Episode 2: Prison

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I can taste the metallic of the chains that have been tied to me. After Athena helped me treat my wounds, my mate barged into the room and put me in this cell. I don't understand why he has to let his sister help me and then still end up putting me here. Athena begged him not to put me in the cell but he wouldn't listen. His mood just changed. My tears were streaming down my face and I wiped them away. There's no hope now, I am stuck here. I wish I hadn't met my mate because I cannot go through this pain. I see one of the guards putting the plate that is filled with food in my cell but I am too tired to eat. I cannot feel my wolf. Anastasia, where are you?. I called her through a mind link but she wouldn't reply. I hugged my knees to my chest and want to explain to my mate that I was not a rogue back then but I knew he wouldn't listen. I don't know why he hates the rogues so much. I just sulked there and I was out like light. I woke up when I heard the noise inside the cell and I opened my eyes to see my mate standing there looking at me. I looked up tiredly. "L-let me out please." I pleaded but he didn't reply. I saw his eyes soften but it faded immediately. "I can't believe that the moon goddess fated me with you. I will never accept you as my mate." he said darkly while leaning in. My breath catches my throat, his words hurt a lot. He left me there while I sobbed silently. I am all alone now, my wolf is gone and I don't know what to do. After a few hours, I saw a man coming toward my cell. He is huge like Orpheous and he has brown hair and green eyes. "I am beta Alarick and the Alpha wants you to eat," he said in a cold tone. Why are these people so cold to me? I shook my head. Believe me or not, I want to eat but my body doesn't want to. "You have to because you will be forced to see the elders tomorrow for your trial as a rogue," he said and left. My eyes widened in disbelief, the elders are like lawyers in the human world and they will be the ones that will decide what will be my punishment. I can't believe that my mate would let this happen to me. I know that I am gonna die. "How could you let this happen? She's your mate!" I heard Athena's voice because of my hearing abilities. "I have nothing to do with her, she's a rogue." my mate said coldly and I forced back a tear. "You will regret this Orpheous." Athena said and then silence fell into them. I blocked their voices in my head because I am tired of getting hurt. I will be facing a trial tomorrow and how can I face them when I am too weak to even stand? My mate doesn't want me and now my wolf is gone. Maybe death is not so bad after all. I glanced at the food that's been given to me, what's the point of eating that when I am going to die anyway? Eat it. My eyes widened when I heard Anastasia's voice in my head. You're back! I said happily to her. We have to be strong Bri. she said I nodded my head and I slowly grabbed the food in front of me and tried to eat it. I am much stronger now because of my wolf. After I'd eaten my food, Anastasia and I talked and I was out like a light after that. I woke up because of someone pounding the door of my cell. I opened my eyes tiredly and saw that it was my mate's beta. "The Alpha wants you to come with me," he said without emotion and I nodded my head as he unlocked my chains and I followed him to the dark alley. I don't know what path this is. I can finally see a light outside and when we finally get out, I can see a beautiful forest that is filled with werewolves, and in the middle, I saw the elders. They are the wolves that saw history. I gulped and fear came into me. We can do this Bri. My wolf said and I nodded. I have to be strong. My heart beat faster when I spotted Orpheous on the side. He is staring at me with his cold eyes. I bowed my head not wanting to see him. "Today we gathered around because a rogue stumbled into this pack. As we all know, rogues cannot be trusted. They are rogue because they did something bad in the past." One of the elders said and everyone agreed. "So as the law of the werewolves world, we are here to announce the punishment of this rogue. So everyone! There are two options here. First, she will undergo 3 tasks that she should finish and in that way, we could spare her life. Second, she can surrender and take her own life here." the elder said. I forced back the fear that I am feeling. "Note that the 3 tasks are very hard for a mere wolf like her. No one ever survived that task." he said. I glanced at my mate hoping for him to save me but he is looking at the ground while deep in his thoughts. "So, what will you choose?" the elder asked me. Anastasia, I'm scared. I called her. We will do the three tasks, we have to at least try. she said and I closed my eyes not wanting the tears to fall. I glanced at my mate again and I tried to mind linked him. H-help me. I pleaded but he didn't say anything. "I-i will do the tasks," I said quietly and the crowd gasped. They believe that it's better to die here than to die while doing the hardest tasks for a werewolf. "So it's settled then. The first task will be water. We will guide you to where the first task is located and anyone can watch as you fight the battle. " The elder said and someone grabbed me harshly in my arms and dragged me to where the first task will be located. I quietly followed them and I glanced at the back to see many werewolves following us and I saw Athena look at me with pity. My mate is nowhere to be found. We finally arrived at the destination and I saw a very huge lake. My eyes widen at how huge it is. "To be fair, you can choose the weapons that you can use," one of the elders said and two of the guys arrived and one guy was holding a tie to a Scylla. "A Scylla is a monster who lives on one side of a narrow channel of water. However, you can only use it to drive in the water but you can't use its power," " If you choose to fight in your human form you can choose the Scylla but if you choose to fight in your wolf form you can eat this bean to enhance your speed," the elders said and I glanced at the two. I will fight. Anastasia said but I insist, it is hard to fight in a wolf form because wolves are not fond of water. No, I will fight the water. I said to her, The truth is, I am suffocated by fear right now. In my mind, I will be welcoming my death in this task. Are you crazy?! You can't fight in that state Briony. She said angrily. And you can't either. Please Bri. I said to her and she finally agreed. "I will fight in my human form," I said to the elders and they accepted. "You only have to get one thing and it is the Leviathan's egg. You need to eat this to breathe underwater." the elder said and my eyes widened. A Leviathan is a giant serpent. There's no way I can win this task. I am going to die. "Briony, please be careful. The serpent is mostly asleep and you just have to keep quiet while getting its egg." I heard Athena say to me. I didn't even know that she was by my side. "Always remember to move quietly" she added and I nodded my head and took a deep breath. Anastasia, no matter what happens right now. I always love you. I said to her I love you too Bri. If only our mate had embraced us, perhaps this devastating outcome could have been averted. Regrettably, their absence and lack of concern for our well-being forces us to confront a painful truth. It is time to acknowledge, albeit with a heavy heart, that we must accept this painful reality, even though it brings us immense anguish.
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