
851 Words
Selene POV Thousands of years of being alone have caused me to put so much into my wolves, all my love. Even though I've lost my family, I did what was right, what needed doing, and I'm so glad I did. I would have loved to share my life with my siblings, and I miss them all terribly. I've been thinking of what Alora had said, and maybe she is right, and it wasn't too late. As much as there is a massive rift between me and Vladmiha because I went against him, the others distanced themselves from us to avoid the constant anger from us both at what the other had done. At the time I was upset than non of them had my back so I let them disappear from my life, my anger had gotten the best of me and to be honest it was by far the worst part of my life but it wasn't until years and years later that it finally sunk in and I could open my eyes to everything that happened. It wasn't until my werewolves started getting their mates that everything seemed to settle, and we lived in relative peace. It was then that my sisters and brother also created their supernatural beings. I think I'm going to reach out and see if I can build bridges. Watching my children grow and evolve over the years has been my greatest accomplishment. They are so good-hearted and loyal, and wow, when they meet their mates, love doesn't compare to what they feel. I'm happy I get to gift them with their perfect other half. Don't get me wrong, over the years, it hasn't always gone to plan. Some wolves are bad, as all creatures some are kind and some are cruel. If it happens that a mate is treating their mate badly or, cruelly, they can be rejected but only if I agree and grant that prayer and if it needs to be done to help then I will, I will also give them a better second chance mate. Even a goddess like me can sometimes get it wrong. It has been tried more than a few times when a certain mate wants a chosen mate to have a higher status in the pack. They are fools, but it proves their original mate is worth more, and that's the only reason I grant the rejection. It was the first time I was able to connect with the stolen pups and for that I'm angry at the fact they were stolen away from their families and birth rights because of greed and the desire for destruction. If I could interfere I would have done years ago, the only help I could offer was visit the one that was told to get rid of the pups. I visited in her dreams instructing her that I would send her soul to the deepest darkest pits of hell to burn for all eternity, even though she thought it was just dream I wasn't pleasant, I was so angry but if she harmed the pups in anyway she would feel my wrath. That is 1 thing I could never ignore. She was paranoid, so she took them away and left them with those despicable humans who hit those pups and starved them, but there was nothing I could do. I have felt so helpless, that is one of the reasons I appeared in their dreams, normally they would have been brought up by their family knowing about being werewolves and loved so it was the only thing I could do, introduce them to their wolves and explaining why werewolves were created, telling them the story that they would have grew up listening to if they were never taken and the other reason is because Alora and Kylie will be gifted their wolves when they turn 18 years old and they needed to be home before that happened to protect themselves and the humans. I know that Alora has already celebrated her birthday, but she still has 11 days before then, and Kylie has 14 days before she turns 18 years old. I would never normally appear to my children unless absolutely necessary, especially pups, but with the circumstances that surround these pups, it was a must. No one ever meets their wolves ever, but they need reassuring, and it definitely worked. I put a pull out on all of them to bring them home, and I'm so happy they followed that pull to come to the forest. Now they are closer to the gateway that pull will be stronger until they pass through. I'll need to give them a couple of warnings before they enter, but I hope they need to sleep before they find it, as that would be easier to communicate. 1- Don't trust everyone 2- always be respectful 3- Never pass on pack territory without permission 4- they should head to 'The crystal moon pack' after there, they will find their way. Hopefully, this will be enough to get them home. Where they all belong.
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