Chapter 2

308 Words
It's been 3 months since we started practicing at hindi pa din namin magawa yung last trick. "Again! Again! Again!" That's the only word I can hear from mom, It's really hard. Ilang beses na ako nahulog dahil hindi ako masalo ni Via buti nalang may cussion sa kinatatayuan namin kung hindi injured ako panigurado atsaka hindi ko rin magawa yung double flip. Huminto na ako at lumapit kay mama "Mom can we go on break?" She handed me my water bottle "Sure Bri" I came to Via and gave him the other water. "Thanks" I smiled at him "You're welcome" He's been courting me for 2 months I know it's a speedy process but whatever. "4 months nalang pupunta na tayo sa California para sa Championship" "Yep, you should give me your yes by then" "I-" He stopped me "I'm just kidding Bri, I told you that I can wait" He kissed me on my forehead. We heard knocks from the door "FLOWERS FOR MS. BRI?" I looked at Via "Again? Are you kidding me? He opened the door and took the flowers. "For you mi lady" He knelt down and bowed to me. "Mukha kang tanga jan pfft." napatawa naman ako dahil sa kahihiyan niya nakalimutan niya yatang kasama namin si mom and the other members. "You've been giving me flowers everyday Via, maubos pera mo niyan" "That's fine by me, for you I'd do anything para makuha ang matamis mong Oo" he bowed again handing me a little white envelope. "What's this" I asked him while taking the envelope. "Uhmm... It's just a little poem I worked on for the whole night" he's so sweet "Whoo sana all talaga" "Edi waw edi kayo na kayo na sweet" "Penge ngang isang Via huhu" Ilan lang yan sa mga pangangantyaw ng ibang members sa studio ni mom.
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