Deception And Cover

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TWYLA POV     I'm watching everyone board the plane through binoculars. I'm surprised to see the whole group instead of just Alexxia. Jacob always complained she never let anyone go with her. Everyone is there but Daemien, which looks good for me. I can entertain him, and get him to fall in love with me in peace if they are gone. Once the plane left I got in my truck and headed toward the Night farm, to catch up with Daemien.     When I pull into the drive I notice his car is not there. I don't know where he is so I figure I'll just see if he comes back and I wait. I had waited about an hour when his mom came out of the barn, "What can we do for ya?" She asked me with a curious note in her voice.      "I thought I would stop in and see Daemien for a little while, but I notice his cars not here." I reply.     "No, it's not. not gonna be for a while either. He went home. He was only here visiting, he doesn't live here anymore." She informed me.      "Where is he living now?" I inquired.     "I can't tell you that, If he wants you to know, He'll tell you when he's ready." She says.     I spit out, "Thank you for your time." Turn and head back to my truck, ripping out of the drive, headed home. I am about halfway home when it dawns on me I hadn't heard from Jacob. He always calls me when Alexxia leaves town, so now my interest is piqued, why not today? I pick up my cell to call him, but he doesn't answer. I know he didn't go with them, so where the hell is he, I could use a distraction right now. I can't believe I went through all this to ensure I got my chance to get Daemien, and now he's just gone. I don't know where, or when he will be back, but I'm not giving up.      I get to the house and go to my room with my laptop. I spend the rest of the night trying to search for Daemien and to get ahold of Jacob. Both to no avail. When daylight started to stream in through the window, I had just found a program that guarantees they can find anyone anywhere, so I purchase the program and start it running. I crawl into my bed and fall asleep, still with no answer from Jacob.    DAEMIEN POV     When the board told me we should sponsor a billiards player, I didn't even ask who it was or look at the name, I just signed the paperwork. I didn't think it was something to hash out, It would give us great free publicity. I didn't even ask to meet the person, I let them choose.  After my phone calls this morning and realizing it was Alexxia we sponsored, I had to call and beg off the flight. I couldn't let the pilot see me on her flight. He would give me away as all the pilots knew me.  I left for California just before they did on another plane.     I never thought it would be Lexxi though. I taught her how to play when we were in high school, didn't imagine she would make it a career. I told them I was running behind, I really hate lying to them. The new Lex would lose it if she knew, they all would. I know I'm letting her down, letting them down. I left right after breakfast telling Darius I had business to attend. I have to bury the fact that I own the company, even deeper, as I don't want anyone to find out I am the CEO of the company that sponsored her. I figure once that's done, I'll call telling them I caught a later flight and head to her hotel. After I go to the fight, as I need that release for my anger.      I didn't realize going home would be such a  mistake. One I'm not sure I will be able to get over this time, but hey hindsight is twenty/twenty, right. I should have thought this through better. It was a rookie mistake. Should have looked at it from a business point of view, not personal. I suck at personal, always have, always will. I should have known she wouldn't leave town, she loved that place. I did too, once, but that was a long time ago. DAMN, I need to get out of my head, I thought.     Walking in the door to the gym I could see the ring is set up, waiting. I check the posts to make sure they were secured properly, I want everything right to protect me in that ring. Well, as protected as I can be in a mixed arts ring. I take on everyone that has the guts to challenge me. Sometimes it gets ugly. That is why I only fight after hours.  ALEXXIA POV      We leave without Daemien. I should have known he'd never show. Leaving seems to be what he's still best at, and still with no thought to telling anyone why. I can't' believe I was starting to let him in again, that it was starting to be like it was before we dated. The only good thing to come out of his visit home was now I knew the truth about Jacob too.      I shake my head, the more I think the angrier I get. I look around the plane to try to soothe my temper. I see Jeremy on his laptop, Danielle is dancing in the aisle with Jazmin, and Darius is watching out the window looking a little sick. I get up and head to the bathroom, where there is a small medicine cabinet holding Asprin and Dramamine. I take the Dramamine out and fill a glass of water taking it over to Darius so he can feel a little better.     I walk over to Jeremy and sit beside him. As soon as I sit down he closes his computer. I look at him suspiciously, as he's not usually secretive when it comes to me. What is he covering up? I wonder. And Why is he covering it? Maybe I'm just being paranoid again?      "What's up, sis?" Jeremy wonders out loud.     "We are at the moment," I reply humorously. "but maybe you should answer that. We haven't talked since the meeting with Dani. What's up with you and her?"     "There's nothing to talk about. We are as we always have been. She's a good friend, and I don't wanna ruin that."     "What makes you think getting with her would ruin it? Look, Jeremy, just because you're together doesn't mean it can't work out, it just means your friendship gets even stronger." I advised him.     "I see what you're saying, but I also saw what happened to you and Daemien. If that happened to mine and Dani's friendship, I don't think I could live with that." He worried out loud to me.     "Don't go by me and Daemien, we set a bad example. You know Danielle isn't like Daemien. That's like comparing bananas and basketballs. They are two different people just like you and I are. Give her a chance, I'll bet she'll surprise you." I tried.     "I don't know, Lex. I'll think about it though." He stated.     "That's all I am asking." I retort. With that, I got up and went back to my seat that I started in. As I sat down my thoughts automatically turned to work. I was prepping my mind to once again be ready to win another tournament. I almost managed to do it on autopilot anymore. I played game after game over in my head, the wins as well as the losses. I studied the losses special so I didn't make the same mistakes twice. I had to win the World Championship this year.     
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