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Alexxia      We walked into the bar at the hotel. Finding the boys sitting at a table, a clear view of the door and the bar, watching for us. To my amazement, there are three sitting there instead of only the two we had left earlier. I hadn't expected him to show up, I thought it was an excuse not to see me. Four years ago he could walk out, I thought, without looking back, so why now, I thought? Cautiously walking behind the girls to the table, I was still trying to pull myself out of my head when they stood to greet us. Pulling the chairs out for us to sit down, Daemien had mine, the boys were smirking. It made me wonder what they were planning as the only time that happens is when they are about to do or have done, something they shouldn't. Not sure I wanted to know, I still had to ask, "What have you done?"     "Nothing yet." Darius assures.     "Uh-huh, right." Dani declares.     "Why is it that I don't believe that for a second?" I questioned him.     "Why is it you are so suspicious of us?" Dare deflected.      "Because I know you three. And so do they." I stammer pointing at the girls.      "That's not fair." Jeremy interjected.     "And why not?" Dani inquired.      "Why would you judge all of us by what some of us do?" Jer shot back.     "We weren't doing that, we are judging all of you from what all of you have done in the past." I spat.     The waiter walked up to the table with six drinks then, as Daemien had ordered, before we got there. I was surprised he remembered what my favorite drink was, I had only drank alcohol once in front of him before he left. And yet here is the only thing I ever order right in front of me. Feeling uncomfortable with the memory, I try to ease my discomfort, by searching for who I recognize in the hotel as other pool players.      As I am glancing around the bar seeing a few of the others, my eyes fall on the man that just waltzed in. He looks around the room, plants his butt on a stool, orders a drink, and turns to look straight at us.  Daemien     I can't seem to take my eyes off her, even as she lazily lets her eyes wander about the bar. Noticing she has stopped her eyes one of the shadier looking guys at the bar. I wonder what she is thinking. I glance over and realize, he is staring back at her, my jealous streak skyrockets.      I don't know him and I don't know if she does, but by the way it looks, I would think the answer is yes they do. "Who's that?"     "He's a guy that watches all the matches every year, just a fan." She answers hesitantly.     "So you know him then?"     "Not exactly, and this is the first I have ever seen him outside of the hall." She replied.      "Oh, Do you think he knows your a female?" Dani injected.      "No, I don't think so. He won't quit watching me though." Lex Lamented.     "Do you want me to go talk to him and find out why?" I probe.     "Oh God no, I don't want to offend him. Especially as I have to play tomorrow." Lex spluttered.     "Why do you look so nervous then?" Jeremy questioned. "Has he done something?"     "No, I don't know why he makes me nervous. He just always has. He's never even tried to talk to me let alone anything else. I just get bad vibes from him I guess is the best way to put it." She states.      "Would you like to leave then?" I push.     "I don't know, what did you all have in mind?" She beseeched.     "Well, we are in L.A. what do you want to do? There is a ton of stuff to do here." I reply.     "What do you guys want to do?" Lex requested of the group. Upon hearing the answers, taking a vote, and headed to the room to change into something for the nightlife of L.A. Unknown     I pick up my phone, dial Jacob, and inform him where I am. I have a target in mind now. I let him know I am bringing her back tonight, and hang up. She's gorgeous and has beautiful black hair. I want her for me, and leave him to believe she is just another test run. When he is happy with the results of me taking her, I will tell him I am putting her with the other test runner, but I will be keeping this one for myself. She will be my slave, I thought.      I watch the elevator to see what level it stops on. Once it comes back down I ride it up to the fifth floor. watching the main hall for them to come back out. I waited about an hour when the group was back in the hall headed for the elevator. I almost fell over as I saw what my girl was wearing. She had a matching dress from the other two, but her red off the shoulder dress, and the makeup, she wore made her even more enticing than anything else I had ever seen.   Catching myself back to the present, I walk out of the doorway acting like I stayed in that room, and was headed out for a night out. Stepping into the elevator with them, the boys put themselves between me and the women.      As they got into a limo in front of the hotel, I hailed a taxi. I instructed the driver to follow the limo everywhere it went, without being detected. I also handed him one hundred dollars for him to do so. It wasn't long before we were in front of a dive bar, close to the heart of the shady side of town. I watched them disembark from the limo and go in. I paid the cabby another hundred dollars to stay outside and wait for me, as I wouldn't be long.      Stepping through the door I found my prey sitting across the room, with the bar to their right and the dance floor in front of their table. Strolling to the bar and order a drink, making sure not to be seen by the group I'm stalking. I continue to watch over them for my opportunity. When it sort of comes, I follow all three of the girls to the restroom, sure not to arouse suspicion from their male counterparts.      Nearing the restrooms, the raven-haired beauty was the last in line to go in, I wrapped my hand around her and cover her mouth before she can scream. Dragging her with me to the back door, I rip my shirt to make a gag for her. Once outside I tie her hands and mouth, throwing her into the cab, I hold a gun to the cabbies face and tell him to drive.
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