I Have A Daughter

1992 Words
ANA'S POV : I enter the meeting room and my hair stands, I know he is here. He looks handsome and hot. Damn, it should be illegal for him to wear something this hot. Gideon enters and is late because I messed with his clock. I just set it 15 minutes late and nothing more. We share a joke and Christian growls at him. Jealousy... I like it. As the meeting finishes and I am ready to leave someone opens the door. Everyone in New York knows I am not to disturbed while a meeting is going on. I am going to pass the rules here also. Through the corner of my eyes I see Christian starting to stand but stops in between. Whoever is behind the door is doing the right job. I am enjoying it. Nobody makes Christian Grey wait but I like to make sure he does wait. "Oops, me think meeting was ovew. Sowwy mommy." Phoebe speaks and runs towards me. I pick her up. I know it is wrong and rules are same for everyone but I cannot be angry at her for coming and surprising me. I hear a gasp and turns to see it is from Christian and Kate. Never thought that I would have a daughter. "No worries, baby girl. The meeting is over so you did nothing wrong." I am stopped in tracks by seeing her eyes are welling. "What happened Phoebe? Did someone shout at you? Where is Alice, sweetie?" I am trying to keep my voice low but I hate it when my angel cries. Alice is Phoebe's CPO. "Alice is waiting outside. Me saw nuts mommy but did not eat them. Me good girl mommy." Nuts? What the hell? How come nuts are present here? I wrote in the e-mail yesterday that no nuts will be present. I am getting enraged because of the nuisance. I am overwhelmed about Phoebe's health. "Are you all right Phoebe? Do you feel uncomfy? Answer me sweetie." I am getting anxious. How come they can do such a mistake. Whoever did this is getting fired? "Alice and Uncle Jason stop me and did we-mind me. I am happy mommy." I am relieved as I hear my daughter's word. Thank God for Jason and Alice is God's gift. She always takes care of my baby girl whenever I am not present. I make Phoebe sit in my chair as I have some unfinished business to end. Luke comes by my side and kneels. He provides Phoebe with my ipod and headphones." Peanut, listen to them and then we will go for ice skating." "We awe going for ice skating. Yay!" Phoebe starts jumping and claps her hand. There is a lovely smile over her face which I love to see."Thank you mommy and uncle Luke. You awe the bestest." She welcome us with kisses all over our faces. "Now listen to songs, sweetie. We will go as soon as I finish. Okay." "Okay". She does as told and starts listening to songs. I turn her chair so that she is facing the wall and do not see me angry. She hates seeing me angry and ends up crying which I do not like at all. At last I turn back to the boardroom and go into CEO mode. "Gentlemen the meeting is over. I would like everyone to leave except the staff. Thank you for your cooperation." Everyone starts to leave except Christian. Well, he can stay. Luke and Gideon are glaring at Christian but he acts like nothing is happening. He is watching Phoebe. There is love in his eyes and he seems excited. Luke starts to move towards Christian but I stop him. I do not want any drama. " Mr. Kavanagha who was responsible for the food arrangements?" I ask wasting no time. I am seething. Mr. Kavanagha is taken back my question. What is wrong with him? "Uh,huh -" I yell at him for not knowing a single thing about his company. "I was responsible for it." These are the words I wanted to hear and I see they are from Kate. Oh. At last the sheep comes out. "Did you read the e-mail I sent yesterday?" I give her my f**k off look. She was not expecting this as my reaction. What did she thought that I will ask her in a way that we are gossiping? Well the old Ana might have done so but not this one. Never. "Yes." Her voice is as low as wishper. "Were there any specifications given Ms. Kavanagha?" I ask her and she better answer me in time or else she is facing the wrath of satin. "No Ana." She says confidently. "Ms. Kavanagha it will be better you refer me professionally. We are not on first name basis." I try to control my temper but no control. "YOU ARE FIRED. GET YOUR f*****g ASS OUT OF MY PREMISES." "What? Ana I know you well, you have no problem with nuts. I just forgot about nuts, it is not a problem Ana. How can you fire me for it?" She is furious. Wrong move Kate. I am not the old Ana who will listen to your bullshit. "I WILL NOT GIVE YOU AN EXPLANATION. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" She nods frightenedly. "MY COMPANY. MY RULES. NOW. GET. THE. f**k. OUT. OF. MY. BUILDING." She is humiliated. She deserves it. I do not like people who can not do their jobs properly. "You cannot do this." She seems terrified but is trying to hide it. I have seen this look many times before. It would not change anything. Might have for the old Ana. "Security" I yell and simultaneously one man and woman enter the room. "Make sure she collects her things and leave the premesis." Mr. Kavanagha tries to protest but in vain. "Leave the room and make one thing clear that you better not f**k off things lest you will be out of your jobs. Thank you." Everyone leaves hurriedly, not ready to lose their jobs or face my wrath. I will take latter as the option. They better know I will not care who they are. Nobody messes with my daughter's health. CHRISTIAN'S POV : What the f**k did happen here? I have a daughter. I am happy and sad to know about this. Happy that she is so cute. When Luke told her about going to ice skating the way she clapped her hands and jumped. It could make any heart melt. She is so f*****g adorable. She is exquisite. Sad that I did not have any part in making her happy. I was not with her when she needed me. I was a shitty father till now but it going to change. I am going to try to do my best to make her happy. She is like a princess. My princess. Like mother like daughter. I smile merrily. My princess has some problems with nuts. Does she not like them? Is she allergic to them? I am going to ask Ana about it. Ana referred the little girl as Phoebe. Is this her name? I have no f*****g idea. It is going to change soon though. It seems a big issue as Ana went ballistic over Kate. I make a mental note to make sure nuts are not included in the food now on. My princess said Alice and Uncle Jason stop her. Who the f**k is Alice? My daughter knows Jason as in Jason Taylor. Taylor knew where Ana was? How did he not tell me about it? He knew I have a daughter but never spoke a f*****g word. I am going to deal with him later. He better answer all my questions or we will have problems. The meeting is over. I go near Ana but Luke comes in between. "Back off. You are not going near Ana and Phoebe. " My fist clenches in anticipation of meeting his face but I stop as Ana would not like it and what would my daughter think of me? That I like to go around and punch men. "Luke let him come."Her melodic voice stops my train of thoughts. I feel happy as Ana has no problem in me being near her. It is a small triumph but I am going to celebrate it. I face Ana and try to speak but nothing comes out of my mouth. What the f**k is happening to me? Oh I know it, Ana's effect. I love it. "Yes she is your daughter." Ana answers my unasked question. She can f*****g read me like a book. I am a lucky son of a b***h as I have a lovely daughter like her mother. Why did not Ana tell me about her? This makes me abandoned. I do not like the feeling. "Why did you not tell me about her?" I ask Ana trying to keep my voice neutral. I do not want to appear hurt but fail. "If I would have told you that I was pregnant you would have asked me to abort the child. You were the one who said me that you did not want children and how could I have prove that the child is made of pure love. That it is not of Luke. Christian you did not trust me then I do not know you even believe me or I am still a w***e in your eyes."Tears start falling from her eyes. Oh baby, please don't cry. I do not like when you cry." I was afraid of your reaction and I cannot hold any more comments."Ana snaps at me. I want to kick myself for making her afraid of me. That is the last thing I want to do. " Ana I am sorry that I did not trust you. Please forgive me baby. Please. I know I was wrong please give me a chance to prove myself Ana. Please. You were right Ana about Elena. She was never my friend, she just wanted us separate. When I found out about her I did shut her from my life. "I beg for her forgiveness but is turned with silence. It looks like she is not sure what to say. Like she is building her walls. Oh baby, please let me in. I will not betray you. " Christian I do forgive you but I will never forget how you detestable you made me feel. Our marriage would have never worked because we did not have faith in each other. If we would have married it would ultimately result in divorce. It was a wake up call for both of us. It was the right thing happened. It is said everything happens in your life for good. "It breaks my heart to listen to her words. What can I do to make her trust me again? I have no idea. She is right as she is mostly. She takes a deep breath" If you want to have a relationship with your daughter you can. One, I have some problems that is my daughter will never meet your submissives. Two, if you break my daughter's heart then nobody will be able to protect you and I guarantee that. "What does she think of me? Seriously Grey when you humiliated her what did she have thought of you at that time. Ana knows my heart belongs to her, how can she think I will have a submissive in my life? I will kill myself before breaking my daughter's heart. "Yes I will make sure it never happens. I did not have any submissive after you were gone. I told you Ana that you ruined me for others." I see a faint smile on heface which she is trying to control by biting her lip but failing immensely. I fight back a grin that I made her happy.
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