Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Parker Gray Parker We walked out to the car and made Patton move to the back. He told me to get bent, making me smack him upside the head. I’m still pissed at him for breaking my hand. I had to wear a damn cast for three months. Paxton gave me a freaking concussion on top of it. Yeah, I got even with their stupid assess and beat the hell out of them for it. Pops ended up with a broken nose when he tried to break it up. It’s not my fault. He should have listened to Payton. Selena sat in the front seat with me. My twit brothers sat in the back seat, grumbling about getting relegated to the backseat. Suck it up, buttercups. It’s my car, my rules. We pulled into the parking lot and got out. I looked at Selena. “Stick close to us, and you’ll be fine,” I advised her. She nodded and walked with us to school. I showed her the office which she entered. I stood there, thinking. Something bothered me about what my parents said. For someone’s parents away on a trip, she didn’t act like it. There was more to it than they told us and planned on finding out the truth. My brothers already left to go to their locker, so I stayed. She appeared ten minutes later, looking at a paper. “Is that your schedule?” I inquired, pointing to the papers she held. “Yes,” she nodded as she handed it to me. I took it and looked at it. We had a few classes together, which would help, especially the first one. I handed the paper back to her. “We have first-class together. You can sit next to me and any other ones we have together,” I mentioned as she looked at me, confused. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite, well, not much,” I smirked as her eyes widened. I turned and walked away as she ran to catch up with me. I showed her locker then her class, which was my class. I took a seat, and she found one next to me. The teacher walked in as the students took their seats and started the class. Selena sat there, terrified. What was with this chick? I’ve never seen someone so frightened by their shadow. As we sat there, some tool took it upon himself to say inappropriate things to Selena. I’m not talking about any tool, but the king tool himself, Shaun Andrews. The demon twins beat his older brother’s ass. I still chuckle at the memory. I leaned over and said, “Listen, tool, no one cares about your one-inch d**k, so shut the hell up.” “Mr. Gray,” the teacher announced with irritation. “I won’t tolerate that talk in my class.” “Well, then you need to inform this twit over here not to speak like a behemoth. No one gives a s**t how many chicks Shaun f****d, especially his girlfriend,” I snapped. The class gasped at my outburst. “Go to the principal’s office,” he ordered me as I shrugged, getting up from my seat and strolling out the door. I tried but failed not to go to the principal’s office - nothing new there. I got detention and a warning. The day wasn’t over yet. As I sat there, I heard the fire alarm go off. Couldn’t they wait until a few weeks to conduct one of their stupid drills? Everyone left when we stopped and noticed a teacher escorting Selena to the office. What in the hell? The alarm stopped, and I took a seat next to her. “I sort of pulled the fire alarm,” she whispered as I looked at her, stunned. “Why?” I asked her. She looked at me. “You told me to stick close to you.” I watched a smile curl on her lips. I sat there in awe. “So, you pulled the fire alarm?” I questioned. She nodded as I looked at her, a bit surprised. “Let me guess, you’re some bad girl rebelling against her folks for being twits,” I implied. “I would if I had parents,” she answered as I looked at her. “They’re dead,” she informed me as I sat there, shocked. “Wait. What?” I questioned as she looked at me, confused. “I’m an orphan. It’s hard to rebel against people who are dead,” she replied as I sat there, not knowing what to say. She turned to face the front as I sat there, thinking. Yep, my parents told one hell of a whopper, and I would find out why. The weirdest part is something deep down inside of me told me this girl needed me as much as I needed her. There was more to Selena than meets the eye. I became so lost in my thoughts; I didn’t notice that my parents showed up. Pops cleared his throat as I turned and looked at him. Well, s**t.
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