Fight with Rosie

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Liam doesn't have any idea how he ended up in a plane that sending him back to Korea, after those runs and escaping he did just to avoid getting caught by the palace soldiers, he didn't know how he successfully landed back to Korea and dialing Rosie's number to pick him up but as he expected. Only her stupid voicemail answers him. "Yah! Rosie Park! Pick me up here at the airport!" He yelled on the phone, hoping that his best friend will call her back. "P-please, I really need you now." His voice cracked and he sniffles, biting his lower lip to prevent himself to cry. "Please Rosie, come and pick me up." Hee added and he waited until the call ended. Liam walked towards the exit and slumping down at the side of the road, burying his face on his elbow and he let out a lungful sigh and a tear escape on his left eye. Liam was a mess with a dark circles sitting under his eyes, messy hair, wrinkled clothes, the clothes he's still wearing since he left for Thailand and a frown that already fixed on his face since that day of announcement. That day when his Grandma announced that he's getting married to some woman that he didn't even know who the hell is that. He drowned himself in alcohol, he was so mad, he feels that his own Dad betrayed him, he was so mad because his childhood friends didn't told him earlier so he could've fly back to Korea without showing himself to the Royal family, he was so mad because Sharon, his girlfriend wasn't picking up his calls even once, he was so mad because of that marriage, he was mad because it's been one hour but still, Rosie hasn't call her back. "What the fuck.." He muttered as the sob escape from his mouth. Liam feels that his life ended along with his freedom. Marriage is the last thing he want in his life, and if ever that he wants to get married, he would do it with his girlfriend, with Sharon. But the fate is sucks, the fate doesn't want him to be happy, the fate wasn't on his side and he hates it! "Liam.." A soft but deep voice called his name, squeezing his shoulder softly. Liam brought his head to look at the older guy. "What the hell happened on you Manoban?!" Rosie exclaims as she saw her best friend's state, standing next to Seul-ki. Liam immediately stood up and engulfed Seul-ki and starts weeping on the older guy's neck. "Hey hey, hush now kiddo, what happen?" Seul-ki asked with full of worries on his voice while rubbing Liam's back. Rosie's face softened at the sight of her best friend, she was so easy to cry when it comes to him and so she did. She engulfed Liam from behind as she let herself cry along with him. "Oh my God no! Please, Rosie don't cry, not you too." Seul-ki uttered panicking, because he doesn't know how to make them stop from crying, if Juhyun were there, he knows what he's going to do but no, they left Juhyun at home so she could prepare some food for Liam. Before Rosie found Liam's message, she was laughing hard when she saw Liam's number registered on her phone and she immediately knock to Seul-ki's unit so they could both listen to whatever Liam's message. And when Rosie clicked Liam's number, the phone almost slip from her hand if Seul-ki wasn't that fast to grab the phone on her hand and they listened to it again, Seul-ki grab hos keys and they both ran downstairs without even changing their clothes, because they already on their PJs and drove to the airport and that's when they saw Liam, sitting at the corner. They stay like that for a minute and when Liam and Rosie stops from crying, Seul-ki brought them inside his car and drove home. The 30 minutes drive was so silent, it's not that awkward, it's kind of a silence that Liam probably need. Until they arrived at their condo building, Liam was still silent. He looks like a zombie, walking in dazed, soul departed, thoughts are wandering, that is what Liam feels right now. Seul-ki and Rosie keep sharing glances as they followed Liam from behind since they arrived, but beyond on Liam's knowledge, they were already passed on their units, Rosie was about to tell it to Liam but Seul-ki stopped her and let the youngest to keep walking till he'll come to his senses. Juhyun also saw them but apparently, Seul-ki and Juhyun shares the same braincells, so she didn't called Liam's attention as well and she just nod at the other two before she shut the door silently. Liam stopped and they also stopped, waiting for his next move, he ruffles his hair in frustration and turn his heels to face the two behind him. "I'm getting married." "You what?" Rosie asked as if she didn't heard it right. "Did you propose to Sharon without us knowing?" Seul-ki uttered. "I'm getting married, and no, it's– it's not with Sharon." The word stuck on Liam's throat like it was a poison for him that gradually killing him just by saying it. Imagine? You're getting married but not to the one you love. It's actually sucks! "Please tell me you're not on drugs because I would not hesitate to hand you over to the police Liam." "Rosie! I may look like a user but I don't really do drugs!" Liam hisses at her. "I'm getting married to my Grandma's Best friend's granddaughter." "Who?" Rosie and Seul-ki asked in unison with a knitted brows because Liam talks too fast. "I don't know her actually and hell! I don't even wanna know her! guys, I have a girlfriend, what would Sharon will say when she finds out?" Liam blurts out and ran his fingers to his hair. "What would she say? Surely she will be even happier when she learns that you will marry someone else." "Rosie can you not? Sharon is surely will get mad at me, she might leave me, aren't you being insensitive to me right now?" Liam looks at Rosie with a glint of hurt that passed on his eyes but the latter misses that when she shut her eyes off upon hearing the last word. "Enough of that." Seul-ki attempted to stop them but Rosie was so done to Liam. She kept quiet for a while, but not now, never again. She shot her eyes open and Seul-ki knows that no one could stop her. "Oh am I insensitive? Or you're just that dense that you don't even noticed that your girlfriend is cheating on you!" Rosie's voice raised a little bit as Liam shoot her death glares. "Take back what you said!" "No Liam, you need to open your eyes! Sharon is–." "Shut the f**k up! You know nothing!" Liam shouted back, just like Rosie, he was so done and could not hold back his anger anymore. "And what about you?! Do you know anything?! You don't know either because you were so blind to the fact that you only see what's good on her and gets blind whenever she's making a fool out of you!" "Girls, stop it!" "No Seul-ki! He needs to know what's happening whenever he's not around with Sharon!" Rosie shouted back, glaring at Liam. Liam's breathing is now audible and ruggedy, he was so angry but hurt at the same time. He couldn't accept that his best friend was right. He could also notices the things that are happening and the changes on his girlfriend, but what can he do? He loves her so much and he couldn't afford to lose Sharon, so he prefers to ignore the fact that Sharon is cheating on him. "Are you done shouting to each other?" The three people snap their heads at their back when Juhyun spoke. "We are not the only ones living on this floor, If there is at least a little shame left on your body, get inside and continue your conversation there." She said sternly through her gritted teeth. Among them, Juhyun is the most matured. So if she orders something, they obeyed immediately. And that's one of the things Seul-ki liked about her, and that's why Seul-ki wants her to be with them every time, to control the other younger kids. Liam first walked back to Seul-ki's unit after Rosie, both of them are fuming. Juhyun and Seul-ki look at each other before they followed the younger ones. "Thank you hon." Seul-ki whispered. "I don't know what's happening right now, so I demand an explanation inside." "Talk to our Rosie and I'll talk to Lisa." "Much better." Juhyun said as she wrapped her arms on her husband's waist and Seul-ki automatically snake his arm on her wife's neck, pulling her closer and kissed her temple. When Liam and Rosie both entered inside, keeping their mouths shut and no one's ever to talked again, Juhyun dragged the blonde girl to the kitchen while Seul-ki guide Liam to the couch and they sat side by side with the older guy's hand resting on the latter's shoulder. "Hey." He calls softly. "Talk to me." "I can't believe she did that to me." "Your Grandma or your best friend?" Seul-ki ask while rubbing Liam's shoulder. "Both of them." Liam said while pressing his palm on his eyes. "Seul-ki, you know how much I love Sharon, I can't afford to lose her." "What about your grandma and Rosie?" "I– they–.." Liam trails off and slumped his shoulder's down. "I don't know Seul-ki, I don't know what am I supposed to do with my life." "Liam you're smart, I'm sure you know what you're going to do, but for now, you need to rest." He removed his hand on Liam and sit in stride position to face the younger guy. "You need to take a rest and shower I guess? You've been gone for three days and.. and it looks like you haven't gone in a shower." Liam chuckles and shake his head. "I'm too occupied to even spare myself to take a bath." "That's disgusting you know? If Juhyun is the one sitting here with you, for sure she will drag you to the bathroom and she was the one who will bath you." Liam throw his head and laugh. It's been three days since he last laughed, this is the reason why he wants to go back in Korea, because of his friends, they can make him feel better without even trying, unlike to the Palace, where every move is counted, everything about him is being watched as they believe that he will be the new ruler of the Royal family. "Is she mad at me?" Liam asked after his laughter died down. "No, maybe a little but who knows?" Seul-ki lifted his shoulder. "You better talk to her." "Yeah." Liam releases a sigh. "I have to." He added and he stood up but Seul-ki stop him quickly. "But I think you need to go shower first Liam, Rosie won't hug you if you're like that." Liam giggles and nodded. "Yeah you're right." After Liam went out to go in her unit, the two other girls exited the kitchen and walked towards Seul-ki. "Where is he?" Juhyun asked. "I told him that Rosie wouldn't hug him if he didn't take a bath." "Oh my God!" Rosie covered her mouth to hide her laughter. "That's not true!" "Well, at least he wants you to hug him." Seul-ki said as he starts laughing. "Is he mad?" "No, you know he never gets mad at you." "But he looks like he wants to hurt me earlier." Rosie said with a frown registered on her face. "That's because you told him 'the already obvious but she chose to ignore." Juhyun said and rub Rosie's back. "Don't worry, he'll realize it soon." "You think so?" "I know so." – After Liam takes a bath, he dressed himself with a black shirt with a boy's silhouette printed on the back and a comfy jersey short and went out to knock on Seul-ki's door. "Is she still there?" He asked as soon as Juhyun opened the door for him. "He's in the bathroom, come in so you can eat, it looks like you haven't eaten anything yet for three days." She leaves the door wide open for Liam and went inside first. "Yeah alcohol did that to me." Liam said while giggling. Juhyun just laugh and padded on the kitchen where Seul-ki is waiting for them. "Wow! You cooked gamjatang for me?" Liam uttered in surprised when she saw the food on the table, he quickly sat and starts digging his food that Juhyun serves for her. "Oh my God! This is so good!" "I know, that's why I married her!" Seul-ki proudly said and engulfed his wife. "She's the best cook." "She's always the best for you." Liam said, rolling his eyes. "But seriously, this really taste good." He added with his mouth full of rice. "Because she is." "Hey swallow your food first before you talked." Rosie scolds as soon as she saw Liam talking with his mouth full of food. "Yah! Don't scold me as if you didn't hurt me earlier." "I'll literally hurt you with my fist if you talked again like that!" Rosie said with his fist in the air ready to hit Liam's head. Liam stood up and suddenly hugged Rosie, who was surprised at what her best friend had done. "I'm sorry Rosie." Liam muttered on the blonde's neck and a faint sob escape on his mouth that worries Rosie and she hug back her best friend. "Shhh, I'm sorry too Liam, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry." "No." Liam departed himself but his arms still around Rosie's neck. "You're right, all of the thing you said was right, it's just me who can't accept the fact that everything about Sharon is wrong but.." he trails off and lowered his head staring on his feet. "But I loved her so much that I couldn't do anything either about that." Rosie lifted up Liam's face to keep their eyes locked. "It's your heart Liam, we can't do anything about that, neither of us, but at least, save yourself from hurting." "She's right Lis." Juhyun butted in. "Why don't you try to identify the woman you're marrying?" Liam released a lungful sigh before he untangled himself to Rosie and sit back to his chair. "I don't know, what if it's a bad person?" "You think your Grandma will do that?" Rosie asked. "Your family won't let a bad person to be their heir's wife." "I– I don't know, how about my girlfriend?" "Liam, meet the woman first, if she's that bad like you were thinking, then call the marriage off, but if she's not, you have to let go Sharon, you know that she isn't good for you anymore." Seul-ki tells him while rubbing his back. "Hey, she's still my girlfriend, tone it down." "I'm sorry." Seul-ki giggles but Liam just rolled his eyes and starts eating again. "But trust me Liam, I have a good feeling that your spouse is kind." "Gosh Seul-ki! I'm eating, don't say that word again!" "What? Your spouse?" Rosie teased while grinning loudly. "I just said do not mention." "Spouse, Liam's spouse, your spouse." "Yah Juhyun!" Liam yelled and pout at them but the three just laugh at him which made Liam to pout his lips more, like a kid while covering his ears. "I hate you guys so much!" "Oh no you don't Liam." Rosie tells him and engulfed him from his back and Liam hold the blonde's arm to tightened up the hug. – Weeks had past but Liam haven't received any calls from his mom or either of his family members, even from his friends back at Thailand. Or so he thought. Because one morning, he heard some shuffling sounds outside his room, at first, ge thought it was only Rosie or Seul-ki or Juhyun because they're the only ones who have access to his unit's passcode, so he shifted his body and buries his face onto the pillow furthermore but the loud knock on his door makes him startled and almost fell on the ground. He groaned and rolled out of the bed to get the door. "Jeez! You don't have to knock–mom?!" Liam's eyes went wide when he saw his mom in front of him with a narrowed forehead. "Wha–what are you doing here?" "Is that how you supposed to greet your mom Prince Liam?" His mom asked with a hint of disappointment on her voice. "No– you– I'm sorry mom." He said in defeated tone before he engulfed his mom into a hug. "What are you doing here anyway? You could've message me so I can pick you up at the airport." "There is no need for that and if we told you we were coming you may have to flee again." "Mom it's not like that." "It is like that." His mom tells him with certainty and Liam frowned but he quickly hide it with fake smile when his mom looked up to him. "Anyway, we came here because your Grandma told us that you need meet the woman you are going to marry and we'll have lunch with them." Liam tried to hide his irritation upon hearing that, he thought they had forgotten about it, but no. Because his Grandma literally sent his parents in Korea just to make sure he will meet the woman. "Hey prince." Liam adverts his gaze at the old Swiss man standing at the kitchen door, spreading his arm and waiting for Liam to ran up to him, but to his dismay, Liam didn't do what he used to do, instead, he just pad slowly and give his old man a half hug. He's still upset about the marriage thing and to his dad for doing nothing to stop that. "May I go out for a bit?" Liam said which cause his mom to snap her head at him, his mom opened her mouth to stop him but his Dad beaten her before she could utter any word. "Yes Liam, you may." Mr. Bruss said, Liam nod at them before he proceeds outside and banged the door across his unit. "Rosie open up! Rosie!" "What now Liam?! It's still early and it's f*****g Saturday for God sake!" Rosie tells him ruggedly, looks like she was still asleep when Liam starts banging his door because the blonde still in her PJs and with frizzy hair. Liam let himself in and closed the door behind him, pacing back and forth on Rosie's living room while picking up his nail. "They're here." He said "Who?" Rosie asked in confusion. "They're here Rosie and they wanted me to meet the woman!" Liam exclaims as he throw his hands in the air before ruffling his hair in frustration. "You mean Mr. Bruss and Mrs. Manoban and the Majesty?" Rosie asked in horror. "Yes! But no, Grandma isn't included, but hey! The old lady sent them!" "Oh my God, this is code red!" Rosie said and he ran outside leaving a panicking Liam and when she came back, she's with Seul-ki and Juhyun that seems they just woken up with their frizzy hair and wrinkled clothes but wide awake because Liam's parents are here. "So now what? What am I going to do?" Liam asked biting his nail nervously. "Wait calm down, we already talked about this." Juhyun tells them calmly. "You just need to go with the flow so your parents won't perceived that you're having a mental breakdown." "I'm not!" Liam retorts. "I'm just surprised that they are actually here! What if Sharon suddenly showed up?" Rosie and Seul-ki exchanged secret glances but that didn't passed on Liam. "Ok fine, I know she's not, because she's with Charles." He said and slumped his shoulder. "Do you want me to go with you?" Rosie suggested when no ones dared to talk again. "You have to or I may ditch them in the middle of our lunch or if you can, all of you go with me to keep me from going crazy." "Ok then, we'll come with you but not literally, maybe we will sit beside your table or behind." Seul-ki said and Liam sigh in relief while nodding his head eagerly. "Ok that's settled, now go back to your unit and talk to your parents like a grown man Liam." Juhyun tells him patting the youngest's back before she pushed him softly to the door. Liam went back to his unit, he saw his mom lying down on his couch and he felt bad for his mom. He didn't even think his parents were tired from the three hours trip. He pad over his room and to take a blanket and went back to his mom and spread the blanket to prevent her from freezing and he heard a faint sounds coming from the kitchen and he can't help himself but to smile. Mr. Bruss is cooking in his unused kitchen, since Liam bought that house, he never used the kitchen, he'll maybe eat between Rosie or Seul-ki's or if ever the two isn't available, he will end up eating outside or ordering pizza. He never tried to cook, because God knows how much cooking hates Liam as much as he hates it. "Hey Dad?" Liam calls out. Mr. Bruss raised his head and smiles upon seeing his step son. "I'm sorry about the last time." Mr. Bruss shook his head and pad to Liam. "No prince, I should be the one to say sorry for not doing anything to stop your mom and Grandma." "Dad I–." Mr. look at him and wait for Liam to continue. "I h–have–." Liam swallowed hard because suddenly, he feels that there's a lump stuck on his throat. "You have a what?" Mr. Bruss pressed. "I have a girlfriend." Liam tells him and Mr. Bruss froze. "That's why I don't want to marry that woman." "B–but– when.." Mr. Bruss cleared his throat and released a sigh. "How come I didn't know that?" "I'm sorry for not telling you Dad." Liam lowered his head fisting the hem of his shirt. "Could you– Can you make a way to stop Grandma's plan?" Mr. Bruss feels bad for his son and his eyes softened. Liam saw that and he knew, that even his dad couldn't do anything to stop his Grandma. "It's ok Dad, you don't have to feel bad about me." He dismissed before his Dad could utter any word. "I'll be on my room if you need me." "Liam.." Liam ignore his dad and he proceeds to his room, the same time he shut the door behind him, his tears escape from his eyes that he quickly wiped away. "I will make that woman's life as miserable as mine." Liam mumbles as he throw himself on his bed. _______
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