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Amani Leaving Josiah’s place made me feel sad. I wanted to stay with him, but I knew I would have to take things slow. Josiah has been around a lot longer than me and soon he will find out that I am simply an Omega. I am nothing special and, since he is a hybrid, he is completely out of my league. I giggled as a wave of excitement rushed over me. However, that rush was quickly interrupted by the thrilling sound of my phone ringing. I scrambled to grab it from the passenger seat as I kept my eyes on the road. “Hello?” I quickly answered when I saw it was my father, Gavin. “Hello, are you on your way home?” I rolled my eyes at his question. When was he going to realize that I am no longer twelve? “No, I am on my way to town, I wanted to get some things for dinner. Why?” “Don’t worry about that, your mother already went to town, please come home so we can talk,” his tone of voice had me on high alert. What could he possibly want to talk about? I hung up and threw the phone back on the passenger seat as I wondered if this was about Josiah. My father had always been overprotective, and I had a feeling this time wouldn’t be any different. I parked the car in the driveway, and I sat there for a moment as I mentally prepared myself for whatever was about to happen. Being back home was great, but I suddenly missed my independence. I hopped out of the car and as soon as I pushed open the door, I spotted my father. He was red in the face, and I knew exactly what that meant. “What is going on?” I asked as I stepped inside, and I immediately spotted more of my family sitting in the living room. “Ah…ok…hello, everyone,” I greeted. My mother was seated in her favorite armchair and my three aunts were squished up on the loveseat. My father passed me and sat down on the arm of the armchair. One by one they greeted me rather stiffly and now I was even more curious about this little family gathering. My aunts, Flora, Macy, and Stephanie, all looked at me with sympathy. “What is this all about?” I then asked curiously, however, the silence remained thick and heavy. Clearly, this was something big. “O-k…let me just put down my bag and put the kettle on,” I took my time as I set my bag down by the kitchen entrance before I lazily headed inside. I took my time putting the kettle on as I mused over this family intervention. Was this truly about Josiah? Or was this something else? As I waited for the kettle, I could hear them whispering amongst themselves and all this did was irritate me. “Put the pot on for tea,” my mother, Kathy, called out. I rolled my eyes as I prepared the teapot and cups before finally adding the boiled water. I carefully carried the tray into the living room and set it down on the coffee table. “Ok, so here we are…tell me what this is all about?” I questioned as I sat down. The tea needed time to brew, so I wasn’t in any rush. Then again, all I wanted to do was head back to Josiah’s place. “We just heard from your father that you met a man, and he is potentially your mate?” my mother questioned, and I glared over at her as my aunts watched me closely. “Why don’t you just come out and ask what you want to know?” I questioned sarcastically. My father shot me a warning look and I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I met my mate, and there is not a lot to say yet, especially since we just met,” “You are twenty-four years old, and well…he is much older than you,” Aunt Flora pointed out. It didn’t occur to me that Josiah’s name hadn’t come up. That meant they knew. “So? You all know age is just a number,” I said quickly as I hoped to get them off the age thing. “Ok that’s fine, but you do know he is the one that caused all that chaos for Alpha Grayson’s wedding reception, right? I know your mother told you all about that, or have you forgotten?” Aunt Macy remarked, and once again, I rolled my eyes. “Oh, so this is what this is all about? Are you all scared of him? Is that why you are all looking for all kinds of excuses?” I questioned angrily. “No, my dear, we are just concerned for your safety,” Aunt Stephanie said softly. “We heard that he is a very powerful hybrid, and we are just looking out for your best interest,” I huffed out as clearly, they still viewed me as a twelve-year-old little girl. I shot up and glared at them. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. They were supposed to be happy for me. “Amani!” I heard my father call out to me, but I ignored him as I grabbed my bag and headed straight for my bedroom. I slammed the door closed before I let out a scream of frustration. I wasn’t sure what angered me more, the fact that they didn’t even know Josiah, or the fact that they thought they had some type of say in my new-found relationship. How dare they corner me that way? They are all happy with their mates, but the second I meet mine; it is a problem. I will not allow any of them to stand in my way of happiness. I shook my head before I headed for the adjacent bathroom and, once again, I was relieved that my father had given me this when I had turned sixteen. According to him, a young lady should be entitled to her privacy. I huffed out as I turned on the taps in the shower. Why wasn’t I allowed that same privacy now? My relationship with Josiah has nothing to do with any of them. “Amani?” my mother called out and I sighed softly. I wasn’t in the mood for any further discussion. “I’m going to shower,” I said loudly as I got undressed. She would respect that at least, which only fueled my anger. “Ok, dinner will be ready in about an hour,” she informed me, and I could hear the heartbreak in her voice. Great! Now she was even more upset with me.
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