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Alec hears the noise of the door slamming shut and knew it was Lexi once he checked the camera and tossed his phone aside , not noticing her distressed expression . Lexi hurriedly walks towards the stairs , her first thought is to call out to Alec , to tell him what happened , but she freezes , blankly staring at the stairs , her one foot on the first step . ' Do what you want . Don't enter my room or office and don't talk to me ' the words of his rules is all she remembers before she clears her throat and starts searching for a phone to call her parents , but she finds none in her distressed state . Lexi walks back to her room , plopping down on her bed , clutching her pillow in her arms , burying her face into the soft pillow as a sob rips through her . She wishes that she could just talk to Alec , but one of his main rules are that she isn't allowed to . She did not think that she missed him , but seeing him again .. it made her heart swell with joy . After all these years apart , she thought that if she ever saw him again , she wouldn’t feel anything because she has moved on , but she realized she was wrong . After Lexi had calmed down , she got up , seeing on her clock next to her bed that it's nearly midnight and she sighed , knowing that she won't be able to sleep , she decided to look for a phone one more time , knowing that she was too caught up in what happened earlier to notice a phone laying around . " Who doesn't keep a landline in their house ?" she mutters as she strides into the kitchen , freezing as she see's Alec's broad shoulders as he stands in the light of the fridge . His back muscles are stacked and his waist slim . The best combination that describes a built man . He closes the fridge , the only light in the kitchen vanishing and he squints his eyes as they land on Lexi's figure . " Hi ." she mutters uncomfortably , folding her arms across her chest and he only stares at her , screwing the cap of the bottle off before gulping the liquid down , some of it sliding down his chin and Lexi stares in amusement as her eyes adjust to the dark . Lexi didn't know if she should mention what happened , but she needed to call her parents somehow . " Why are you up ?" he asks with hatred in his voice , clearing his throat . He didn’t hate her , he hated that he cared about her . Lexi stares at him agape , " I can't sleep ." she mutters softly . Lexi realizes he isn't going to ask why , so she gathered all her courage . " Someone stole my phone on the way home , can I use yours ?" She asks , letting out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding . Alec blankly stares at her , wanting to ask her if she is alright , but how could he show that he cares if he was still mad at her ? ‘Am I even still mad at her ?’ He thought , chewing on his bottom lip . He walks right past her , shaking his head in confusion of what he felt . Alec felt like he needed to leave before he captured her into his arms and comforted her . Stunned , she turns , her honey orbs following his shadow through the dark . " Alec ." she rushes after him , but he ignores her . " Alec !" she bellows , her elevated voice echoing off the walls and he turns on his heel , his eyes boring into her . " Shut up ." each word gritted out in anger , not towards her , but towards himself . He kept on thinking that he needed to comfort her , that if he did , everything would be fine , but the softest voice that kept on hammering about how she just left wins every single time . He hated that he still cared about her after all these years . Her lips fall agape as she steps closer to him , " I just want to use your phone ." she breathes out . She wanted to call her mum , to tell her what happened and to tell her she needed a new phone . " No ." he grits out before walking off , leaving her standing baffled in the dark . Lexi's chest begins to heave as anger rushes through her . " Un - f*****g - believable ." she scoffs before heading back to her room . Alec slams his bedroom door shut out of annoyance , slightly forgetting that Jamie was asleep and she wakes up , groaning as she glances around the room . " I'm sorry dear ." Alec mutters in a sweet voice as he places his bottle of water onto the bedside table . " Is everything okay ?" Jamie murmurs sleepily , her eyes barely open . " Yeah , go back to sleep ." Alec brushes her blonde locks out of her face before her head dips down into the pillow again and she goes back to sleep . Alec couldn't sleep , he had been up all night worried about a girl he wish he didn't know and finding her in the kitchen , it irked him that she talked to him , it irked him that he cared so f*****g much when he didn’t want to. Throughout the night , Alec finally fell asleep after spending hours of thinking of Lexi , waking up the next morning to find Jamie out of bed . He blankly stared at the ceiling , wishing he would stop thinking about Lexi . He rolled out confused before running down the stairs , hearing his beautiful girlfriend's giggle coming from the living room . With a bright smile on his face , he entered the room without a shirt , only in a pair of shorts , but his wide smile faded into a sour frown as he saw Lexi and Jamie sit side by side , drinking coffee . " Morning babe !" Jamie beams , " How did you sleep ?" she asks and he nods before going to sit down next to her , not giving Lexi a glance . " Good , how about you ?" he asks , his head dipping down and he kisses her shoulder . Jamie giggles , shoving him back . "Stop ." she smiles and he frowns , he did not care if Lexi sat there uncomfortably , he wanted his morning dose of Jamie . He needed it to forget about his ex best friend sitting there , in his house . " I'm going to my parents ." Lexi mutters as she stands up , " I think the f**k not ." Alec scoffs , cursing himself for talking to the b***h . Lexi stares at him with a baffled expression , " Why ?" she asks confused and Jamie stares at Alec with the same confused expression . Jamie couldn’t help but wonder if Alec did not want her to leave . " You want to be stupid and walk at night , so you can stay in your room before you get hurt ." he shrugs , not looking at her for only a second . Alec mentally cursed himself for saying all of that , because it sounded like he cared about her . " Don't tell me what to f*****g do ." Lexi exclaims before she turns on her heel and heads to her room . Alec bites down on his bottom lip as he stares at her walking away , " What is wrong with you ?" Jamie asks , feeling confused about what just happened . Alec told her what Lexi had told him and Jamie kind of felt bad for her , but the thought of them being alone in the kitchen made hatred brew in her chest . Jamie began to worry that he might actually like her , but then she told herself that he wouldn't because he doesn't even know the girl . " If something happens to her , I am going to be blamed ." he shrugs and Jamie's eyebrows raise in surprise , " She's not a child , she can take care of herself ." Jamie grits out , not wanting her in the house . Jamie stands up before walking to Lexi's room , knocking on the door . The door swings open and Lexi stands there with a pissed - off expression , her honey orbs wide and dark . " Don't worry about him , go to your parent's house ." Jamie waves Alec's command off , acting delightful when all she wants is to get Lexi out of the house . " I'm not twelve , I am twenty three , of course I'm going ." Lexi deadpans , her face holding no emotion and Jamie smiles , " I'm sorry he's soo ill - mannered , he's never like that ." Jamie tries to stick up for him , " He just didn't have a good's night rest ." she goes on and Lexi feels like slamming the door in her face . " It's fine , I have to go ." she murmurs before closing the door politely and she gets dressed in a pair of white jeans and a black crop top with black pumps . As Lexi was busy getting ready , Jamie excused herself to go shower , giving Alec a seductive wink . Alec sat on the couch , giving his girlfriend three minutes before he decided to head up stairs and once he steps foot out of the living room , he sees Lexi standing in her white skinny jeans that made her a*s look good and black crop top that hugged her body . His face contorts with rage as he glares at her , " Don't ." he mutters as her soft honey orbs locks on his hostile glare . " I'm not twelve ." Is all she says before turning on her heel and she strides out of the room . Alec stares at her with bared teeth , her dark locks swinging side to side as she walks out of the front door . Alec's nostrils flare as she slams the front door shut and he turns on his heel to head up the stairs , telling himself that he will not be caring if she got into trouble again , even if his heart was pounding in his chest , fear of losing her was spiking his heart rate because he did want to admit that he loved her . Lexi stands outside Alec's house , wondering if she should walk or just wait for a cab to pass by . After standing there for about ten minutes , she sighs before taking a deep breath and she begins to walk down the block towards her parent's house . She couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching her , even if there wasn't someone lurking around in broad daylight . As she walks , her mind begins to think back of when her and Alec were friends , living one street apart and how they met for the first time when they were kids . " Mommy , I don't want to go to Stacy's party ." Lexi whines as her mom dresses her . As a eight year old , she did not tell her mother about the snarky comments Stacy made , so her mother had no reason to let her stay home . " Jess will be there , it'll be fun ." she beams before her mother shoves her into the car , talking about how great the party would be . When Lexi arrives at the pool party , her whole class was there and she frowned until she saw Jess . Jess was the only friend she had and was excited that she at least had someone to play with . " What are you doing here ?" Jess giggles as Lexi goes up to hug her . Her cheeks go red in embarrassment as she doesn't know what's going on . " I'm here for the party ." she mutters , staring at Jess in confusion . " But who invited you ?" Stacy joins the conversation and with tears brimming in her eyes , she turns on her heel and runs inside , through the house and out of the front door , watching her mom drive off . " Mommy !" She yells , running after her . Tears stream down her flushed cheeks and she quickly wipes them away as a boy gets out of a big fancy car . " Are you okay ?" he asks , watching his mom drive off . " Yep ." She sniffs , blinking as she stares at the floor . " You're crying ." he points out . " I want to go home ." she mutters , not looking at the boy . " Me too ." he sighs , " Want to hang out here until our parents come get us ?" he offers and Lexi smiles at the idea . " Yes ." Lexi felt stupid for befriending him that day , she saw how rich he was , she knew how handsome he was , she should have known he would turn out like the rest of them too . What she didn't know was that he only wanted to make more friends , but it had cost him his only real love .
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