Meeting With Boss

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TAYLOR'S POV : Boss spent the whole day with Ana and Phoebe. Well, let's see what happens now? After dinner boss wanted to stay with them but Ana said him no. The boss was feeling rejected but he has to understand the emotions of others. Ana is right. He treated her like a f*****g tissue paper and what did he expect from her? To take her back. I know it won't be easy. We are going to have a big discussion. The boss is going to freak out with Ethan's issue. He is not showing much emotion due to Ana but once he leaves her company, he will hunt him down. I cannot look further into this. Ana and her ways. One thing is for sure, Ethan is blackmailing Ana or else she would have never been afraid of him to such an extent. I am not even sure if boss did not came along, Ana would have never told his f*****g name. I have no option than to wait. If the relationship between boss and Ana goes on. I wish it does. It makes him a bearable asshole. Makes my f*****g life easy. He will have to reveal everything to his family. Elena's truth will come out. At last, I do not like Carrick Grey and I loathe him since he declared Ana as gold digger. Hell, he is a lawyer for God damn sake. His profession tells him to listen to both the parties but he is the dumbest ass on this world! Not this world. United Nations for sure. He never listened to Ana but declared her as a w***e. I wanted to punch his face for sure. Here I am standing in front of Mr. Grey's office. For the first time I am afraid to go inside. I am damn sure his whole anger is going to burst and nobody can calm him. I wish Ana and Phoebe were here. He might be an asshole for the whole world but they are the most precious things in the world and he will trade his life in order to make sure that they are safe. Let's go inside the boss's office and face him. He is going to f*****g yell, run his hands through his hairs and pace his office. Wish me luck! I will set his appointment with Flynn after this. It might help me or he will go batshit crazy making me as well. "Knock. Knock." "Come in." is the cold reply of the boss. He is frustrated for sure. I enter his office and find him looking at his phone. It has to do with today's picture. He do not take his eyes off his phone. "Take a seat, Taylor." I am getting short reply. Huh, this is going to be worse than I thought. I see his game. Well I am a player ans won't back off. He is going to ask short questions and I have to give detailed answers. "Well, Mr. Taylor I have got to know that you were hiding information about Miss. Steele and her whereabouts." Boss states while leaning back in his chair. "I take full responsibility of it. It was mine and Luke's decision to not let out this information. It was necessary in the given circumstances, sir." I say impassively. I keep on my poker face. "Why was I not informed about little Miss. Steele?" Boss asks me while a smile creeps on his face. "I discussed it with Luke and Gideon. They were not comfortable in informing about little Miss. Steele. I could not betray their trust and loose contact with them, sir." I reply coldly. "I see, so how many people were involved in this?" He runs his hand through his hair. Number one task of my list. Done. "I am not sure what you are asking me sir?" I feign innocence. "Cut the bullshit, Taylor. Who knew in my family about Ana and Phoebe?" "Miss. Grey and Mr. Grey. Nobody else had no idea about them." Boss starts pacing his office. Second task completed. Tick to another box. "Elliot and Mia knew about this but did not feel to share it with me. WHAT THE f**k? I HAVE BEEN LIVING MY LIFE AS HELL FOR THE LAST SIX MONTHS BUT NOBODY FEELS TO TELL ME ABOUT IT. I WAS WORRIED ABOUT HER?" Boss yells at me. I feel like the whole Seattle hear this. Number three on the list completed. " You were friends with Mrs. Lincoln. It would have complicated things, sir." Boss stops pacing and sits back in his chair. He looks lost and deep in thoughts. "I will resign if you need me to sir. I could not have told you about Miss. Steele because you and Miss. Steele were not ready to face each other. Ana is like a daughter to me and I could not see her hurt, sir. Ana is not alone. She has Phoebe with her and that little girl has my heart." I nod my head. "There is no need of resignation, Taylor. I want you to never keep information about them from me, Taylor. They both are jewels of my life. I cannot let anything happen to them." Boss is sincere while all this. "I want you to keep tabs on Ethan. We have to do it discreetly. I just want to make sure where he is at the moment and make sure he never comes near my family." Boss clench his fists and by the look I am sure he wants to torture and kill that f*****g scumbag. " I will make sure that it is done, sir." Ana can say anything about this but I am with the boss in this. " Taylor you can leave." Boss is dismissing me. Not a problem. He has forgotten that he has to discuss all the matter with his family. Let me remind him. " Sir, you have to tell your family the truth. They need to know about this if you want to maintain a relationship with Ana and Phoebe." All color drains from boss's face. He was not ready about it and he did not even give a f*****g thought to it. "f**k. f**k. f*****g hell! I have to tell my family. s**t! How can I? What they will think of me?" He runs a hand through his hair. "It will be better if you do this with , sir. Mr. Grey and Miss. Grey already know about this. It won't be a difficult task." I state. "Sure. Let me make arrangements about this. I will tell them next week. This week, I want to spend time with Ana and Phoebe without any more drama." "It would be good if you do this soon Mr. Grey. You will be in Seattle with your family. You could collide with them and then you will be left with no choice." "You are f*****g right. f*****g s**t! I will visit Bellevue and tell them the truth." Boss mutters and shows me his hand. It is my cue to leave. CHRISTIAN'S POV : I am f*****g scared as hell. I have to reveal mine and Elena's relationship. s**t. This is going to be a cluster f**k. I have to do this or else I will loose my family. My Ana. My daughter. No, I will do this. Hell, I want to be a part of their life. I will be. I am Christian-f*****g-Grey. I can do this. I can and I will. I want a life of love, marriage, and babies with Ana. I will make everything right. I will make us a family the way we should have always have been if I wasn't so stupid. If I did believe in Ana. I have a lot to make amends for. If Ana never forgives me I can't really blame her can I. I really showed her what kind of a monster I am. I make a silent vow that I will get her and her mother back home, here where they belong, maybe in a great big house with lots of room to run around and play. One day. I couldn't have wished for today to go better than it did. I bonded with Phoebe so quickly. The only way I can describe her is amazing in every single way. She is a chatter box and I love to listen to her. I fall asleep while staring at the picture. It has both of them. They are in the restaurant and Phoebe is feeding Ana ice cream. They both look so happy and are laughing at each other. I grin just seeing my girls happy. I want them happy. Ever. No body will mess with them. I will make sure of it. ELLIOT'S POV : When I came home from work today, I found Kate crying. I was not sure what the hell has happened. Kate was a mess! Her mascara was running down her face and she was pale as a ghost. "Katie what is it? Why are you crying?"I asked Kate. I hold Kate close to my chest, supporting her frame as I try to drop her back into her chair. She's a dead weight, hunched forward. I feel my shoulder taking the brunt of her tears, my construction clothes soaking them up. I'm able to lower her to the seat and set my sights on the chair. I bring it close to her and sit down. "I am out of my j... job."Kate replies while sobbing. " What happened? Tell me." I continue to rub circles on her back to try to calm her. " A-ana was there. "s**t! I forgot it. That means Christian and Ana met. I have to talk to my brother. What did Kate do that Ana fired her? Huh! It could not be personal reasons. I know Ana. "Why did she fire you, Katie?" I demand the answer in a soft voice. "I messed up food items." What? It was just f*****g food items. f**k! This better be not f*****g nuts. Oh my God! Phoebe. f**k! f**k! "Did you forget about nuts?" My voice is a bit harsher. I am pissed at Kate by now. "How do you know that?" Kate looks up at me. I see betrayal and insecurity in her eyes. f**k! I f*****g messed up things. I should have kept my mouth shut. The tables are turned on me. "It is -" "How could you? Huh! You are my boyfriend and you spend time with that w***e. You also know about her daughter right. I do not know whose child is that? She might use Christian for money." I am enraged. Kate is provoking me with each f*****g word being said. How can she call her best friend a w***e. I do not f*****g care she is my girlfriend. She cannot say such words for my peanut. " Kate you said you regretted your decision. You know that Ana is not such a girl. f**k!... So, this was all a f*****g act. Why?" I leave Kate and start pacing. f**k. All this time how could I not have seen it. How could I have been so f*****g blind. "It was not like this." Kate mumbles but it does not change anything. "I f*****g WANT AN ANSWER KATE. YES OR NO." She nods her head slowly. f**k! "How could you Kate? She was your f*****g best friend. You were in college with her. You think Ana is a gold digger. She never accepted f*****g fancy gifts. You were the one to tell me this." I am enraged at Kate. What has happened to her? This was not the Kate I fell in love with. She has changed. "No, listen to me." I cut her again. I am not listening to her f*****g talk. "Bullshit. I am leaving now Kate. I will be back late. f**k! I am not sure whether I will be back or not. Do not f*****g call me." I am fuming. I shut the front door and leave. I am not sure where I am going. I am just siting and driving my truck all over Seattle. How could Kate do this? She f*****g regretted her mistake and I was happy she realized it. It was all an act to put up with me. Does she really love me? Was it always to get my attention? She calls her friend a w***e while she is a f*****g one. Ana f*****g lost her virginity to Christian and she is a w***e. Wow! Double standards. Kate thinks it was f*****g OK to forget about nuts. Phoebe could have died if she had eaten them. Ana f*****g fired her, if I were in her f*****g place. I would have made the person's life miserable.
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