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CHRISTIAN'S POV : I wake up and I am pleasantly surprised to have a good sleep. I did not have any nightmare and had lovely dreams. In my dreams, Ana was in a meadow with me and was pregnant. Phoebe was running around and we were chasing her. I check the time and see it is 05:57. I get ready for a shower and to go for a run. Damn, after a long time I am f*****g smiling rather than have a terrible feeling. I walk towards the bathroom and am standing under the shower in record time. With my eyes closed, I let my mind drift off to a place that made me relax. My family. Me, Ana and Phoebe. The warm water fell down my body, cascading down on every inch of me and soothes my sore muscles. "Hmmm." I utter, as my mind drifted off for a jog. Let's get ready for an early jog. I wear my jogging pants with a hoodie. As loyal as always, Taylor is in the foyer waiting for me. f*****g Bastard. He knows I cannot function without him. "We are going over the Fairmount area." I tell Taylor and see him smirking. He coughs in order to hide his laugh. Yeah I know. Fucker. I do not f*****g care what he thinks. I want to meet Phoebe and Ana so I will meet them. "Yes sir." We start running and maintain a pace. After running for 2 miles I see a long legs blond with a petite brunette. They are talking while running. Soon enough a tall, army man joins them. I have never seen them running before. Let's see who theses people are. I do not like to socialize people, it diverts my attention. Out of my curiosity, I run a bit fast and see them. I am shocked to see who is in front of me would be an understatement. My Ana is running. What the hell is she wearing. Huh, does she has no self preservation? Why am I asking this question. I know the answer very well. It is a f*****g NO. When does she care about herself. She is on the tiniest tight shorts with a f*****g bra looking top. I am startled to see her. It should be illegal for her to wear such. I want to see her like this not anyone else. "Ana, what are you doing here?" I ask her with worry evident in my voice. "Hi Christian, I am well. Thank you." Damn her smart mouth. I do not f*****g want it right now. The blonde beside her starts to laugh as well as f*****g Sawyer. "I did not know Miss-Want-to-sleep-till-noon goes for jogging at early morning." I speak while checking my watch. "Mr-Not-talk-while-jogging what are you going?" f**k. She knows me well. "I like to break rules. I learned it from you."My mouth twitches at end and I am rewarded with her giggle. "I am not interested in listening love birds talk. Let's run." The blonde says. What the f**k is her problem? I am talking to Ana and I have no f*****g interest in her. "Oh, Christian this is Nina, my stylist. Nina this is Christian." Ana introduces us to each other. "I know about this fucker. No need to introduce to him. I can smell them." The blonde says and laughs at her own joke. "Grey, you better not hurt Ana or peanut. I am warning you nobody will be able to protect you." She says while shooting me a death glare. "Sure." I run my hand through my hair. I am tired of hearing the hurting speech. I made a mistake but there is no need to remind me every f*****g second about it. "Nina why don't you join Luke and Jason while Christian and I jog." Ana passes me a sincere smile. Damn. This woman is stunning. I pass her my shy smile which my baby loves a lot. "Right enough." She says with a frown. Damn what is her f*****g problem. The matter is between Ana and me. Who the hell does she think she is to tell me about it. People cannot mind their own f*****g business. "Sure Christian let's run. I will keep the pace and you can follow me." She says and this makes me laugh inside. Oh baby. I would love to see your level. We run for 5 miles and I am exhausted. I can see that Ana is also drained. I cannot believe that she exercises like this. Hell, she f*****g hated it while she was my submissive. She was adamant of never doing such exercises. She is more than happy to sleep all this time. Fuck me my baby got some stamina on her. We could always use this in the playroom. Hell, we can perform three scenes with this speed. Damn I am hard by just thinking of her. I have not had such a good run in a very long time. If this is how she trains then I want to continue to train with her. I do not care how does she train. I am going to be with her no matter what happens. We get back and I start to laugh. "I cannot believe you did this good, baby. I never thought you would be able to do this." I hold her hand and take in the warmth of it. It feels so good like to hold her hand. We used to do it a lot after she gave me a chance. "You should see what I can do. Mr. Grey with time we have to change ourselves." She bites her lip and damn I want to do so. "Please do not bite your lip." Why do I have to be a gentleman. I want to bite it. "Sorry, I had no idea." She slowly releases her lip. She has no mercy. "Can I join you for breakfast." I ask hoping she would give me a positive answer. "I have a meeting and Phoebe gets up till 11 o'clock. I am going to the Bruse Café. If you want you can join me there." Sure, baby I will go you wherever you are. "OK, which time would you come to the Cafe." She nods and thinks a bit. "I will be there by 9 o'clock." "See you there. Sooner than laters baby." She giggles and I am lost in it. I do not want this moment to end. "Can I give you a hug?" I ask her. She does not speak but hugs me and I fell a smile creeping on my face. She kisses me near my lips. Little minx. "Do not be late Mr. Grey." She brings her lips near to my ear. She walks away leaving me wanton. I turn around and see Taylor grinning. ANA'S POV : What a running today I had. It was nice having Christian today. He did not like my dress it was sure enough by his scowl. Nina also infuriated him. I know him well, he did want to shut her mouth but didn't speak a word. I like it. I reach the hotel and have a shower. I quickly change and get ready for my meeting. After today's meeting, I have to set up my office. It is very near to Grey house. Let's see how Mr. Control Freak reacts. I come out of my shower and see my outfit is on the bed with a note. You will look professional and hot in this. Grey won't be able to take eyes off you. Nina xx I love Nina, she does her job perfectly. She never gives me a chance of regret. I quickly change into my dress and look in the mirror. I am wearing a white shirt and grey skirt. I have red pencil heels to go with it. I sit beside Phoebe and kiss her forehead. I call Alice and ask her to come to my room. "Take care of her, Alice." I say with a warm smile. "Sure Ana. Have a good day and don't worry of this little one. We will meet you for lunch." Alice sits beside Phoebe and I leave the room. Luke meets me outside the hotel with the car ready. He is in is professional mode with a cheeky smile. It might have something to do with Nina. "Ready to rock and roll in Seattle." He chuckles. "Yes." I say while slapping his hand. "To the Cafe." He asks me as I occupy my place in the car. "Hmm..." My cheeks become red and I blush. He sees me and starts laughing. "Why are you dealing with that fucker?" He gives me a suspicious look. "Lukey, I know what he did was wrong. Just once think if I would have been in his place, my reaction would have been similar." He does not say a word but he is not happy with it. I know him and he cares about me. That's more than enough. CHRISTIAN'S POV : I am nervous about meeting Ana. I do not do nervous. I am at the Cafe 15 minutes earlier. It is better to be safe than sorry. What if there had been an accident and I couldn't come. What would have Ana thought of me? I sit at the corner of the Cafe and watch the street. Soon enough I glance at Ana entering the Café. She is in professional dress. Just like a business woman. I never thought I would see her in such a way. Damn her ass looks more rounder, thanks to Phoebe for making her more beautiful. She notices me and sits beside me. I am looking at her but I have no idea how to start the conversation. She is not my submissive that I can ask her to tell me. I hold her hand and play with her knuckles. "So how has been business?" Seriously, Grey you want to talk about work. "Good. I have help and my team is great. They know how to work and come up with ideas. It is not that easy but we deal with the problems. It is like solving a puzzle and at last you get a beautiful image." She has a spark in her eyes. It is the same when I talk about GEH. I am so proud of her and I love to hear how much she has learned. " Hi I am Nancy, I am going to be the waitress for today. What would you like to order?" She asks while shoving her breasts in front of me. "We will have a cup of coffee, blueberry muffin and weak, bag out English Twinning tea." I tell her while looking at Ana. Ana is glaring at her. Oh baby, I have eyes only for you. "I am going to have a cappuccino and cancel the English twinning tea. I would like chocolate muffin. Thank you." I had no idea when did Ana started having caffeine. "Cappuccino, huh?" I ask her. She brushes off and her hair strands come out. They never stay in place. "When I started working, I had few problems and the projects were big and needed presentation. So I used to work at night. I love my sleep but how could I manage it. So, I tried cappuccino and it helped." Why wasn't I there to help her? I know one thing for sure that my Ana loves her sleep and she sacrificed it. I feel a ting of disappointment. "I am excited for setting up my office in here. Would you like to join us for lunch. It is going to be me, Phoebe. If you are free? " I am a bit surprised and gives her a nod. I am smiling a lot that my cheeks start to hurt. Who the f**k cares about them? "I don't want to be anywhere. You both are my priority and I want to spend time with you, baby. Where is your office?" f**k. I have no idea where her office is. I should have asked her before. Damn, I forgot. "Jason knows about it." My mouth sets into a tight grim. Taylor knows more about her and Phoebe than me. I do not like the fact even a lit bit. "Taylor knows everything." I mutter and under my breath. She looks at me and roll her eyes. Damn, I have missed this eye rolling as well. My palm starts to twitch with a grin on my face. Our order arrives and we chat for a bit. We finish our meal as I am getting ready to pay Ana shoves her credit card and thanks the waitress. "You know I should have paid it. Why did you do it?" I ask her. It does not feel right that she pays for the meal. She knows I do not like it. I run my hand through my hair. "Because I can." Ana winks at me and I am speechless. "You are using my lines on me. It is plagiarism. You do know that it is a crime." I tease her. "Oh I love it. It's the way I am." She tells me. Her phone rings and she takes the call. "Christian, I am getting late for my meeting. See you at lunch." Ana tells me and gives me a sweet peck on my lips. She leaves on a hurry while I watch her ass. I leave the café and go to grey house. I am smiling like a loon. "Sir can I get you a cup of coffee." Andrea asks me as I enter the floor. "No need and Andrea make sure cappuccino is available. I would like to try it someday. Do not forget about it." She looks at me like I am a crazy person. "Uh. Sure sir." Usually I get irritated by this but nothing can damp my mood today.
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