Best Man

1857 Words
Alec woke up at five am , staring at the ceiling impassively , his hard bare chest rising and falling as he breathes . His mind is spiraling with wrecking memories from the past , the way Lexi use to have her hand out of the car window , feeling the wind blowing against her palm , the way she smiled as her head rested back against the headrest of his black leather seats while he drove a hundred miles an hour . The memories were inked in his mind , but the feeling of finding out that she was gone , that was painfully carved into his heart as he realized that she didn't tell him that she was leaving . She didn't answer his text or calls . She left him alone . The sun begins to rise as his bones begin to itch for a release of energy so he rolled out of bed , his muscular back straightening as his arms rise up above his head , his long fingers interlocking with each other as his whole body begins to relax as his blood begins to flow through out his body . He pads towards the bathroom , using the loo before washing his face , the sleepiness swirling down the drain with the water . He slowly padded across the tiled floor , putting on a pair of dark gray sweatpants and his running shoes . He runs down the stairs , the pitter patter sound echoing through the house before he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and heads out to the garden in the back . He puts his water down on the floor , grabbing a workout matt and sprawling it out on the floor . He drops down to his knees , beginning with a set of forty push ups . With his body in a prone position and his arms bending up and down , he calmly begins to work out . With every movement of his arms straightening as he pushes himself up , he repeats the only sentence that is going to get him through his marriage situation . She's just somebody that you use to know . An hour passes , his muscles beginning to burn slightly as he does jumping jacks after a set of crunches , sit ups and mountain climbers . He ends his work out with a good stretch before plopping down onto the matt , drinking the water as he stares at the blue sky . Jamie walks down the stairs , " Alec !" she calls out to him , wrapping her robe over her short silk dress . She tugs a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear , her palm resting against her cheek as she pads through out the house . She finds him where he's sitting in the shade on the matt , his knees pulled up with his arms wrapped around his knees , his fingers interlocked in front of him . " Why are you up so early ?" Jamie asks , noticing that he already worked out . " I have things to do today ." Is all he mutters before standing up , walking up to her and he rests his large hand on her waist , dipping his head down and he kisses her on the cheek . " You can go back to sleep , I have a meeting to get to at eight ." he mutters and Jamie nods , feeling that he's acting a bit strange . Alec would usually be rolling on top of her as soon as he wakes up , he would be kissing her neck , his hands groping at her body until she stirs awake with her soaked p***y and ready to be f****d into a frenzy . " Okay ." is all that Jamie mutters and he takes her hand before they head up to the bedroom . Alec gets into the shower as Jamie gets back into bed , but she stares apathetically at the open door as she listens to the trickling sound of the water running . She wanted to join him , she wanted the attention she has gotten every single morning since they began dating and she slept over . She wanted to feel him buried deep inside her as he kisses and praises every inch of her body , but she could tell that he was in a rush when he suddenly turned the water off and came out of the bathroom . Alec notices her staring at him before she sighs and closes her eyes . " What's wrong ?" Alec asks as he uses a smaller towel to rub his hair dry . Jamie opens her eyes , staring at him , her blue eyes trailing down his bare body , stopping where the towel is wrapped around his hips , his v - line sticking out at his waist . " I'm not tired ." she lies , she hated waking up before eight thirty am , she liked sleeping until nine and her eyes felt heavy as she laid with her head comfortably on the pillow , a pillow between her legs and the duvet warmly draped over her petite body . " Then grab breakfast babe , begin your day ." Alec shrugs before striding into his walk - in closet . Jamie sits up right , feeling like she dug a hole for herself before reaching for her phone , turning the wifi on after putting it on silent and the amount of message coming in made her smile . " How long are you going to be out ?" She asked in a earsplitting voice . " I will probably be back at noon ." he bellows from the closet as he puts on one of his fanciest black slacks with a black button up shirt , rolling the sleeves up to the middle of his forearm , matching a pair of black shiny shoes with it . Jamie smiles , her fingers sliding over her keyboard as she makes her own plans for the day . Alec strides out of the closet , combing his short honey blonde locks back with a bit of gel and Jamie puts her phone face down on her lap . " Wow , you look lip l*****g delicious ." she flirts , pressing her thighs together as a heat forms in her core . Alec strides over to her , bending down before he kisses her on top of the head . " I'll see you later ." he mutters before grabbing his phone , wallet and car keys and he heads downstairs . Alec suddenly felt thirsty and walked into the kitchen , cursing under his breath for his stupid throat getting dry as his eyes land on Lexi , wearing a beige cotton pajama set . His blue eyes trail down the length of her body , her backed turned to him as she's busy making coffee . He can't find the courage to move , not knowing if he should grab a bottle of water or just turn around and head out to his meeting . Lexi suddenly turns and he inhales a sharp breath , feeling like his heart stopped for a second as her honey orbs lock on his ocean blue ones . Lexi freezes before dragging her eyes away from him , looking down at the cup of coffee in her palms before Alec just lets the breath he was holding out , his broad shoulders lowering before he grabs a bottle of water and head out . Lexi stands in the kitchen , staring blankly at the open door where he practically ran out of . - Alec walks into his office at his father's firm , his dad no where to be found but Mark sits inside on the armchair in front of his desk . " You're early ." Alec mutters , staring at Mark , his head rested against his hand , his elbow propped op on the armrest of the chair while his dark sunglasses cover his eyes . " I didn't want to go to bed and be late ." he quavers , a sigh escaping his thin lips . " Did you even sleep ?" Alec scoffs , shaking his head as he puts his phone on the table , sitting down in his comfortable chair , spinning to the side as he unlocks his desk . " No sir ." Mark lifts his shades off his eyes , squinting as the bright light burns his sensitive brown orbs . Alec only chuckles , shaking his head at his best man on the job . " She got home in time , so who the hell had your attention ?" Alec raises a questionable brow at him . " A bottle of tequila had my name on it ." Mark grins , raking his fingers through his messy blonde locks . " Well I can't be mad at you since you're here , now give me every detail of the man ." Alec demands , resting his ankle on the other leg's knee . Mark grins , pulling his leather jacket open and digs out a peace of paper . " Done ." he shrugs , tossing the paper onto the desk and Alec grabs it without hesitation , opening the paper and his eyes flick over the words . " How the hell did you get a name ?" Alec raises a brow at him , " Overheard a perky red head calling him out on how drunk he was ." Mark shrugs and Alec has never been more proud . The time he needed Mark to do his job , he did it better than he could . " Good job , you keep tabs on her . I don't need anyone finding out , got it ?" Alec grits out , his tone serious , giving Mark a hostile glare . " I got it , but how the hell should I keep tabs on her ?" Mark scoffs , sinking into the armchair's comfortable cushion . " Follow her , track her , hack her . You have the f*****g resources ." Alec rolls his eyes , not knowing why he has to explain this to his best man on his service . " If I track her phone , I need her number ." Mark shrugs and Alec's eyes narrow into slits , " I'll get it and send it to you . I want you tracking her phone by tonight , got it ?" he grits out , " Yes sir ." Mark nods . " Now get the hell out of my office and don't wear your shades until you are out , you look like a f*****g d**g addict ." Alec scoffs and Mark just blankly stares at him before getting up and he leaves .
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