1044 Words
I paused for a moment to think. Celine was always the wise, mature one, coming up with ideas, thinking things through, and instructing me what to do and what not to do. And there she was, making ridiculous proposals like running away. Those two men were standing behind us and suddenly they vanished. How could we be certain there weren't any more? "What is the point of that? You witnessed how one of us ripped us apart. What if the other person becomes involved? No, we don't start till we're on the road " I answered after a few moments of deep thought. Celine had a point, I knew she was right, but we had two options: a 20-foot fence or a deep dark forest. Neither was an option. Well...not a logical option. "Vy we have to try or else we both die." she pleaded, her chestnut coloured eyes were wide and hyper-focused on to my own. I knew she expected me to say yes, but I couldn't. I couldn't get rid of my hesitation that something wasn't quite right. How could this have happened to us? Celine, like myself, is an ordinary student with a simple desire. Instead, I want this to be my nightmare. "Your wrist is injured. No. Just stay put." I stated firmly. She groaned and slumped, and then before I could say anything, she had jetted off, heading off to the forest. She must have been insane, and I must have been insane as well, because I was racing right after her. "Hey!!" The main guy called out, "Lanz! Keep an eye on this one!" He ordered, referring to me. 'Lanz' grabbed my shoulders, shoved me onto the damp grass and towered over me. He didn't appear to be as aggressive as the other person, nor did his expression appear to be as cold, but who knew? "I'd suggest you to look away from your friend," he muttered above me, his hands holding me down terribly. "What?" I turned to give him a strange look, thinking I'd misheard him. I heard a blood-curdling scream that was immediately cut off. I snapped my head in the direction of Celine, only to be filled with a sickening, gut-wrenching feeling. He had to have hurt her for her to scream like that; it sounded like a wounded animal. Celine's throat had been pulled out by the other guy's sharp teeth.. As her half-alive corpse tumbled to the floor, blood spurted from her. She rolled onto her back and began to sweat as a result of her astonishment. I sat stiffly for a second, trying to process what I had just seen: he had ripped open Celine's throat with his fangs and appeared pleased with himself as he stood decorated in my friend's blood. "No! No! Celine! Please stop this!! Not my friend!" When the real horror hit me, I yelled. I scurried up to my dearest best friend and squeezed her hand strongly in mine. As I clutched her tiny body, the blood began to splatter all over me. Her normal browned complexion was gradually losing its color as life fled her. She began to choke on her blood as it spewed from her lips and neck. "Celine don't die! Please don't die!" I begged. I had no idea what to do! I wasn't sure if I could save her. The blood was much and her eyes were already so lifeless. This is not true! This is nothing short of a nightmare! Please tell me! For me, breathing and even seeing became a task with the heavy flow of tears and uncontrollable sobs. She couldn't die, I wouldn't let her. Not that night. Not before her time. I violently yanked the scarf from around my neck and slammed it as hard as I could against Celine's throat. I know, It was pointless, because it would only hasten her death. Her painful end... She gave a little grind and pressed her hand into mine. A tear streamed down her cheek, collecting blood from her face as it went. Her eyes began to circle back into her head, as she began to silence and I watched my best friend take her final breath. She was totally gone as fast as the last huff of her lungs expelled vapour into the night air. She looks like an animal that has been torn apart by a monster! "Celine? No! No! This couldn't be true! No!"I cried while shaking her body waiting for a reaction from her, hoping her eyes would open again. But that was it. I can't hear her voice or even her breathe. She was gone. No. No! My best friend was gone. Celine had been my best friend since we were three, I didn't exactly come from the same privileged background as her, but she and her parents made me feel like one of them, feel loved, and cared for. Something my parents never did. We have different colors, and I love her tan skin while she loves my pale skin. I don't know what to say. I just want to disappear and forget what I see. I can't accept this. Celine would defend me if I was being mocked or bullied, assist me with homework, and ensure that I was on track with my behavior. I was thankful for everything. He should have murdered me, not her. She doesn't deserve it at all! She could have had so many fantastic possibilities in life. "She is no longer alive. I made certain that I ripped off her windpipe, "said the blue-eyed guy with a large s**t-eating smile on his face, filling me with wrath. He's a beast! And I confirm that. "You scumbag, you murdered her!" I yelled as loudly as my lungs would allow. As I rose up to confront the man, tears began to distort my eyesight once again. "She heard my warning as clearly as you did. Move and you die. You didn't think I was kidding, right? If you just tell her not to move. She's still alive now." "How could you be a damn killer! Bastard!" He chuckled slowly. "Now come on. Let's go." “How could you! How could you laugh! How could you take her life!!!"
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