
1480 Words
Alora POV I was still nervous at what we might find while on our journey, the others all seemed excited especially Poppy and Liam but being the youngest I suppose it's normal feel that way but I plastered a smile on my face as I didn't want to worry them. It felt like we had walked for days as we didn't stop for dinner. It sounds crazy because it was just a dream, but we were hoping to find the hidden gateway, and we knew we were closer because the pull became stronger the closer we seemed to get. We were all hungry and tired, so we decided to camp for the night as it was starting to get dark. After setting everything up, we ate the leftover bits from our picnic yesterday too tired to reheat the soup on the stove we opted to go to bed. Hopefully, I'll feel more refreshed tomorrow. It's been a long day physically and mentally draining, trying to wrap my head around all the new information. I shouted goodnight once I was settled, Kylie mumbled sleepily "goodnight" and Liam said "goodnight, Poppy is already asleep" he chuckled then in a serious tone "and if you get up again before us Lori wake me up" "ok Liam I will do, love you night" and as I was falling to sleep I heard him say "night love you too"... Dream..... I was back at the beautiful pond looking at the amazing creatures around me, everything seems so colourful and alive here. The wolf from before appears at the side of me, and I sit as she lays around me with her giant head on my knee. "I'm new to all this, and I don't know how it all works, so you probably won't understand me, but... I'm so happy to have you, I've always had Kylie, Poppy, and Liam, but inside, I've never felt whole...." I stop to take a deep breath as my tears flow."I'm so lucky to have a beautiful wolf, and I hope you don't mind settling with me.." Now I'm sobbing as I think of all the years of feeling like there was something I was missing and how I know nothing, so this amazing and majestic wolf has to settle. That's when I felt her warm tongur lick my face, taking away my tears. 'I can understand you, I've watched you grow up and I'm sorry you had to go through that, I would have protected you if I could but all I could do was wait alongside our mother of the moon and now we will be together soon as one. You will always have me as I will always have you.' I heard her beautiful voice in my head, and it felt like home, like we were one of the same. But I clung to her and sobbed until I had no tears left. I wipe the tears from my face. "I can't wait to finally be one with you. Can I ask your name?" I ask as I sit up a little so I can look at her. She chuckled in my head 'of course my name is Veda' I smile "a beautiful name for a beautiful wolf" I say in wonder "that is true" I hear Selene and there she is stood in front of us looking breathtaking as the last time. "I'm sorry about last night it was a lot to take in," I say, embarrassed, but Selene giggles. "It definitely was a lot to take in.. wasn't it" this time we both giggled a little " ok, I'll finish what I was saying last night, and then you can ask any questions you have.. ok, " she asks as she sits in front of me, I nod my head yes, eager to know what it was I missed. "Ok so as I was saying, you are one of my children of the moon, a werewolf and I see you have already gotten acquainted with Veda" she says as I nod yes smiling "ok so when you turn 18 is when you will get Veda, no you are not 18 yet not for another 10 days and yes when you merge with Veda you will always have one another. When you have Veda, you will have some changes... 1- Your sight will be 100% stronger seeing at least a mile in front of you. 2- Your hearing will be impeccable, hearing the slightest noise around you. 3- Your sense of smell will also be impeccable smelling from far away. You will be able to identify a person by scent and especially your mate. That's what will alert you to the mate first. 4- You will be a lot hungrier as your body will use up a lot more energy. 5- Your first shift will be the most painful, but the more you shift, the easier it gets. 5- You will have a pack,.. a pack is where you belong with other werewolves, like a massive family all caring and protecting each other. In a pack, there is a hierarchy in every pack. The highest ranked wolf is Alpha he leads his pack with a firm hand and protects them at all costs, keeping them all safe, his mate is the Luna, and her role is to lead alongside the Alpha. She leads with love and compassion and is like a mother to the pack. She will also calm her Alpha together, and they run the pack. After the Alpha couple, it's the Beta couple they help the Alpha couple lead the pack. Then the Gamma couple they will help in any tasks asked of them and are usually great warriors so can help train the pack. They are the 3 most high ranks then there are warriors they fight for the pack and keep them safe, Drs and nurses run the pack clinic, helping anyone that is injured or birthing, there's also teachers, day care staff, most of the cleaners, cooks and ground keepers are known as Omegas they are seen as the lowest rank in the pack. Most packs do respect every member, but a few packs are cruel even to their own members, especially Omegas. Always no matter what happens.. always be respectful of each pack, never cross their borders without permission. When you enter the gateway, you will enter Ammethralla, it's a hidden magical world to protect all the supernatural and the humans. Once there, don't blindly trust everyone. Go with your gut as it will give a clear signal if that person isn't trustworthy. You need to head for 'The Crystal Moon pack'. That is where your journey will start. The sooner you get there, the better... it's the utmost importance that you all arrive there safely but quickly it would be best to arrive no later than 3 days time. I think that was about it.. do you have any questions? " and wow, I'm not sure where to start, so I sit and take a few minutes. "Ok I'm not sure what to ask but what does my mate smell like" I ask the most obvious question "well that is specific to you, no one will smell your mate, like you will as your scent to him will be just for him" ok so that makes sense "when you spoke to me last night you said I was stolen what did you mean" I asked the most scary question but it's been playing on my mind all day but she looks sad at this "yes you were taken from your family as was Kylie, Poppy and Liam" "so my family did want me" I say with hope and she smiles and nods yes. The relief I felt was huge. Ok that's great so there is hope "why have they never looked for us" but she looks like she isn't sure how to answer that "they think you are amongst your ancestors, you were taken and when you were taken out of Ammethralla it was like you died, they couldn't sense you alive but your parents have always hoped" well that's a shock so I nod ok, "who took us and whats our parents names" I ask hoping it will help our journey but she shakes her head no sadly "I cannot tell you who took you all, that is up to all 4 of you to figure out and all I can tell you is your families names, Kylie Rivers, Poppy and Liam webster and your name is Alora Albrun" ok that's something I'm happy to finally know my name, I'm sure we will figure out the rest. "Thank you so much," I say, but the darkness is once again taking me. I wake up to Liam shouting me. Everyone was up and getting ready to go... 3 days.
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