pack clinic

1789 Words
Alora POV I'm so tired, but the stupid bleeping won't stop. Bleep Bleep Bleep... it's started to drive me mad, but as I move my hand to turn it off and it hurt, not loads but enough to make me wince. "Alora...Alora..." I heard the voice of my mum and her hand gently take mine. It all came flooding back... mum, dad, creepy man, wolves, and then the attack... I sat up so fast, panicked, but soon relaxed as I saw my mum and dad standing beside me. "Honey, it's ok, you are ok," dad said as I was looking around. I'm in a white room. Everything looks sparkling clean, and the bleeping is the monitor next to the bed I am on. "We are home. We are in the pack clinic, Dr Ken has sorted out your arm and the glass that was on your side," Mum said quietly, looking at me with concern. "I'm ok, just a little thirsty," I say, smiling at them to try and put them at ease. Dad went to a nearby table and got me a glass of water. "Here honey" he said but I realise he hasn't look me in the eye at all, maybe he's disappointed with me, I have no clue about what is expected of a werewolf especially an alpha born werewolf.. maybe I'm supposed to have been protecting myself.... I have no idea. "I'm sorry if I've disappointed you. I don't know much about werewolves or what is expected but I'll be prepared next time" I say after I take a drink, I can't look anywhere now but look at my clasped hands, trust me to let them down on the first day. "You have not disappointed us at all. Why would you think that?" Mum said as tears started to form in my eyes. "Dad hasn't looked at me, and I feel the disappointment coming from him," I whisper, but dad hugged me, making me gasp. "Oh my girl, I'm not disappointed with you but with myself.... you have been with us less than a few hours, and I didn't protect you enough again, " he growled lowly the last word. "Now stop that now, you protected us enough and more," Mum said sternly, causing dad to flinch, making me laugh. How Mum handles dad makes me laugh a lot. I love how she is and how she handles herself. They both look at me in shock like I'm crazy before laughing along with me. This wasn't how I imagined coming home, but I suppose there's nothing that can be done now. What is done is done. We settle down, and dad explains what happened after I passed out, I'm such a i***t for passing out, not the best first impression. We arrived at our pack and I had passed out, mum and dad rushed me to the clinic where the Dr had gave me a once over and found the glass that was stuck in my side and also my wrist. The pain from both injuries made me pass out. I've been out of it for about 2 hours, but the Dr put that down to exhaustion. A cough drags our attention to the door where a man with brown hair, green eyes, and a kind smile was stood wearing a white Drs coat that was rolled up to his elbows. "Alpha, Luna, I see our patient has woken up," he said, still smiling. "Yes, has everything come back OK? When can we take her to rest?" Mum asked, stroking my hair. It's strange to finally have that someone I've always craved for. "Of course Luna, she needs to rest as much as possible" he said showing mum respect before turning to me smiling again "it's so good to see you awake Alora, and I'm beyond happy of your return" he said making me smile "it's also nice to meet you" I say a little embarrassed "you can go with your parents but there is a few things you need to do" he said and all I could do was nod eager to go. "Ok, our test has shown that you are anaemic and also underweight. You need to eat little and often, plenty of vegetables and red meat. Drink plenty of water and try and sleep as much as possible, especially while you are healing." I'm confused. I do eat, maybe not as much as some, but I don't starve anymore. Does that mean the others are underweight and anaemic... I've always tried to make sure they were ok. "Don't look worried Alora, you are fine and will be 100% with rest and food," the Dr said, and again, all I could do was nod yes. "Ok thank you Doc, we will be leaving now" dad said giving the Dr a nod "yes thank you Dr Ken, we will bring her back if any problems but I wish to take my pup home and care for her" mum said making me smile. This feels like a dream having my mum here wanting to care for me and looking at me with nothing but love. We are currently walking towards the sitting room where all our family have been asked to wait for an important meeting, dad wanted to carry me because Dr Ken made it clear I need rest but I felt ok to walk and I didn't want to meet my family being carried in by dad. "What if they don't like me" I ask nervously but dad chuckled "everyone has always known about you and loved you there is no way anyone would dislike you" ok I really hope that it works out that way. We came to a closed wooden door, and all I could hear was laughter and happy chattering. We walk in, and everyone goes silent, I'm too scared to look up, and I'm hidden mostly behind both my parents. "Mum, dad is everything ok, we heard about the attack and uncle Darian said you kicked ass but someone was hurt" a boys voice said and then arms went around mum and piercing blue eyes caught me in a stare, he looked like dad but younger. They went wide and then a gasp before a whispered "Alora" could be heard from him. I gave a small smile before he was behind mum and hugging me. This has given my heart a jump start in a good way. I winced slightly, trying not to show I'm in pain because I'm enjoying it. "Connor, please be careful she was hurt on our way home," Mum whispered to him, but I'm sure the whole room heard her. There were questions and sobs from around the room. He was now hugging me more gently but wouldn't let go, I could feel his tears on my shoulder, and he could probably feel mine. "I'll explain and it will hopefully answer all your questions" dad said and Connor let go but still stood in front of me looking at me taking in all my details with shock written on his face. Before I knew it, a younger version of Connor hugged me while Connor was telling him to be careful. We also cried and took each others details in. Still, we were silent. My other brother stood in front of us but didn't move or talk or anything. I walk a few steps towards him "hi you must be Jeremy," I said softly, and that is all it took for him to hug me, and again, we were crying. He stepped back and wiped my face while smiling. "Alora... I don't understand, " he said quietly. I must really look like mum and dad. "Ok, boys, move over and let us in." I heard a female voice, and they moved to the side, hugging our parents. I was pulled into a hug, a woman was now sobbing on me, and my tears were escaping again. She moved back with her hands now on my cheeks, looking into my eyes. "My sweet pumpkin... I'm nanna Jane, and this is grampa Jim. We have missed you every day, " she said, pointing at the very tall man standing behind her. He gave me a hug and a ruffle of my hair. "It's so good to see you, pumpkin," he said also with a few tears escaping his eyes. "I'm so happy to be here, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all," I said quietly and nervously. "Oh my goddess, my sweetness, I've missed you so much... I don't understand, " the other woman says while also crying on me."Come on, love, let her get some breaths in, " the man said behind her, causing dad to laugh. "Hi sweet girl I'm grandad Sammy and this wonderful woman is nan Hetty" he said giving me a side hug and taking nan Hetty, "oh my goddess Yara, are you serious and your completely sure... yeah?" a woman said while everyone was hugging, laughing, back slapping and crying. Not forgetting questions upon questions. We are all now sat silently around the room as dad explained everything to them all, from us being taken, dumped, our upbringing, us fleeing and living in our shack to us being sent dreams from the moon goddess herself. I'm sandwiched between my parents. Everyone seemed to be in shock, and there was a lot of anger rolling off them. I'm so relieved that they have taken to me so well. They all seem so nice and nothing like I was expecting. "We have got to be careful with who we trust even more than usual... does anyone have questions? " dad finished off, looking around everyone, giving them time to respond. "Yes, I do... where are your bags? so when we get sorted here, we can go settle you in" Callum said but I shook my head and pointed to my back pack "well that won't do, this calls for a shopping trip" nanna Jane said smiling with a look of delight in her eyes. She must love shopping. "I'd also like to ask something," Jeremy said and carried on when dad nodded. "Well, there's a few, actually.... 1- What are the names and place the scumbags live so I can go and beat the s**t out of them for hurting my sister? " he said, fuming, and so did the rest of the room.. most bursting into growls "2- I just wanted to say I'm proud of how strong you are Alora and I'm so happy you are here with us as I'm sure we all are" he said looking at me smiling as everyone starts cheering causing me to laugh.
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