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CHRISTIAN'S POV : As I open my eyes to the early night, it takes me a minute to gather my surroundings and where I am. A smile forms across my face as it dawns on me that I'm in hotel Fairmont with Ana, in her bed. Memories of the day are fresh on my mind as I turn over and look at the sleeping beauty next to me. I still have a lot in my head to believe. One, I have a perfect and beautiful daughter. Two, Ana has forgiven me. Three, I am happy and relaxed. With her, I feel like anything is possible. Watching her, I see that she's beginning to stir awake. Her eyes are fluttering open. "Hey gorgeous. How did you sleep?" I ask her as I lean closer and place a gentle kiss on her soft lips. I'm lost in her blue eyes as they are taking my soul from my body and joining it with hers. It means we are soul mates which makes me grin like a fool. "Good and you?" She looks so gorgeous. I brush hair from her face. She smiles at my touch and I am on seventh Heaven. "I always sleep well with you. Everything is finally right," I say, and holding my gaze to hers, I slowly sink into her and our lips meet. I feel like I could keep my lips on hers forever. Our tongues duel with each other as the kiss moves from sensual to primal. I've dreamed about kissing her again for far too long. However brief it was she tastes and feels exactly like I remember. I look at the clock. It's after eight. We have slept for six hours. I grin at this thought. Till yesterday I was hardly able to gee four hours sleep and now I am sleeping for six hours. What difference a day can make. No it is not a day, it is the Ana effect. I've slept late with Miss Steele. She is changing me and I like it. Hell, I l f*****g love it. s**t, I better get up. I'm sure my I- phone must have exploded. I am not lonely. I am not playing sad songs on my piano. I smile. "I am going to check on Phoebe." I whisper and kiss her forehead. "No need of that, she will sleep for one hour or more." Ana mumbles and rubs her eyes. God, she is so f*****g beautiful. She looks stunning. "Okay, let's go and sit in the couch." f**k I am not able to make a complete sentence. What she must be thinking of me? I am saved by her giggle. "Oh Christian, you look so funny." Huh, is that so? She gets out of the bed and sits on the couch. f**k, when does she do as she is told. As I am recalling all the events I become enraged but I do not want Ana to be afraid of me. "Ana can you tell me why did that fucker shoot you?" I say in my seductive voice so that she opens up. I touch her cheek and kiss it. She looks pale and her eyes are welling up. s**t, I have made her cry. I cannot see the damn burst again. She crosses her legs and taps her foot. I know this is business so I sit beside her and hold her hand to give her reassurance. "Hey, I am not going anywhere. Please tell me why he did that, baby." She looks hesitant but opens her mouth. "Christian call Luke and Jason. They know tit-bits of it. I am going to tell you the whole truth and they can fill up the blanks." Her voice is firm and I do as she asks me to. ANA'S POV : I am going to tell the truth. Hell I am scared as hell but I am not going to hide it anymore. I am not going to be a coward. I am not afraid of him anymore, I want to scream that I do not fear him. I am not going to waste my tears on him. I am not going to shut others from my life because of him. Luke and Jason enter the room. Luke looks tense where Jason is ever as usual not displaying any emotion. How does this man do that? I am going to ask him one day. Not now. Though I would love to change the topic. Christian looks worried. The grey eyes which I am staring at look concerned. He passes me a smile but it does not reach his eyes. "You all have to promise me that you are not going behind that person and ruining his/her life. If not I am going to take Phoebe and leave. Do not think it is a joke as I know how to hide and not come in cameras. Remember you were the one to teach me." I say in CEO voice. They all look at me and I am not sure how this is going to lead. "You all have the idea what happened on 14th Feb 2015."I state it. I hear a echo of yes except Christian who looks clueless. " He shot me on that day. "I say to clarify Christian. He clench his fists and is trying to control himself. " Sis, what are you not telling me? Please tell me who did harm you. At last you are opening up. "He hugs me and I start sobbing. " Whoever did this is not going to go without paying the price. Payback is a b***h. "I laugh at his lame jock. " Do not forget my words. You know how stubborn I am." He looks at me and he looks sincere. When I am sure he is not going to back off I compose myself for dreading that awful moment. I sit on the couch and so they all do. Christian and Luke are adjacent to me while Jason is facing me. Christian holds my hand. " Well, the one who harm me was Ethan Kavanagha." I look around and notice rage in their eyes. I continue and Christian keeps holding my hand. God, it feels so good. I can face any problem if he is by my side. "Mia had breakup with Ethan because he was cheating on her. She got his call as he was in New York and asked her to once come and meet him discreetly. Mia asked me him why because he was afraid of his brother's reaction. They are over protective and she agreed to him." I can see Christian smirking. "Mia went to meet him but she trusted me and asked me not to tell anyone of you. My guts told me it was wrong so I followed her as I hardly get such vibes. It was a strong feeling and thank God I did went after her." I shudder as I recall the memories. "By the time I reached, I know that Ethan was going to rape Mia, to show her that she cannot ditch him and what manhood really is. I remember his words he was shouting at her. I saved Mia from him and we were trying to get away from him. I was not fast enough because I had a C-section and was on bed rest. Thank God for that. I saw that Ethan drew the gun and was pointing it in front of Mia. I threw Mia and took the shot. She was trying to help me but I told her to go and get help. She did as I asked her." I did not know when I started shaking and tears flowing from my eyes. I hate myself for being so weak. Christian has wrapped his arms around me and is soothing me. He is trying to keep both of us calm. After some time, I feel better and get up from the couch. I open the fridge and start eating chocolate as it makes me feel better and Dr.Angela recommends it too. She says it provides me comfort. Luke is observing me and I know what is coming next. "I could not save you Ana. I am so sorry. I told you that I will protect you but I couldn't. I am so sorry. I failed you Ana. I failed myself." Luke is considering this as his mistake. He feels guilty but I do not want that. He has no reason to be guilty. " There is no need to blame yourself for something you are not responsible for. I did not want to tell you about this because I know you will blame yourself and set a guilt trap." I go and hug him. "Please for my sake do not feel guilty. Please, you did nothing wrong bro. I do not want to hear this from you or see you crying over spilled milk. See I am so good." I twirl myself and move in circles. I am sure I hear a sob from Luke but he would not admit it. "See I am ready to fight just I need is my sexy shorts and tank top." We laugh at it but Christian looks pissed. Jealousy... Hmm. I like it. But he has no right to be jealous of Luke! Jason does not utter a word and he is assessing the whole situation. I know where this is leading to. " You are not telling us the whole truth." Jason states as it is a fact. He is right but I cannot let them know. "I want to ask the same think. Good thinking Taylor." Christian joins him and I don't want to have this conversation more. "I am not hiding anything. If you do not want to believe me this is your problem not mine." I say and keep my voice cold. I do not stare in Christian's eyes. " Something is fishy. Why did you took no action against him Ana? You had so many nightmares. You were so afraid yet you allowed him to be free. "Jason states. Why does he have to be so smart? I want to kick his ass for this. I am going to do so when I face him in the ring. " I. Am. Not. f*****g. Lying. Is it easy to open up.?Huh, answer me. No, it breaks you apart to tell someone about your fears as they are one which haunts you." I take a deep breath. I will not appear weak. I will not. I repeat it as the mantra in my head. "Yes, it is not the whole truth. Happy to listen to it and I am stating it again do not harm him in anyway or else I will leave with Phoebe and never comeback. I have learned to hide from you and Luke. I know how to change my identity and I am not joking." I yell at them. I becoming nervous as each second passes. The vision in front of me becomes blurry. I'm immediately dizzy and cannot breathe. " f**k. She is having a panic attack. "I hear Luke's voice. "Ana! Baby! Ana. Take deep breaths. Baby I am going to carry you to bed. Try to take deep breaths." I can see Christian's mouth moving, but it is like all the blood has rushed from my ears and I cannot hear a damn thing. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I know I am being carried and someone is rubbing my arms. I try to stay awake but all in vain. The pain takes over me and I drift into a pit of black. It is like it is pulling me close to it.
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