The Glue

1933 Words
CHRISTIAN'S POV : "Can I talk to her Ana? Will she like me?" Ana laughs at my behavior. I am scared as hell. I do not know what to do. "Go ahead. She won't bite." Ana says chuckling. God I miss this chuckle, laugh. Damn her smart mouth. How well it would be on my lips or around my d**k. Just thinking about her makes me hard. Damn what this woman does to me? The way she bites her lip. I miss her the most. "Rose I am going back to New York and take care. I love you." Gideon speaks warmly. Too warmly for my taste. He calls Ana as Rose. Why? "Take care of yourself and little Rose." He turns to me. "They are my life and Grey do not f**k this time because you know I am good at killing people and hiding their body." He heads towards me and whispers in my ear. "I am not her lover Grey but I know the look. Believe me she loves you but is afraid of getting hurt. Do not make my sister upset." He pats me on the shoulder and give Ana a kiss on the cheek. What the hell? He is Ana's brother but Ana is a single child. I need answers and I know where I can get it. Taylor. Gideon turns Phoebe's chair and takes her headphones off her head." Bye bye little rose. I love you." My princess starts getting teared up. It breaks my heart to see her like this. She waves him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Phoebe runs and hide in Ana's chest. I hear her sniffing. God I am feeling miserable now. "Shh shh, it is alright Phoebe. We are here for some time then we will go back to New York, baby girl. I have a surprise for you." My princess lights up at the name of surprise. She likes them. I add it to my list of likes and dislikes. Ana told Phoebe they will go back to New York soon but with me. It might happen that they even stay with me here and go to New York on weekends. "Mommy, my suwpise?" Phoebe scrunches her nose just in the way Ana does. It is so adorable. Like mother like daughter. My daughter does not have patience. Something we have in common. "Hello princess" I say to Phoebe. "Who awe you?" she asks curiously, and I can't help but smile. "My name is Christian." I smile at her and crouch down in front of her. She really does look adorable in her outfit. She is wearing a red frock which touch her knees. "My name is Phoebe Hope Steele, but evewyone calls me the name they like." She babbles and holds her hand out to me and I shake it not being able to contain the smile at her cute introduction, she's obviously seen Ana make quite a few introductions. She is witty and wise. " What does everyone calls you? "I ask her amusingly. She answers me immediately" For mommy I am baby girl, for uncle Gideon I am little wose, for uncle Luke, Nina, Jason and Gail I am peanut. For uncle Elliot and aunt Mia I am nugget. For you I am princess." She does not realize she answered her own question. I frown as she knows about Elliot and Mia. They never told me about her. I do not know who else have lied to me. "So can I call you princess Phoebe." I ask her smiling at her. "Okay. Umm... What is youw full name?" She asks curiously as if trying to solve a problem. "My full name is Christian Grey." I smile at her. "Are you uncle Elliot's brother?" She asks frowning. God, I wish I knew what was going on her little head. I nod my head. "Yes princess, I am Elliot's brother." "Yay! You came. I love you daddy." She says jumping and she runs to me, crashing into my chest and wrapping her little arms around my neck. I am stunned as the darkness is nowhere to be found and hug.her tightly. It felt like when Ana touches me. It gave me comfort rather than the opposite. My eyes wells up with tears and at the same time, I can't help but smile. At this moment I forgot about everything. I cannot believe my daughter knows I am her father. She is so bright. "Princess how did you know that I am your daddy?" I ask her smiling like a fool. Ana kneels beside me and hug us. I want my life to be like this with my family. "Mommy told me you had gwey eyes like me. Uncle Elliot told me his bro is my daddy." She says giggling. I am lost in her giggle just I am lost in her mother's giggle too. They both start laughing and I do with them. I hug them tighter as I do not want this moment to end. Clank. Clank. Clank. We are broken out of our bubble by the sound of someone taking our pictures. I want this picture to be framed. I see the person taking the pictures is Mia. Phoebe jumps from my arms and rush towards Mia. Mia scoop her and she squeals. "I missed you aunt Mia. Me celebrate new yeaw without you." She continues to babble. I do not realize that I am still holding Ana and smelling her hair. God, I missed this scent. It is of Ana and vanilla. I want to bury myself in it. "You two are together, it is great. I have missed seeing both of you like this. You two used to be connected by hip." Mia says pleasantly. Ana realize the situation and shift. She looks at me and blush. God, I even missed this blush. "No, Umm it was like.. Uh" Ana tries to form a complete sentence but it is of no use. "I know. I know." Mia winks at me and Phoebe run towards us and not let us apart. She is the glue. She is our glue. "Yes mommy and daddy and Phoebe. My family." She says clapping her hand. I love my daughter more than anything. Hell, I was afraid to become a father hours ago and now I feel contented. I face Ana and see that she is happy too which makes me a lucky son of a b***h. " Daddy will you come with us to ice skating?" Phoebe asks me hopefully. I cannot say no to her. This girl has wrapped me around her little finger. "Yes if mommy has no problem." I glance at Ana and see that cold look is back. Huh, it will not be easy to win her back. But I am going to try my best. Phoebe looks at Ana and she smiles at her giving a nod. I am so delighted that I am going to spend the day with my daughter and my girl. My girls. I hear a growl from Ana's stomach and frown at her. Does she always like to starve herself. I give her a disapproving look but she does not seem tensed at all. "Ana you are not allowed to miss meals you know. If you miss anymore meals I will call Dr. Angela myself." Mia says. Who the hell is this Dr. Angela? What has happened to Ana? Is she sick? "Mia, why Ana is not allowed to skip meals? Is she sick?" I ask bewilderingly. "Oh it is nothing" Mia brushes it off but I know something is fishy. I will ask Mia about this later. "Let's go and eat." Phoebe says and takes our hand but her face falls off the next moment. I carry her in my arms and ask her "What is it princess? Why are you sad?" Does she does not want me anymore. Is she bored by me. Does she think I am a bad father? "Me not know any place in here." She pouts and I laugh at her. Oh Phoebe. I know all places in here and nobody will dare to say no to you. "Why awe you laughing at me?" She snaps at me and looks irritated. I have pissed the cat in here. "I am not laughing at you, Phoebe." I say to cheer her up. "Then who?" "He is laughing at your hair band baby girl. See it is coming on your eyes." Ana saves me and I mouth her thank you. Phoebe straightens her hair band. "Me did right mommy." She says with a bright smile. "Yes baby girl." MIA'S POV : Ana asked me to meet at Kavanagha media. She always lectures me on being on time now I am. Where the hell is she? I go in Kavanagha Media House. It makes me creep as I am reminded of Ethan f*****g Kahavangha. I loathe him. I see Taylor and Luke standing and talking. I rush towards them and greet Luke. "Where is Ana and my little nugget? What are you doing here Taylor?" "Ana, Christian and little nuggets of yours is inside. They are talking." Luke answers me. I am shocked to hear that my brother and Ana are inside with Phoebe. I am speechless. "What? How?" Hell what have I missed? "Go inside and figure, ma'am." Taylor responds. He knows I do not like to be called Ma'am but he does not listen to me. I rush inside the room and is elated to see the scene in front of me. I do not even remember when tears start falling. There is a family reunion. Three of them are hugging each other as their lives depend on it. I use my phone to capture the moment. I knew they were meant to be together. ANA'S POV : I had no idea that Christian will fall in love with Phoebe the second he sees here. I was afraid that he would feel her as vile but I was wrong. He is nervous to talk to her. I laugh at him. Christian Grey, master of the universe, is afraid of a little girl. I like it. Phoebe has wrapped Christian around her little finger. I had no idea Elliot told her about Christian but I am glad by seeing the smile on Christian and Phoebe's face. I am left there with a big weird smile on my face. I can't help but adore the two of them. I didn't know how wonderful the sight is. It is prettier unlike any other and I plan to look at it for the rest of my life. I join the hug and I feel safe and marvelous. I know one thing for sure that I want Christian in my life and he wants me too but I am going to pretend to be confused. I want to enjoy this moment. At the end it is my family. I am afraid of telling Christian about Ethan and husband number three but I have to. I am not going to waste my time on them rather I will enjoy this moment. My stomach growls. Uh. I forgot to have breakfast today. Mia demands if it happens again she is calling Dr. Angela. I see the worried look in grey eyes and I know that he will do anything to keep me safe and secure. I can trust him. I have to be careful but once Mr. Control Freak will get to know he will make sure I eat.
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