
1892 Words
Rain POV Caleb stood unnervingly close to me, his warm breath brushing against my skin as he tightened his fist. I couldn’t understand his intense concern for me, but truthfully, I didn’t fully grasp the magnitude of a werewolf's mate bond. From the moment I met him, I sensed a magnetic pull, but I couldn’t allow those feelings to take hold. I had to find a way to erase his memory of what had transpired. Bringing him to The Collector now posed a risk; he might reveal my true identity. For now, I had to play along. However, I must admit that his lips felt intoxicating, and a part of me secretly longed to give him a real chance, instead of pretending. I wasn’t bothered by my demonic mark; I had embraced it as a connection to The Collector. He was the only one who had ever offered me a home and purpose. Yes, I may have once been trapped, and some might argue that I suffered from Stockholm syndrome. Perhaps there is truth to that. But the reality is, my own family abandoned me in this realm, treating me like discarded trash. I couldn’t survive alone in this new world. The Collector took me in, providing clothes, food, and even forgiveness for my rebellious attempts as a child. Now, he trusts me. I am no longer a mere possession of his collection; I am part of his family. Soon, I will become his wife. Yet, why do I suddenly feel a pang in my heart over being The Collector’s chosen mate? Why, even if just for a fleeting moment, does my heart flutter for Caleb? Why do I wish that what he said was true? Caleb’s intense gaze pierced through me, filled with a mixture of pity and concern. “Don’t worry about it, and don’t feel bad for me,” I reassured him. “I don’t mind the mark; it’s become a part of me now. I’ve accepted it.” But my words only seemed to ignite his anger once more, causing him to growl in frustration. “You’ve accepted someone having control over you,” Caleb seethed, his eyes flickering with an intense amber color. “Whoever did this to you, I’m going to kill them.” “Please, if you want me to give you this chance, drop it,” I pleaded, meeting his gaze. “I can’t do that,” he responded firmly. “But I’ll stop talking about it right now,” he sighed. “We both have one more class to attend, so we should get going. I have to go to the bar later today, but you can’t follow me there this time. If you want to help me, you have to give me some space. Otherwise, my time may be cut short, maybe even less than a month. Also, you can’t message anything about what I am or what happened between us. My boss, I’m pretty sure he tracks the messages,” I confessed. “I’ll get you another phone for us to communicate with. But why do you have to go to that bar? Do you have to do something with that vampire again?” Caleb questioned, his voice filled with concern. “I don’t know,” I replied honestly. “But if I say no, I might be sent home. So please, let me do my job.” “Fine,” he growled in frustration. As I turned towards my door, ready to leave for class, Caleb stopped me in my tracks. “The class doesn’t start for another hour,” he stated “So I can’t leave my room?” I asked, trying to make sense of his words. “You may be able to disguise yourself again, but my wolf is raging a war inside me right now. I need to stay by your side, alone, for a little longer,” he confessed. “You can’t control your wolf?” I inquired, realizing the significance of this revelation. It could be useful for me, but at the same time, I felt hesitant to exploit it, knowing that he now held my secret as well. “No, I can’t,” he admitted, moving closer to me. “So now you know one of my secrets, too.” His proximity sent a jolt of electricity through my body, but I fought to maintain composure. “Okay, what can I do to help?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper. “Answer another question for me,” he said, pulling me against him. I tried to ignore the effect his touch had on me. “Okay,” I replied, my voice steady. “How did you not hurt yourself jumping off the building?” he asked, his eyes searching mine for an answer. “I’ll show you, but no more questions,” I said as I broke free from his embrace. With a deliberate motion, I lowered my hand, allowing a torrent of snow and wind to cascade from my fingertips. The icy mixture danced in the air, a mesmerizing display of my power. “I used that to slow my fall, ensuring a safe landing,” I admitted, extending my hand towards him. “You’re freezing,” he remarked, reaching out to touch my hand. I then withdrew, conjuring a shimmering ice crystal within my palm. Handing it to him, I quickly reinstated my shield, concealing my abilities once again. “So, you possess some sort of ice magic,” he observed. “I suppose you could call it that. I got it from my father’s side. He was an ice dragon,” I explained. “So you do know your parents, then?” he inquired. “I said no more questions!” I snapped, my patience wearing thin. “Apologies,” he replied, dropping the topic. “Is it safe for me to leave my room now?” I asked. “Yes, I’ll take you to the second class,” he replied, though his tone hinted at a desire to linger in my presence in my room. Caleb led me through to the next class, located in a building adjacent to the dormitory. This class aimed to teach battle strategies, much like the previous class students crowded around Caleb. I needed a moment to collect my thoughts, so I broke away from him and settled between two other students. Caleb stole a quick glance in my direction before giving in and talking to the others. A pang of anger arose within me as I noticed some girls shamelessly flirting with him, but I brushed the feeling aside. Beside me, a student turned to look at me, his eyes friendly and inviting. “Hey, I’m Devin. You must be new,” he said with a warm smile. I introduced myself as Rain. Devin leaned closer. “After class, many of us from this class gather at a nearby bar for drinks. You should join us; it’s a great way to get to know everyone,” he offered. Appreciative of the gesture, I replied, “Thanks. I have plans later, but I can spare some time for a drink.” Devin’s smile widened. “Great! I’ll take you there after class and introduce you to everyone.” Just then, Caleb managed to break free from the crowd momentarily and approached me. “There are some empty seats in the back. Come sit with me,” he urged. “I’m fine here, but thanks for the offer.” I declined. Caleb huffed in annoyance. “Fine, then wait for me after class, and I’ll take you back to your dorm,” he instructed. “Actually, I’m going with Devin to meet up with other students from this class for a drink afterward. You’re welcome to join us,” I suggested. Caleb muttered “fine” and walked away towards the back. Devin chuckled beside me. “Are you friend with Caleb? I’ve never seen him actually accept an invitation to meet up with all the students.” I couldn’t help but smile at the irony. “Sort of. I just met him yesterday,” I replied. As an instructor entered the class, the room fell silent, and all eyes focused on him, ready to absorb the knowledge that awaited us. During the entire class, I could feel Caleb’s intense gaze burning a hole into the back of my head. As soon as it was over, I got up and joined Devin to leave for the bar. Caleb quickly caught up with us, walking silently. Once at the bar, Devin kindly introduced me to everyone while Caleb sat alone in a booth, keeping a watchful eye on me. I approached the bar and ordered a drink. Suddenly, a she-wolf from the class appeared beside me, her presence annoying. “Whatever you’re doing with Caleb, stop.” She whispered, her words barely audible, meant only for my ears. “What exactly am I doing with him?” I asked. “Hanging around someone you can never have.” She replied in a snide tone. I couldn’t help but laugh. The bartender handed me my drink, and I paid them and then turned to the she-wolf. “Let me guess,” I said with a smirk, “next you’ll claim that I’m out of his league and he’s yours. Well, go ahead, princess. If you don’t want Caleb following me around, tell him yourself.” Outraged, she exclaimed loud enough for everyone to hear, “How dare you talk to me that way, you measly scum! My father is an Alpha, while you’re just an orphan.” Amused, I chuckled and downed my drink. “Glad to see the school shares my student profile,” I retorted. “I already know this place isn’t for me. I don’t get along with stuck-up bitches.” With that, I confidently walked out of the bar, leaving the tension behind. I ran towards my dorm fast. Bursting into my room, I went through my closet and selected a dress. As I swung open the door to leave once dressed, Caleb stood before me, his expression filled with anger. He attempted to block my path, his presence imposing. “I have to go,” I sighed. “Not like that,” he growled, his voice low and filled with annoyance. “Yes, like this,” I snapped, irritation seeping into my words. His eyes flickered momentarily. “Let my driver take you,” he insisted, his voice tight. “No, I can’t be seen in a car right now,” I responded, my voice firm. “The streets and that bar aren’t safe at night, especially with you dressed like that,” he warned, his teeth clenched. I couldn’t help but chuckle. “The city here and that bar are a breath of fresh air compared to where I’m from. Don’t worry, I can handle myself,” I retorted. “Tell me where you’re from,” he demanded. “That’s an answer I’m afraid I can never give,” I replied, pulling away from his grasp. “I’ll go to the roof when I’m back,” I added as I turned to leave. As I walked away, I whispered under my breath, “Thanks for caring about me.”
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