Successful Night Out

2575 Words
Lexi called a cab when she got ready and when she escaped Alec's body block and ran out of the house , the cab was waiting for her . She hopped in and told the driver to drop her off at her parent's . Just as Lexi walked into the house , her phone dinged and it was Jess . Jess : We're here ! Lexi smiles , feeling relieved that she didn't need to face her parents , before just turning on her heel and she heads out again . When she told her mom that friends were picking her up at their house , her mother said that it wasn't healthy to lie about where she lived , but Lexi was determined to keep her marriage a secret from the girls . She did not want them to know when she got back home , she was already married to her nightmare . Getting in the back of Stacy's Audi R8 , Lexi smiled at them , her head swaying side to side as the music blasts through the speakers . " Hey girl !" Jess and Stacy beam in union . " How are you ?" Lexi asks them as they drive off . Lexi felt strange at the back of Stacy's car , but let it slide as she told herself that being out with girls who bullied her was better than being locked in a room where she didn't want to be . Lexi wasn't poor , she had gotten work and saved up every cent of money because her parents bought her everything she ever wanted and needed while living in Amsterdam and kept it a secret from her parents . -- " What is the matter with you ?" Jamie asks annoyed , staring at Alec as she follows him to the kitchen . " Absolutely nothing , I just don't like her going out dressed like that ." Alec shrugs , almost telling Jamie that Lexi was never the party girl . " Why ? She should have fun ." Jamie shrugs , stopping next to Alec as he opens the fridge and he grabs a beer . Jamie trails her hand down his bicep , smiling as she stares at him . " And we have the house to ourselves ." she mutters seductively . Alec shrugs her hand off him . " I'm not in the mood ." he mutters disinterested and Jamie stares at him baffled , he has never not been interested in her . " Alec ." she gasps and he ignores her , opening his beer as he heads out of the kitchen and walks out to the patio at the back , sitting down on the swinging chair that was screwed into the roof above him as his eyes slowly flicked over the garden . Jamie follows him , staring at him agape , even if he doesn't register her standing there , looking at him like he's a total stranger . " What is your problem ?" Jamie bellows , grabbing his beer from his hand . Alec's eyes narrow into slits and she gulps as his hostile glare bores into her . " My problem is that I have a wife I don't want , going out to a club dressed as if she is single and my name is going to be ruined ." Alec grits out , leaning forward with his elbows propped onto his knees , his head dropping into his hands before he drags his fingers through his honey blonde locks . Jamie sighs , staring at her distraught boyfriend in the realization that he didn't care for her , but he cared about what she did while his last name was hers too . " Do you want to go get her ?" Jamie asks , sitting down next to him , the chair swinging and she holds his beer out to him . Alec sighs , wishing he could rip her out of whatever club she's going to and drag her home by her hair , but he had other solutions for that problem . " No ." he sighs , taking the beer and he gulps down a few sips . He stares down at his angel wing tattoo and wish he could take a knife and skin himself just to get rid of it . " Why does she get to you like this ?" Jamie asks , turning her body towards him , running her fingers through his hair gently , her eyes full of care . He glances up at her with soft eyes , his blue orbs calm . " I just .." , he wanted to tell Jamie that he hated her , he hated her for leaving him , " I didn't want to marry someone that wasn't you ." he breathed out , taking another sip of beer for the lie that he spat out . " We'll get our turn when this marriage is over ." she smiles lovingly at him , her soft voice making him feel calmer . -- Lexi was baffled as they entered the club , she thought that she wore a small dress , but looking around her , she felt like she overdressed . Jess grabs Lexi by the arm , dragging her through sweaty dancing bodies all the way to the bar . They order their drinks and Lexi glances around the big place , it had UV lights , small flickering lights that moved side to side , covering the whole place and they had two sets of bars . " Why do they have two bars ?" Lexi bellows over the loud music and Stacy grins as she turns to her . " Because look how busy it is !" she giggles , ordering them a round of vodka drinks . Lexi's feet hurt by the second hour of dancing and she excused herself and sat down at the bar , lifting her heels out of her stilettos for a bit as she ordered a bottle of water . The bartender raised a questionable eyebrow at her since she only had two drinks , but she did her best to ignore it . She scrolled through her phone , texting her mum . Lexi : Are you awake ? Twenty minutes pass with no reply and she sighs , looking over at Stacy and Jess grinding against some college guys . Lexi grimaces at the sight , thinking of how young they look . ' I bet they're like twenty .' she tells herself , continuing to drink water . Jess comes stumbling over , hooking her arm around Lexi’s neck . “I missed you .” Jess slurs slightly , chuckling before Lexi drags a chair closer to her and makes Jess sit down . “How are you ?” Jess asks , her eyes focusing on Lexi . “I’m good , how about you ?” Lexi chuckles in amusement . “I wish I was as good as you .” She sighs , making Lexi frown . “What do you mean ?” Lexi asks , feeling the need to tell Jess her life is far from a fairytale . “My parents died , I have to look after a spoiled brat and study . Honestly , it’s a mess .” Jess shrugs , frowning as the bartender hands her a glass of water . “Eww .” She pushes it away , “I’ll help if you need anything .” Lexi offers and Jess’ eyes widen in shock , “You will ? Just don’t tell Stacy . She thinks my sister lives with my grandma .” She rolls her eyes . Lexi couldn’t fathom why Jess would lie to her best friend , but agreed to keep her secret . Jess gives her a hug before she joins Stacy on the dance floor again . Lexi giggles , shaking her head when a man approaches her , the shimmer of her dress in the light intrigued him and he sits down on the barstool next to hers . Her smile falters as he makes eye contact with her . " Are you from around here ?" he asks , his eyes trailing down her body . Lexi's lips are parted as she gives him a death stare , hoping that he would take the hint and f**k off . " That's none of your business ." she mutters kindly , her narrowed eyes making him think that she's just playing hard to get . " Well it looks like you're heaven sent ." he winks , his green eyes sparkling with amusement and Lexi flicks her eyes up to his dark gelled back hair . " What ?" he grins , thinking that he has smoothed her over . Lexi straightens her back , smiling at him , " If you think that line works on girls , go find an easier one that will suck your d**k ." she scoffs , hopping off the chair and she heads straight for Jess and Stacy . At that moment , she did not have a care in the world if she looked like a loser between two couples , she needed to find a safe place . -- Alec has been on his phone through out the whole movie he and Jamie were watching , " Are you even watching ?" Jamie scoffs , pausing the movie with the remote . " I'm working ." he shrugs , not lifting his gaze from the screen . " Fine ." she mutters before playing the movie . Alec's grip tightens as he texts one of his employees . Mark : Sir , there's a guy watching her like a hawk . Alec bites down on his teeth , he hated the club she went to with Jess and Stacy , that club in particular is known for scumbags drugging girls . Alec : Keep an eye on her . Alec sends the message , keeping his phone in his hand as he lowers it next to his side , his eyes focussing on the movie Jamie had put on . Jamie realizes that he's done working and cuddles into him , laying her head down on his lap and Alec gently stroked her bleached blonde hair , his eyes keeping on flicking down to the phone . The phone vibrates and he immediately lifts it to his face . Mark : Sir , he's trying to dance with her . Alec : Then f*****g stop him . Alec's fingers fly across the keyboard of his phone before sending him another text . Alec : If he hurts her , you will be hurt , got it ? Mark : Yes sir . Alec impatiently tapped his foot as his heart race sped up , making Jamie annoyed as her head bobs up and down along with his knee . She pushes herself up , staring at his angered expression . " What's going on ?" she asks , sighing . All that Jamie wanted to do was spend some quality time with her boyfriend , but all she is getting is a f*****g dimwit who's obsessed with work . " Just work stuff , I'm handling it ." he shrugs and she sighs , sitting with her back against the couch . "Alright ." she mutters , continuing to watch the movie . Jamie never interfered with Alec’s job , she knew that is was of utter most important that he got money so that she could spend it . Mark : Sir , he's grinding against her . Or well trying to . She's shoving him off . Alec : Bring her home , I don't care what you do . Alec bites down on his teeth , wishing that she never went out . He felt like jumping up from the couch and drive to the club , to punch the man who dared touch his best friend and throw Lexi over his shoulder and drag her home . His phone dings again and as he hopes he saw a message from Mark that's telling him they are coming home , it's not and he frowns at the shipment company confirming a large heavy order down at the docks . He rolls his eyes , tossing his phone on the couch next to him . -- Mark drags his fingers through his blonde hair before inhaling a breath and he walks up to Lexi , shoving the guy back who's trying to get to her . " Leave my girl alone man ." Mark bellows and the drunk guy backs up , " Sorry man , I didn't know she was taken ." he wipes his nose , his eyes blood shot . " Maybe because you snort too much cocaine and that your ears are full of it , asshole ." Mark grits out and Lexi stares agape at the scene unraveling in front of her . The high and drunk guy walks off and Mark turns to her . " Thank you ." Lexi smiles , liking the looks of her night and shining armor . " You're welcome . I'm Mark ." he holds out his hand and Lexi takes it , " Lexi ." she introduces herself , having no idea that he already knew who she was . " Can I buy you something to drink ?" Mark offers and she scrunches her nose up . " I actually just want to go home ." she scoffs , " Then I'll pay for your cab ." he smiles and she shakes her head . " I should buy you a drink for saving me ." she giggles . " Your safety is enough , be safe ." Mark mutters and walks away . Lexi was baffled that he just practically saved her and left , but decided that it was probably a pretty good idea that he left on his own . She could not imagine how Alec would explode if she brought another man to his house . She told Jess and Stacy that she was going home and after their failures of convincing her to stay , she headed home . Jamie was fast asleep on the couch beside Alec when he heard the door open and shut . He got up and softly padded out of the living room , watching Lexi walk into the house , her heels in her hand as she tip toes across the tiled floor . " Even if you wore those death traps into this house , you wouldn't wake us up ." Alec deadpans as he stares at her , a smirk tugging at the edges of his lips . She jumps , rolling her eyes before walking past him . She did not want to talk to him , not after how he treated her like a possession earlier . Alec simply accepted her silence and went back into the living room , he put the tv off and scooped Jamie up into her arms , carrying her up to their room .
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