meeting family

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Kylie POV We are driving through our pack borders. Well, that's what my dad said, but it just looked like a dirt road between rows of trees. That was until I could see wolves in the tree line bowing their head towards our car. "We haven't told anyone yet of your return we wanted to tell them face to face," Mum said, smiling. I nodded ok and smiled back. My nerves were so bad I felt like my stomach was trying to get out of my mouth, my hands were sweaty, and I couldn't stop the slight shaking of my hands. Hope this goes well. We drive up the dirt road for a few minutes until I can see a massive red brick building. It has great big windows and white wooden shutters on each, all gleaming clean. It has to be the biggest building I've ever seen, it was so beautiful too, the massive house was surrounded by a few smaller houses and cottages. Picturesque would be an understatement. As we pulled in front of the house as the big green double doors opened and people started exiting. There's a man that has to be at least 6" tall , he has light brown hair cut short with muscles stretching his top. dads brown eyes were looking at me reassuringly through the mirror as he parked. Next to that man is another man he is shorter and has dark blonde hair also cut short, he was muscles on legs too, I wonder if all werewolves are like this, "I've asked for uncle Fred, our Beta and Kevin, our Gamma to meet us out front, the rest of the family is waiting in the dining room. Our pack members have been asked to stay in their rooms & homes until further notice, " dad said as I nodded, but I'm confused as to how has he done that. I've not seen him pick up his phone. "How did you do that, you haven't been on your phone" I ask as it's something that will bug me but they both just smile at me "I mind linked them" dad said. "Oh right, I thought you had to be in the same room" I say as I feel my face go red in embarrassment feeling totally stupid now "there's a lot to learn angel but don't worry we will do it together" mum says while smiling at me. All I can do is nod. "We can mind link anyone in our pack, we do need to be in range, though, so when we were 15 minutes away, I could arrange everything then," dad explained, and well, it does make more sense. I'm looking forward to learning, especially as I finally get to be with Janey, my wolf. She is beautiful. Mum was now opening my door for me to get out. My arm and shoulder still ached, but it felt more like I had pulled a muscle, whatever that Dr. had given me, coupled with Zoenes magic, has done it some good. Mum still helped me out like I'm a fragile flower and hugged me. Both sets of eyes are now on me, wide open along with their mouths. "Come along, Angel, it's time," Mum said, pulling me along with her. My stomach is doing somersaults. "Fred, Kevin" both men looked from me to the floor baring their necks "Alpha" "is everything set as I requested and you haven't told anyone what we discussed "all is set and no-one knows Alpha" the taller man said, both now looking at my dad, stealing glances at me looking shocked and confused. "Honey.. this is Fred, my Beta and your uncle," he said, pointing at the tallest man. "And this is Kevin, my Gamma, both are my best friends, and I trust with my life.. if there is any problems and you can't get to me go to them" dad explained and I was engulf in strong arm, I wince a little bit but it was nice to have a warm welcome "I'm not sure how this is possible but I'm so happy it did" uncle fred said spinning me around as I giggled but I laughed when mum slapped him up the back of his head "fred.. she was injured on her journey, " Mum said, giving him the mum's eye, and he let go of me now worrying he had hurt me."I'm sorry Kylie, did I hurt you.. are you ok" he asks looking me over "It's so nice to meet you..I'm fine between the magic from Zoene and the medicine the other Dr gave me it's more like an ache" I say smiling "hi we are so happy of your return home we have all missed you so much" Kevin said hugging me also just gentler. This has made me relax so much. "Ok, shall we move it inside? There's lots to discuss," dad said, taking my hand as Mum was holding his other. "Do I need to call Dr Sam so she can check over Kylie" uncle Fred asked but dad shook his head and went on to explain that the other Dr had seen to me but I'm due a check up later or maybe tomorrow but will take me to the clinic then. As we walked and dad was explaining, I was blown away with the interior of the house. We entered the big double doors and it is beautiful, cream walls except the back wall was a dark green with a big window. Lights on the walls and lamps on the tables that are placed around the space. What shocked me most was that outside the window, all that could be seen was a massive garden with more houses and cottages everywhere. It looked so inviting and free. I could already see myself sitting out there drawing, and with that thought, my smile grew. A gentle squeeze on my hand drew me back to everyone else. We came to a stop in front of another set of big doors, and all I could hear was talking and laughing. My stomach began to quiver. "How do you want to do this, love?" dad asked Mum. "I think if we go in first and explain, then bring Kylie in.. if that's OK with you, my angel, " she says, but I nod ok. It will give me more time to try and calm my nerves."ok.. Fred, Kevin, you will stay with my girl. " And with that, my parents entered the room, leaving the door open. I'm standing to the side leaning against the wall, but my nerves are not calming down, just getting worse. "Can everyone have a seat?" I could hear my dad and then a chorus of chairs scraping the floor. "Is everything ok, son... you were scheduled to be away for 3days" he was asked "something happened while we were there" dad replied "what is it, is everything ok" "what happened" "are you both ok" "did it not go to plan" came all at once until dad stopped them "everything is more than ok" dad said loud enough to make the room silent again "then why is mum crying" I heard a young boys voice and my heart began to beat faster. I'm about to meet my entire family, and my heart is hammering in my chest. "These are joyful tears, Garret. we have great news," I heard mum say, and my nerves keep hinching up with every word. "It's ok, everything will be fine," Kevin said, trying to put me at ease, but it didn't work. "What could be great news that it has got you in tears, mum?" another young boy voiced. "We went to the meeting as planned and while there we got the surprise of our lives, the best surprise" mum replied "our baby girl has come back to us" dad filled in but all I could hear was murmuring and gasps "what are you talking about son.. we know that she has gone, " a feminine voice said gently with a sob at the end. This breaks my heart so much that I want to rush in and try and ease their hurt. "Mum, I know how it sounds, please don't cry.. let me explain, " dad replied with hurt in his voice, too. But carried on explaining "our angel was never murdered, she was kidnapped and dropped on the steps of shitty humans in the human world, the bond breaking was her being taken out the barrier" but now all I can hear is sobs and growls "that's not possible" came another mans voice while trying to calm a female who was sobbing "it's true dad, the moon goddess herself has guided them home to us... everything is still new to her and she has lots to learn but she is here with us" I heard a lot of noise but specifically 2 questions "they" and "where is she" "please we know it's a lot to process, we haven't had time to yet but we couldn't wait to bring our angel home, and when I said they I meant the pups from The Diamond moon pack and The opal moon pack, they had all grown up together and their pups have also returned and have gone to their packs to announce their arrival" mum said "ok Kylie it's time" uncle Fred said taking my attention away from the door. Looking up at him, he holds out his hand for mine, but my nerves are getting the best of me. "It's ok, I promise... if you feel better you can walk in behind me, Kim used to do that all the time when she was younger" he said smiling, I nodded back and he walked infront of me and he was right I did feel safer. I almost walked into his back when he stopped, but Kevin, who was walking beside me, gently took my arm to stop me. "Where is she?" came a motherly voice, but I'm scared, Alora would be stood beside me normally, and she was always the one that gave me strength. "Kylie, it's ok it's time to meet your family," Mum said lovingly, walking to my side, taking my hand, and guiding me from behind Uncle Fred. I put my face down, trying to hide behind my curls, the same curls as my mum. "Kylie," I heard a gentle voice, causing me to lift my face, and everyone in the room cried and came towards me, causing me to squeeze my mums hand. "Oh my goddess... how is this possible? " I heard "STOP" I heard dad shout, stopping everyone in their tracks. As I look around at all the people in the room, I'm so happy to finally see and meet my family. My grandparents look so much like my parents, I could tell who's my mums parents to my dads parents. My mum looks just like her mum with dark brown curly hair and green eyes, but her features are from her dad. My dad looks so much like his parents, too, his light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Looking to the side of them was a woman who also looked like my dad and she was beautiful, she was crying while wrapped in Uncle Freds arms. There was also a beautiful blonde, short woman sobbing in Kevin arms. To the other side was a group of teens who stood together, shocked and unsure what to say. I could tell which were my brothers and they were built like Liam, big for their age. "Don't overwhelm her. We need to go steady," dad said, filling me with relief. They all nodded and moved a lot slower. First, I was engulfed in a massive hug from my mums mum and dad. "My darling baby... I'm maggie, your grandmother, and this hunk is your grandad John. " she was now sobbing, clutching onto me like I was going to disappear, and Grandad was hugging us both. "Ok, it's time for her to meet the rest," Grandad said, pulling her to the side where they hug my parents. "Oh my goddess, it really is you" my other grandmother said tucking my hair behind my ear then throwing her arms around me sobbing and grandad also hugged us both "I'm grandad Ben and this is nanna Gene" he said quietly my face was covered with happy tears. My aunt was next "I'm aunt Molly and we have so much catching up to do" she said hugging me before passing me to the other woman "oh my goddess, I remember the last time I held you, I'm aunt Cally, your mums best friend and Gamma female" I'm smiling and crying so much. I was so worried that they wouldn't accept me, but they have been nothing but accepting. I look to my right, and there is a group of teens whispering, but I can not make out what they are saying. Dad growls slightly, and they all stop. One of the girls of the group bounds over to me smiling "hi I'm Kim, we have so much to talk about, where have you been all these years, who did you live with, what was the human world like, I'm 17 and we are going to be the best of friends-" "it's so nice to meet you Kim" I smile even though I've just cut her off, she doesn't seem to mind though as she is still smiling. "We will hang out, yeah?" she asks hope in her eyes. "I'd love to" I replied as she clapped and squealed, squeezing me in a fierce hug "ok my turn sis, I'm Dan also your cousin" he said giving me a quick hug and then let go. I smile widely at him, but my eyes are drawn to my brothers, still waiting for them to approach me, but they don't. They just stood watching my every move, weary of me. "Hi I'm Fiona and this i***t is my twin brother David, we are happy that you have returned and look forward to getting to know you" she smiled "yeah what she said apart from she is the i***t not me" David said causing me to laugh at them both. Still my brothers had not moved so I decided to go to them the room went silent but they didn't move "hi you must be my brothers, Garret and Billy. I'm so happy to meet you both, Liam had always wished to have a brother.." I was rambling on now because of my nerves, and I wanted so bad for them to speak to me, but they still didn't say anything for a few minutes. The youngest looking one must be Billy. He seems to be softening up the more I'm stood there, but Garret doesn't look happy at all. I suppose it's a big thing to deal with. "I know it's a shock because as of a few days ago, I knew nothing of magical beings or that I was anything but human... but I've lived a life being hated and I can't cope with that again, if you don't want me here I understand but I refuse to stay somewhere that I'm surrounded by hate again so I will leave..." I'm now crying, and I hate that I am, but I can't stop my emotions or bottle them up. " don't go please angel, it's just a shock that's all" mum said making her way to us looking at me with pure love but before she can get close enough to comfort me I'm wrapped in the arms of my youngest brother. "I'm sorry, please don't cry, we were just shocked, like mum said," he said softly, I hugged him back, relief flooding my body. He pulls away from me, giving me a small smile. "I knew you were my sister just by looking at you, we have always grown up knowing about you and always loved you" he said making me smile back but as I looked back towards Garret he was gone, a small peice of my heart broke.
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