A Drive Back Home

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Simbiana and Ben P.O.V The mood between them was heavy with tension, a storm of unspoken frustrations crackling in the air. Their voices, once filled with warmth, now cut sharply through the silence of the car. The dull hum of the engine was a stark contrast to the biting words exchanged. Every turn of the road seemed to mirror the twists of their argument, as their frustrations and hurt feelings collided, creating a chasm that grew wider with each passing mile. The atmosphere was thick with resentment, their faces tight with the strain of unresolved issues, as the home they were heading towards felt increasingly distant. I noticed Camila staring at you, do you even think to talk about that? Simbiana asked. Ben gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles white. Oh, really? Because it feels like you like her,” Simbiana shot back, her frustration evident. Ben sighed, his patience fraying….. Angrily Simbiana pulls out a stick of cigarette to smoke inside the car, knowingly to get his attention. When did you start smoking inside a driving vehicle, huh? Ben asked. Simbiana snubs him…. The AC is on and you pull out a cig right inside the car, Ben said angrily. Simbiana ignores….. Are you ready to talk? Simbiana asked Ben. "I promise I'll always be honest with you, even when the truth is hard to hear," Ben replied. As they drove along the winding road, the tension in the car thickened. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, noticing the way he gripped the steering wheel a bit too tightly. The conversation had dwindled to silence, the radio humming softly in the background, but it felt more like a void. Her heart raced. She could sense something unspoken in his answer, a flicker of unease that didn’t match his usual confidence. As he turned his head slightly to check for oncoming traffic, she caught a glimpse of a text notification on his phone, just within reach on the dashboard. Her gut twisted. She felt the familiar pang of distrust rising, gnawing at her thoughts. Why was he so evasive? What was he hiding? The road blurred outside the window as her mind raced, drowning in a storm of doubts. Each glance at his phone felt like a silent accusation, and she found herself torn between confronting him and searching for the truth herself. As she observed him, her mind began to delve into dark possibilities, questioning whether the warmth they once shared was fading under the weight of his ultimate betrayal, until they reached home. TWO DAYS LATER The Reunion flashback Simbiana sat on the couch, scrolling through photos from a recent family gathering, a chill ran down her spine. Her husband’s laughter with her cousin felt too intimate, too carefree. The way they exchanged glances, the whispered jokes that left her out—they haunted her. Memories of her cousin's sudden closeness, the late-night texts, and her husband’s odd defensiveness crept into her mind. Doubts spiralled, making her question every interaction, every moment. She felt a mix of betrayal and disbelief, wondering how to confront a truth she wasn't sure was real but couldn't ignore. Sitting alone in their once-happy home, she felt her heart shatter as the thought settled in: her husband might be having an affair with her cousin. The realization clawed at her insides, mixing disbelief with a profound sense of betrayal. Memories of shared laughter and family gatherings twisted into painful reminders of their intimacy. The image of them together, secrets exchanged in hushed tones, consumed her. How could he betray her like this? And her cousin—someone she had trusted—was now a symbol of her deepest hurt. She felt lost, grappling with the reality of a love that felt increasingly like a lie. Above all, Simbiana is still unsure about her cousin Camila having an affair with her husband. On the other hand, she feels dumb calling Camila to ask such a weird question. She hesitated, the weight of her cousin's question pressing on her. Doubts swirled in her mind—was it a playful inquiry or a deeper concern? She wondered if revealing too much would change their relationship, yet the ultimate truth lingered unspoken, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. Ben walked in, the front door creaked, but her silence was deafening. She sat on the couch, arms crossed, staring out the window, lost in thought. He noticed the shadows under her eyes and the tight line of her mouth. "Hey, what’s wrong?" he asked, sensing the tension. She turned slowly, her expression a mix of frustration and sadness, and he knew he needed to delve deeper to understand what weighed on her heart. He watched her from across the room, her distant gaze betraying an inner turmoil he couldn't quite grasp. What was it that burdened her? Was it something he’d done, or perhaps something she hadn’t shared? His curiosity grew as he felt an urge to bridge the gap between them, to delve into her thoughts and find a way to ease the weight on her heart. Ben rushed to make her dinner, thinking that would cheer her up. Sitting across from her at dinner, he noticed how her fork pushed the food around rather than bringing it to her lips. Concerned, he set down his own utensils and leaned in closer. "You seem distant. Is something bothering you?" he asked softly. She glanced up, hesitating, then looked away again. He reached for her hand, hoping to convey his support, urging her to share what was on her mind. The silence hung heavy, and he knew he had to be patient, ready to delve into whatever troubled her. "Hey, you’ve been quiet tonight. Is something bothering you?" he asked Simbiana replied to him "I don’t know... it’s just been a long week." "I get that. But it feels like there’s more. You can talk to me." Ben said. "I guess I just feel overwhelmed with everything—work, home..." Simbiana said….. Ben replied to her, "I’m here for you. What can I do to help?" Simbiana is a bit cheered up….,
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