Meeting the future wife

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The 20 minutes drive to their destination is covered with thick full of tension and in an awkward silence, while Liam and Rosie sitting at the back seat and Mrs. Manoban is in the shotgun seat and Mr. Bruss is the one who's driving. Until Mrs.Manoban used a knife to cut the thick air that engulfing them inside the car. "Liam, I want you to be nice to your future wife, don't you dare to throw some attitude on her." Mrs.Manoban warns him but the doe eyed guy just scoffed and Rosie squeezed his hand to tell him that he needs to obey his mom and just listen to her. "Thank you." Mrs.Manoban said when she saw what Rosie did. "You know Liam, we didn't have a choice too, this marriage already planned even I haven't given birth to you and since you're the heir of the Royal Family." "Who could do that to a poor fetus mom?" Liam asked sarcastically and Mrs.Manoban shoot her son a dagger look. "I mean, what if I didn't end up as a man, would you still be able to arrange the wedding with a woman?" "Liam, you know that your Grandma is not that kind of a person who breaks her promises and same s*x marriage are now a thing, so if it happens that you came out as a woman, then you have to still marry that girl." "But we're not Chinese! We live in Thailand mom!" "You think I don't know that?!" Mrs. Manoban raised her voice equally to Liam as the irritation starts building inside her for her son's stubbornness. "I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry if your grandmother chose you to get married to her best friend's granddaughter!" "You should've stopped her!" Liam blurted out. "I did that! I tried to stopped her but she insisted that she's not getting young and she told me that seeing you walking in aisle is her last wish!" "Then why it has to be me? Why me mom? Of all her grandson, why it has to be me?" Liam feels that his Grandma is being unfair to him, he has a lot of grandson, who's more capable of being the ruler of the royal family, why'd she had to chose her youngest grandson who she can barely see? Mrs. Manoban eyes softened upon seeing Liam's devastated state, but neither of them couldn't stop the wedding and the old lady's last wish keeps taunting her whenever she'll decide to talk to her mom to stop the wedding because she can see to her son that Liam isn't yet ready. She pitied her son, God she do! But her mom, Liam's Grandma, begged at her the night when Liam ran away from them when they told her about the wedding. The old lady begged her, not only because she's getting older and she wants Liam to see getting married, the real reason is the old Lady's best friend is dying and she wants to see her youngest granddaughter to marry before God took her life. So even though Mrs.Manoban was so against by it, she couldn't do anything too and she doesn't want to disappoint her mom. "Even if your son is the one who'll get disappoint?" Mr. Bruss asked before And she answered Yes, because she knows that eventually, Liam would accept it and she know that Liam's future wife would be kind to him. She already met the woman when the old lady took her with her to meet her best friend and there she saw the brunette. "I'm sorry Liam." All she could say and Mrs.Manoban took a glance on her husband. "Let's just accept it freely." She added and Mr. Bruss reach her hand and squeezed it lightly. Liam didn't utter any word, instead, he buried his face onto Rosie's neck and the latter wraps her arms on Liam's waist. "f**k my life." Liam mumbles against the older girl's neck. "Everything will be fine Liam." Rosie whispered. "It will never be, as long as that wedding is coming." – They arrived at the Chicken in the kitchen restaurant along the Myeong-do street in the middle of the Seoul, near the Hongik-University. Liam and Rosie wander their eyes inside the restaurant, the dim lights and warm colors of the restaurant make it a great place to go with a significant other. But that doesn't seem works for Liam, because even if the ambiance inside the restaurant can make them feels warm but for the doe eyed guy, it's dull, at least for Liam. "They'll be here in a minute, let's go to our table." Mrs.Manoban tells them and with heavy feet and heavy feeling, Liam follows them and Rosie couldn't do anything but to squeezed her best friend's hand for comfort, they also saw Juhyun and Seul-ki entered the restaurant and sat behind their table nodding at each other and Mrs.Manoban did the same with Mr. Bruss giving Seul-ki a small smile as if they know something that only between them. The bell chimes hanging on the entrance, tinged and Mrs.Manoban snap her head towards the door but Liam look at his Dad with a pleading eyes but Mr. Bruss only looks at him sympathetically. "They're here." Mrs.Manoban beams enthusiastically and she stood up to approach the brunette. "Hey Jerry." Liam stayed still with his gaze fix at his hands resting on his lap but Rosie almost bawled his eyes upon seeing the cat-like eyes guy. "Damn Lis, you hit a jackpot." Rosie whispered to him and Liam only nudge her with his elbow. "I swear to God Liam, your future husband is a hit." "Oh please shut up." Liam hisses but snap his head anyway to justify his best friend's description on his own and the word husband caught his attention. "You?!" Liam exclaims as he saw the guy he sees at the airport. "Wha– is this some kind of a joke? Do I look like a gay?! " "You're Liam?" The cat-like eyed man asked in surprised. "You knew each other?" Mrs.Manoban butt in, looking back and forth at Liam and Jerry. "No ma'am, but I know him." Jerry said with a wide smile, showing off his gummy smile. "Oh that's good so I don't have to introduce you to my son." Mrs. Manoban tells him, guiding the guy to their table and Jerry greet Mr. Bruss with a handshake before he took the other seat beside Rosie and the blonde hitches her breath. "Uhm d–do you want to– to change seat with mine?" Rosie asked the stuttering, still thinking that the guy is Liam's future husband, not a wife. "No it's ok." Jerry tells her with his gummy smile and Rosie feels that she's melting but she quickly shrugged off that feeling because that's her best friend future husband so she need to stop admiring Jerry. "Hey, how's your trip to Thailand?" Jerry asked Liam, trying to have a conversation with the doe eyed guy who's sulking on his seat. "That was the worst trip in my life that ever happens." Liam deadpans not minding the deathly glares he's receiving from his mom. "The way you sulk right now, I can say that you're telling the truth." Jerry tells him giggling. "Don't mind him Jerry he just woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning that's why he acts like that." Mrs.Manoban said, saving himself from the embarrassment caused by her son's attitude. Jerry waves his hand in front of him, dismissing the topic. "It's ok ma'am, if I were Liam, I would feel the same way too so it's nothing." He said and took a meaningful look at Liam. "By the way, she'll be here, she was just looking for a space to park her car." Liam and Rosie look at each other with a confused reaction before Jerry. "Who are you talking about?" Liam asked. "My best friend and your–." Jerry's word cut off by a crimson haired girl calling his name angrily. "Yah Jerry! How dare you to leave me to park my car alone?!" All of them along with Seul-ki and Juhyun snap their heads towards the crimson haired girl with a heart-shaped lips and husky deep voice. "Hayley, lower down your voice and have some shame in front of your in-laws and your future husband!" Jerry scolds her and as if on cue, the crimson haired girl just noticed the people who were with her best friend and covered her mouth in embarrassment. "I'm sorry." The older girl said almost a whisper and bend her body in 90 degrees when she stood up in front of Liam's parents. "Sorry Dad, sorry mom." Liam on the other hand, along with his three friends couldn't believe what's happening right now, his mouth slightly agape same with Rosie. "Don't worry about that." Mrs.Manoban dismisses and stood up to hug the girl and Mr. Bruss did the same with a smile tugging on his lips. "C'mon, take your seat so we can eat." "Thank you." The smaller girl utters and took the vacant seat beside Mrs.Manoban facing her best friend and that's when she noticed the blonde girl staring at her with her mouth agape. "Hi? I'm Hayley Kim, you are..?" Rosie seems to didn't hear her because she was so captivated by the crimson haired girl's beauty but she snap on her daze when she felt an elbow on her side nudging her and she side glance the guy on her side before she cleared her throat. "Uh h–hey sorry I'm– I'm Rosie Park." The blonde girls said stuttering again but she still offered her hand and Hayley gladly took it and shook their hands before she shifted her gaze to Rosie's side. "Uhm hi? You must be Prince Liam?" Liam shook his head, blinking his eyes and fix himself when he saw Hayley looking at him. "Yeah and it's Liam, I only used Prince Liam whenever I'm in Thailand." "Ok Liam, hi I'm Hayley." The heart-shaped lip's girl repeats and extend her hand in front of Liam. "I already heard, no need to say it again." Liam spits which caused his mom to kick his shin under the table. "Aw!" Liam wince in pain, rubbing his shin but Mrs.Manoban just widen her eyes to warn Liam and he couldn't help but to roll his eyes. "Sorry, yeah hi Hayley, I'm Liam." Hayley seems didn't mind Liam's attitude throwing at her and she took back her hand when she noticed that Liam didn't interested for a handshake. Stay calm Hayley, you can do it, he's just an asshole and you're smart. Hayley thought. "So.." Hayley started. "Mom told me that you were studying at Seoul National University?" "Yeah." "What course are you taking?" "Photography." "Wow! You must be good at taking shots!" "Yeah." The other four on their table along with Seul-ki and Juhyun who's eavesdropping on the other table, felt bad for Hayley, the way she'll asked Liam with enthusiasm but the latter will just answer her with a single word makes them feel the second hand embarrassment. "Uhm okay?" Hayley said when she can't think of another question. "Have you already ordered?" Hayley asked adverting her gaze towards the elder. "Ah yeah, I ordered your favorite." Mrs.Manoban tells her with an awkward smile. "Oh my God! Thank you mom!" Hayley beams while clapping her hands in excitement. "Tss! What a kid!" Liam hisses to himself but that didn't missed to Hayley but the girl just pretend that she didn't heard the doe eyed guy. The talks on their table continued, excluding Liam, Rosie keep asking Jerry random question, trying to get to know him better when he learned that Jerry wasn't her best friend's future partner, why would she even think of that? Liam isn't gay anyway, but that's makes the blonde felt relieved because she's sure that the first time she saw the cat-like eyes guy, she instantly fell for him, until their foods serves at them and they starts eating while still talking. "So Hayley, have you already prepared your things?" Mrs.Manoban asked Hayley that caught Liam's attention, pulling him for sulking deeper on his seat. Hayley steal a quick glance to Liam who's now furrowing his forehead. "Y–yes mom, I'm ju–just waiting for the signal for me to go." "She's leaving?!" Liam thought and that lift him up a little bit and for the first time on that day, a small smile crept up on his face. "May I ask where are you going?" Liam asked as his inner self celebrating on the thought that Hayley is going away, so there's a possibility that she might meet someone there and fell in love and call the wedding off. "I'm moving." "Oh? Well, wherever is it, just be safe." Liam said with a grin on his lips and starts digging on his food. "Of course she'll be safe." Mrs.Manoban tells him. "She's moving in your condo." Liam's spoon slip on his hand as soon as he heard his mom,making a loud clanking sound when it hits the glass wear. "Wha–what d–did you say?" Liam asked in shocked and his hands starts vibrating. "You–you're just kid–kidding right?" Liam laugh nervously and Rosie notice her best friend starts shaking, she quickly reach for Liam's hand, rubbing the back of his palm to keep him calm. "I'm not and that's your Grandma's will, because she wants you to know each other well so you won't have to struggle once you get married–." "No!" Liam stood up abruptly which cause Hayley to startled and Liam jerks Rosie's hand on him. "That's not going to happen! That's too much!" "Liam.." Mr. Bruss calls him but Liam ignores him. "That's f*****g too much! First you want me to marry her even if I was so against on that f*****g idea and now you're telling me that she'll live with me?! Aren't y'all done making my life more miserable?!" Liam shouted directly to his mom and that's when the two behind their table stood up. "Liam that's enough!" Seul-ki warns him. "She's your mom for Pete's sake!" He added pulling Liam on his shoulder but the doe eyed guy just shrugs his arms away from him and faced his mom again with a bloodshot eyes. "Do you really hate me that much that you have to go this far huh?!" Liam asked his mom mockingly. "Are you happy to see me miserable just because I didn't listen to you and flew here instead?! Are you doing this out of hatred–." Liam felt a stinging pain on his face when Mr. Bruss slap him and a loud gasp is heard from those who are with them. Thanks God the restaurant wasn't that crowded and only two couples was there and a single man holding a bottle of wine that seems didn't give a f**k about his surrounding. "You don't have the right to shout to your mother Prince Liam! You are crossing your line here!" He shouted adamantly and firmly. "Mario! Why did you do that?!" Mrs. Manoban asked her husband tugging the sleeves of Mr. Bruss couldn't believe that Mario, the one who spoiled Liam since kid, his only companion, hit his one and only son. Liam slowly turn his head to face the old man in front of him, the tears already spilling out, and his eyes with full of pain, sadness and sorrow, looks at Mario directly to his eyes. "I f–fucking hate all of you!" Liam scream and shoot Hayley with death glares before he ran outside the restaurant followed by Seul-ki and Juhyun. Rosiw was about to follow her best friend too but before she would do that, she turn her heels again and bow her head to the elderly. "I'm sorry about Liam, don't worry we'll talk to him." She tells them and ran to follow Liam. Hayley shut her eyes off and released a breathy sigh and Jerry heard that and so he quickly move beside Hayley, caressing the back of his best friend, soothingly. "I'm s–sorry if you had to witnessed that." Mr. Bruss said, specifically to Hayley. "Why don't you go ahead so you can take a rest and I'll pick you up tomorrow to help you with your things?" "I d–don't think moving in with Liam is a good idea." Jerry said with a concern voice and looking at his best friend worriedly. But Hayley just shook her head. "No, it's fine, he's just upset about this arrange marriage but I'm sure he's not going to do something bad on me." Hayley told them with positivity and an assuring smile. But beyond their knowledge, Hayley's inner self is trembling, scared for every possible thing that might happen when she stay with Liam, but she shove on the back of her mind all of those things when she remember her grandmother, lying in hospital bed, fighting for her life, forcing herself to stay awake because she wants to see Hayley in a wedding dress before she would die. "I'll be fine." She whispered softly to herself. "I hope so." – "What was that attitude Liam?!" Seul-ki yelled at him when they arrived at their condo and stayed in Rosie's unit. "You literally raised your voice to your mom while cussing the hell out of her!" "I don't wanna talk about it Seul-ki." Liam said nonchalantly. Seul-ki was about to say something but Juhyun shoot him a dagger look, as if she's telling her husband to shut his mouth and so he did and let out an exasperated sigh before he walk towards the door and went outside, slumming the door behind him. "Juhyun.." Rosie call Juhyun with a worried face. "He'll be back don't worry." As if on cue, Seul-ki entered again with a case of beer on his hand. "See?" Juhyun chuckles at the blonde girl and took a seat beside Liam. "Let's drink." Liam nodded hia head in slow motion, like a robot, without emotion, unreadable expression and blankly staring at the pink wall of Rosie's unit. Seul-ki went to Rosie's kitchen to get some snack on her drawer and the blonde helps her, putting ice cubes on silver bowl and took a left over to preheat on her oven and once they all prepared everything, they both exited the kitchen and put everything down on the coffee table and sat on the carpeted floor. "C'mon Liam." Seul-ki calls him patting the spot beside him and Liam complied, grabbing one bottle and when he opened it, he drinks it bottoms up, releasing a lungful sigh when he finishes and grabs another bottle. The three just stared at him and let the doe eyed guy get himself drunk so they could start talking to him. – "Rosieeee.." "What Liam?" "You're so prettyyyy.." Liam is so drunk that he keeps annoying the blonde girl who just laugh at him and riding along to her best friend drunk state. "I know." Rosie said while giggling, even if she won't admit it, Juhyun and Seul-ki knows that the blonde girl is also drunk because she already had four bottles of beer meanwhile Liam already drank six, half of the case. Liam giggles and pinch Rosie's cheeks. "Did you know that I love you?" Rosie pretends gagging and Liam pouted hia lips. "Stop it Liam, it doesn't suit you." The blonde tells him and Liam pouted even more. "Do you hate me too just like my mom?" Liam asked with a sadness on his voice, The two older couple exchanged glances at each other because they knew that, that's their cue to start talking to Liam about what happened earlier. "Liam, your mom didn't hate you." Juhyun said softly. "But she wants me to live with that woman." "You need that so you will know each other well." Seul-ki said with a tiny voice that makes Rosie and Juhyun laugh. "But what about Sharon? What if she suddenly visit me and saw that woman? What am I going to say if who she is? How will I introduced that woman to my girlfriend?" Liam asked continuously. "You'll say this. Hey Sharon, this is Hayley, my soon to be wife." Rosie said and starts laughing when Liam scowled at her. "You're no help Rosie." Liam growls at her and shove her shoulder lightly. "What was your plan on Sharon?" Juhyun asked him with subtlety, trying not to push Liam harder so slhe still keep talking. "Do you have plans to continue your relationship with her?" "I love her, Juhyun." "But what about your Grandma and your mom?" "They hate me." "No they didn't Liam, maybe there's a deeper reason behind that, that's why they're so eager to pushed you about the wedding." "What could it be then? Because as far as I know, Grandma will last longer." "What if it's the other way around." Rosie uttered with her sleepy eyes, crawling into Liam's lap and used the latter's lap as a pillow, yawning and shutting her eyes off fully. Liqm look down at her and ran his fingers to the blonde's hair. "This girl has a point." Liam mumbles but enough for Rosie to be heard and a small smile crept on her lips as she let herself succumb into the deep slumber. "Let's put her to bed." Juhyun said and nudging Seul-ki, jolting her head towards the blonde. "You too Liam, stay here and let your parents stay in your unit." "Do you think they are already inside?" Liam asked, looking up to the two older couple. "Yes, because you're stupid to used four zeros as your passcode and your parents knew that their son is dumb so it's not that hard for them to guess your passcode." Seul-ki said teasingly while lifting up the blonde's on his arms, carrying in a bride style way. "I hate you so much you know that?" Liam irritatingly utter as he pushed himself up and follow Seul-ki behind, towards the blonde girl's room. "I know Liam, you'd actually gonna hate me more after this night." Liam didn't heard that as he tossed his body beside Rosie, spooning the blonde with his long limbs and buries his face onto Rosie's neck and let himself drifted to sleep. _______
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