Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Patton and Paxton Gray: Demon twins from hell Parker While I was dealing with my folks, the demon twins were getting into trouble of their own. In the form of dealing with Shaun, except Shaun spouted off at the mouth. The twins took exception as they dropped him. “That was quick. You beat your time from the last time,” Kaxon responded as he looked at his watch. “We like to improve our skills and quickness,” Patton shrugged. “He’s like his brother. A little b***h,” Paxton said as he leaned over Shaun. “Gray one and Gray two, principal’s office now!” A teacher barked. “Listen, cheese d**k, we have a damn name,” Patton snapped back. “March!” The teacher ordered them. They rolled their eyes, walking towards the principal’s office. “How much you want to bet the folks will wait for us?” Paxton asked Patton. As he was about to reply, they came upon our parents in the office with Selena and me. “That was quick,” Patton replied, strolling into the office, acting calm. Yeah, right, those two are up to something. Pops looked at them. “It’s the first day of school.” “At least it’s not the first ten minutes,” Patton reasoned. Pops looked at him unamused. “What did you two do?” Ma questioned them. “Well, Shaun ran his mouth like his tool of an older brother. So, we dropped him,” Patton answered as they gave them a skeptical look. “Then some teacher didn’t bother to call us by our names, which was rude. I called him a cheese d**k,” Paxton shrugged as they did a double-take. “I don’t get paid enough to survive three generations of Grays,” the principal groaned. I sat there with Selena as my parents and the demon twins argued about proper etiquette at school. It didn’t matter. We would all end up here at some point. “Look, the four of them all have detention,” the principal announced. They gave us an incredulous look. “Make that five,” Presley mentioned as he strolled into the office. “This gets better and better,” pops said to ma. “Yep,” she agreed. He looked at Presley. “What did you do?” “I got caught making out with a chick,” he shrugged as pops looked at him with that look, we all knew too well. “Was she hot?” Paxton asked him. “She was semi-hot, not full fledge hot,” he answered. “Semi-hot is still better than not hot,” Patton added. The three of them discussed their idea of hot chicks while my parents rolled their eyes. Selena leaned over and whispered, “Are they always like this?” “Pretty much and get used to it because it only gets worse as the school year drags,” I whispered back. “So, is everyone crazy?” She asked me a bit confused. “We’re not crazy; we don’t deal with bullshit, which most people like to dish out. You call them on their bullshit, and they get butthurt about it. It’s a fine line,” I explained to her as she nodded. “I don’t care who did what. The five of you have after-school detention,” the principal announced as we all groaned. “Since you can’t seem to stay out of trouble, I guess working in the bakery will help,” pops told us. I sat there, shaking my head. I didn’t want to work in the bakery because I wasn’t freaking Betty Crocker. Pops and ma left as they dismissed us to go back to classes. “This is such bullshit,” Patton huffed. “No kidding,” Paxton added as I gave them a look. “What?” They both asked me. “Didn’t it ever occur to you that Shaun pulls his s**t because he knows it pisses you both off?” I asked them. “Does it matter? Considering every time, he does, he gets knocked the hell out,” Paxton told me. “Listen, dipshit, Parker is trying to tell you to knock it off,” Presley told him. “How about I knock you off, then we will all be happier?” Paxton remarked as I rolled my eyes. “Listen, you twit, the more you fight with each other, the less time you both get freedom,” I reasoned with them. “What is your beef with each other, anyway?” I questioned them. “He’s annoying,” they both said as they pointed at each other. “You’re both annoying, but you don’t see Patton and me complaining, now do you?” I asked them as Patton agreed with me. Selena giggled at our exchanges amongst each other. We looked at her as she stopped and stared at us. “Why did you stop laughing?” I asked her. “Uh, well, I,” she spoke. “Never mind,” she added as she walked away. I stood there and watched her leave. I like her laugh and thought it was cute. I went to class while my brothers walked down the hallway but didn’t go to class. Instead, they made a phone call and left school. Yeah, it would piss pops off when he found out. My guess, they will never see the light of day with the way they keep going.
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