
Ruthless Alpha


"I, Alpha Orpheus Ebenezer. Alpha of the Moon Lake pack rejects you as my mate.” After he said that, I collapsed on the floor holding my chest because of the pain. My wolf cried and disappeared from my mind.

Orpheus Ebenezer is the strongest Alpha in the world of werewolves. He is the Alpha of the MoonLake pack which is the largest pack that ever exists. He is known as ruthless and there is one thing that he hates the most in this world, the rogues.

What if his mate turns out to be a rogue?

Little did the Alpha know that he just rejected the future Queen of all werewolves.

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Episode 1: Rogue
In the depths of the enchanting forest, a symphony of mellifluous melodies fills the air as the birds, with their vibrant plumage, grace the surroundings with their melodic chirping. The ethereal sound reverberates through the ancient trees, a chorus that resonates with the profound stillness of the moment. As I stand on the precipice of a calm lake, its crystal-clear waters invoke a sense of nostalgic tranquility that soothes my weary soul, imbuing my heart with a rare sentiment of belonging. The dimness that envelopes the forest, shrouded in a thick, smoky fog, casts an ominous yet paradoxically comforting pall over my existence. For a Rogue such as myself, the forest has become the sole refuge, the only sanctuary amidst a world of scorched memories and fragmented pasts. The cataclysmic events that have shaped my existence remain an enigma, shrouded in an impenetrable haze of uncertainty. Faces and places, now mere fragments of a shattered mosaic, dance at the periphery of my consciousness, a chaotic tableau that defies resolution. I have fled, with no compass but instinct, my flight inexorable, my destination uncertain. The memories, seared into my mind like scars etched on the flesh, entangle me like thorny vines, each throb reminding me of the insurmountable loss that forever haunts my every step. Alone, but not forsaken, I stand on this hallowed ground. Fatigue weighs heavily upon my soul, the vessel that carries the burdens of countless moments etched upon my countenance. My body bears the physical testament of a life long lived in the shadows, yet each scar tells a story of resilience, of the indomitable spirit within me that shapes my identity. The moon goddess must have hated me. I have a cruel fate and I have been told that since I was a kid. I live to survive. I hate the "survival" word because it reminds me of my life now. I am always hiding in the dark so that no one will find me. I am a threat to every pack which made me hide even more. A threat, I mentally laugh. How can a weak wolf like me be a threat to anyone? When am I going to be free and live with other werewolves? Everyone will kill me if they see a rogue like me. I closed my eyes and suddenly, raindrops started to fall which made me cower inside the cave where I am staying for now. My ears perked up when I heard footsteps in the forest and I immediately shifted into my wolf "Anastasia". My wolf is rare because of its color. My grandparents said that I am the only orange wolf that ever existed but I never mind that. Someone's coming. Anastasia said and I whimpered and prayed that nobody will find us here. This is not new to me but I am still afraid. I am good at hiding that's why they never find us. But this time, I smelled an aroma. It is one of the most pleasant smells, it is like a forest and cinnamon. Anastasia sniffed outside and I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me. My wolf howled and I suddenly heard the loudest growl which made us shiver in fright. Run! I mindlinked my wolf and commanded her and she had no choice but to obey me. We ran as fast as we could and I heard many footsteps trailing behind our back. I don't know what's gotten into my wolf, why did she sniff and go outside when it is very dangerous for us? I stumbled into the small rock which made me fall to my feet. Anastasia cried in agony, I think our legs are broken now. I am now breathing hard waiting for death to come to us. There is no escaping now, this is our fate. I am a rogue and a threat to anyone's pack and they will kill us. The footsteps are near now and I didn't dare to look. Anastasia suddenly sniffed again and howled and I saw a huge gray wolf and other wolves that were trailing behind. Mate. I heard Anastasia say when we met the gray wolf's gaze. The gray wolf growled loudly which made us wince in pain. "Shift," His deep and husky voice is sending shivers down our spine. I shifted into my human form and my mid-ginger hair is now covering my breast I covered my private area with my hands and avoided their gaze. I am now facing a huge man, he is so beautiful with his black hair that is now messy. His ocean blue eyes have darkened while staring at me. I tried so hard not to stare down because he is completely naked. He is my mate. I can't believe that I have finally found my mate. "Mate,” I whispered but his eyes sent daggers into my soul. He eyed the scars that I have on my arms. I don't see any happiness and love in his eyes, only hate and disgust. "You are a rogue," he growled and I cowered away in fear. My heart is torn because my mate is our only hope to survive in this cruel world but he doesn't want me. "Take her to the dungeon." I heard him command his guards and they grabbed me and dragged me with them. I winced in pain because my legs still hurt a lot. We stopped when we heard another loud growl coming from my mate. My mate harshly carried me in a bridal style and sparks ignited all around my body when our body touched. My parents used to say that when I find my mate, I will know because of the sparks that I will feel when we are touched. They said that my mate will look at me with love and adoration and will fall in love immediately but I think they are wrong because my mate hates me. "Alpha Orpheous, I already mind-linked the guards in the dungeons. They are coming to take her.” My eyes widen in disbelief and fear. He is the most cruel Alpha and I heard that he doesn't like rogues, that is why he hates me so much. Is he going to punish me? "I will decide when I am going to put her in the dungeon,” he growled which made them bow in fear. He is still carrying me and I finally see a very huge house, more like a castle. Everyone bowed when my mate walked past them and I could see the fear in their faces. I don't blame them, I am also afraid of my mate. "My mate said that she is the Alpha's mate and her wolf is bright orange.” "She's a rogue and she's different from the rest of us.” "They said that the Alpha doesn't want her.” I can hear them whispering to each other. Hearing is one of my abilities, I can hear a whisper even when I am still in my human form. Werewolves have a gift of hearing but only if they are in their wolf form but I am different. They are right, I am nothing like them. I suddenly see a beautiful brunette running towards us. She glanced at me and then at my mate. "So it's true, you finally found your mate Orpheous," she said while smiling. Did she just address him by his name? She must be so special to him. "Go away Athena, she's not my mate," Orpheous said angrily and my heart spanked. It hurts when he can't even admit that I am his mate. He's ashamed of me. Of course, he's ashamed of us, we are rogue and we are different. I heard my wolf say. Anastasia doesn't communicate a lot but when she does, she's either happy or hurt. "Bring her to my room, I will take care of her.” I heard Athena say while looking at me and my body. I hid my face in my mate's chest because I know that I will never get to do this again so might as well savor the moment that I am still in my mate's arms. "No, I will call an omega to clean her. She cannot be trusted.” My heart sank when I heard my mate say that. "I can handle myself Orpheous, she's your mate," Athena said angrily. "I will put guards in your room," Orpheous said and Athena nodded and smiled at me. I can't believe that my mate doesn't trust me. I am a rogue so I should expect this kind of treatment. Who is this girl and why is my mate so protective of her? I shook my thoughts away. When we arrived, Orpheous put me harshly on the bed which made me wince in pain. I saw Athena slap his arms which made me jealous because this girl can do that to this ruthless Alpha. "Oh don't be jealous silly, he's my brother," she said and smiled at me. I didn't know that Alpha Orpheous had a sister, I heard that he was the only child of the late Alpha and Luna. I suddenly realized that I could become a Luna if my mate accepted me. I shiver at that thought, I am not worthy to be a Luna. " I know that you are confused but I am an adopted child that's why I am not known," she said and I nodded my head. Athena helped me take a bath and then she cleaned up my wounds and her eyes widen when she saw the scars in my arms. "What happened?" She asked worriedly. "I-i can't remember,” I whispered and she nodded in understanding. I have been carrying these scars ever since I became rogue but I can't remember where I got them. I am glad that she is here because she seems like a nice person but she's too nice for my sad and empty soul. "What's your name?" she asked. "Briony."

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