Chapter 1

463 Words
I'm currently late on my first dance class traffic kasi! Punyetang traffic to. Narinig ko nag ring ang aking phone at agad naman itong sinagot ng makita ko kung sino ang tumatawag. "Hey mom I'm going to be late traffic kasi, I'm really sorry di mo kasi ako sinabay kanina." My mom is one of the professional dancer who've joined an international contest before. They didn't win due to an accident, now she wants me to join that contest. "That's fine Bri, Just make sure you'll join us today." Mom was really devastated when they didn't won. I finally arrived binuksan ko na ang pinto ng may sumalubong sa akin "Who are you? and why are you here?" paepal naman nito late na nga ako. "I'm brianna daughter of the owner of this building, and who are you?" Lumapit naman si mama at niyakap ako "Don't mind him, let's start?" kinuha naman ni mama ang bag ko na laman ay speaker niya bago ako sumunod kay mama sinamaan ko muna ng tingin yung paepal na lalaki. "Ma sino ba yung masungit na lalaki?" tanong ko naman kay mama. "He's Via your partner" tugon naman ni mama at tinawag yung Via. "What partner?! I'm not gonna dance with that guy!" "Bri pumayag ka nang sasali sa contest and whether you like it or not he's gonna be your partner" Lumapit na si Via bakit kase Via yung name hindi bagay sakaniya. "Both of you show me what you got, I want to see your chemistry" "What Chemistry?" I asked in confusion habang naka titig pa din kay mom. "Chemistry is very important in this kind of competition" Pumayag nalang kami ni Via we have no choice. "I want the both of you to think like your in a ballroom seeing each other as a prince and princess, slowly dancing in the ball got it?" "But mom-" she stopped me mid sentence "No buts bri" and she turned on the speaker the music started playing. As the music play we started to dance. "I'm sorry about earlier" "It's fine" We stared at each other while dancing. Staring at him I just noticed his brown eyes, his perfect jawline and glossy lips. He was about to kiss me. We were still slowly dancing, our lips our 1 cm away when my mom stopped the music. Lumapit naman agad si mama sa amin "Wow you guys have good chemistry, I know i picked the right partner for you bri." "Sure mom can we start the practice tomorrow? I have to do something" I'm so embarrased mom thought that kiss was staged, wait our lips didn't even touch. "Wait the practice starts today!" Mom shouted but I just ignored her then picked up my bag then hurriedly left.
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