ." Lexi mutters anxiously , not wanting to be close to Alec . She too did not want to talk in front of Alec because he made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with her and here they are , his girlfriend talking to her like she's her new best friend . Jamie wanted to make friends with her , to keep her on a tight leash away from Alec and thought that if she and Lexi got along , Lexi wouldn't spend time with Alec alone and then they could just keep their relationship professional , like a business , which they were . " The airport , where were you ?" Jamie asks confused . " I studied in Amsterdam ." Lexi shrugs , she wanted to get out of there , but her mind was spiraling and she could not come up with a good enough excuse . " What ? I thought you were here when you signed the papers ." Jamie frowns , confusion written all over her face . Alec frowned , his back turned to the girls to keep his curious eyes off his ex best friend . He too thought that she was here and signed the papers . " They faxed it ." Lexi lies , not wanting to get her parents into trouble . She was sure that Alec would have them arrested just so that he could get rid of her , so she said nothing of her parents forging her signature . " Oh ." Jamie smiles and Alec silently wished that Lexi would disappear . Lexi pulls out her phone , seeing a text from Quin . Quinn : Where are you ? Did you leave ? Guilt creeps up Lexi's spine and she frowns at her screen . " Is everything alright ?" Jamie asks and Lexi quickly tucks her phone into the pocket of her pants , " Actually , I said I would spend the day with my little sister . I have to go ." she smiles apolotgetically and Jamie smiles , happy that she's leaving , even if she wanted to get to know her more . " Sure , enjoy ." Jamie beams . Lexi glances at Alec , waiting for him to say something , anything, but he stays quiet as he continues with breakfast and Lexi chews on her bottom lip before walking out of the kitchen . Alec's shoulders fall as he feels relief as she leaves . He did not want her in the house in the first place , so he thought that if she wasn't here , life would be easier . Lexi silently thanked her sister for giving her the best idea to get out of the house and she put on her running shoes and grabbed her white hoodie before she started to walk back to her parent's home . Lexi felt overwhelmed with memories as she walked , she did not think that seeing Alec was going to have this affect on her , she thought that she wouldn't remember the horrendous feeling when she caught him saying those terrible things about her . " Don't you have plans with your best friend ?" One of Lexi's bullies giggle , standing in Alec's arm , his arm draped over her shoulder . " No , she's a f*****g waste of space ." The vile words dropping from his mouth has been the reason of her many nights alone , crawled into bed , bawling her eyes out and she couldn't forgive him for that . Quinn waited for Lexi on the steps outside of the house , staring at her with confused eyes . " Where were you ?" she asks curiously and Lexi did not want to explain what their parents had done to her , so she lied . " I am going to live with a friend , but I promise I will be spending every minute of the day with you and if school starts again , I will be here in the afternoon's too , okay ?" Lexi tried to act like she didn't want to cry because of her situation and Quinn knew that something was up , but she had the most faith in Lexi and knew that if something was really wrong , her sister would tell her . After spending the day with Quinn , Lexi walked home in the dark , knowing that the neighbourhood was safe , or so she thought . A block away from Alec's mansion , she could feel eyes staring at her so she glanced around and jumped as a man came up to her , g*n pointing her and her eyes widen as she lifts her hands in surrender . " Give me any valuables ." he demanded and Lexi panicked as she took her phone out of her pocket with shaky hands , she could tell her was homeless by the way he dressed . " Put it on the floor !" the man yells . Lexi glances around , looking for someone to help her , but no one was around . She squats down , placing the phone down on the floor . " Move back and turn around ." the man demands , pointing the g*n right to her head and she does as she is told , praying that the man would take the phone and run . Lexi hears him walk closer and then nothing as his footsteps get softer and then the sound of his footsteps disappears . A tear rolls down her flushed cheek as she glances over her shoulder and sees that the man is gone . She lets out a shaky breath before glancing around , slowly walking towards Alec's house until she begins to pick up her pace and run . She takes big strides , her legs slightly burning , her lungs feeling like they are about to give out as she darts up the stairs , her hair bouncing around her face as she enters the house , her chest heaving as she crashes her back against the shut door . Her eyes burn with tears and she squints them shut ,a few tears rolling down her cheeks .
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