Volume I: Chapter 7: The Honorary Lady

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"It was hopeless, you cannot have any access to the throne not unless those princes died. If you had a son instead of a daughter there might be a chance." a voice said. 'It's still very clear in my mind, have I disappointed you because I am a girl?' a child's hazy thought. "The One and Only Imperial Princess, the youngest child" the crowds welcome her. "She's gentle and very elegant, with such delicate beauty," they said. Everyone was happy seeing her, even her own father but why is there someone who is not? "Mother?" She muttered as a child. "SYLVIA! ENOUGH OF YOUR INSOLENCE!" The former emperor exclaimed. "She strangles her daughter. It's a miracle that the princess is still alive" the crowd mumbled. "She even hurt her own child for power" Gossip was heard all around. "According to the law, anyone who will ignite a rebellion against the emperor and the whole empire will be put to death," his counselor said. "Send her away" The emperor commanded. "But," they said. "GET THAT WOMAN AWAY THE CENTER KINGDOM AND AWAY FROM MY CHILD" he exclaimed. 'That image seems to bear things and hide love.' 'Father, you have never been a perfect man nor a perfect father but you've always tried your best to protect us' She thought. 'I always wonder if being a girl is a sin in this world. Are we weak? Am I weak, mother?' She thought. "From now on you're going to be my overall overseer. Since you're the only remaining woman in my house. You should take care of it." Emperor William declared facing his innocent youngest child. "Even if this castle will have its new empress or queen mother, your position of an overall overseer and a soon-to-be Honorary Lady shall remain with you as long as you live" he added. An overall overseer maintains orderliness inside the castle such as the special care, events, and even the position of guards and maids from the highest ranking to the lowest ranking is under her supervision. After the coronation of the crown prince everything will be all under her domain. She will be held in as the Honorary Lady (not wife) in position. A position above all the servants, the hands and eyes over the Center kingdom, a decision along with the Emperor, and a voice that can go above the emperor itself for the sake of the empire. A queen-chess piece. The complex role that submits to the law and respects the Emperor in full reverence but has the authority to influence, amend, null, or confirm any decisions or laws especially if it will greatly affect the people of the whole empire. Since the second prince doesn't have a mother inside the castle. She will be filling the role of that empty position while being the honorary lady. Lady Sylvia, the princess' mother always wanted that position but since she has a daughter instead of a son. She will never have what she desires. So, she directed the blame and anger toward the young princess and hated the previous emperor and she even dared to start a rebellion. "Is the Flower left inside my castle just merely have thistle or poison?" The moment when the incoming emperor asked his half-sister. Thistle pertains to either she will be an observant ally, obviously not a docile one, who will just harmlessly affect his decisions, or rather a dangerous enemy by his side that will contradict every move he makes. In any case, she will be a tough enemy if she goes against the emperor. After being appointed, the honorary lady went to see the emperor. The emperor did not even glance at her and continued to read the documents he was holding. "I want to speak with you regarding a very important matter, my emperor," she stated. "Speak," he answered briefly. "You need an heir, your highness," she said. He finally looked at her and spoke, "My beloved sister, isn't it too early for any additional concern apart from my coronation and everything that is enlisted next? There are existing and arising conflicts and you came to me bringing up these things," he said. Seeing that she was serious he was silenced and said. "Get out," he commanded. "I'll be inviting all unmarried noblewomen across the empire so you can select a bride that will fit for you," she said firmly and left. "I command you to delay it for now," he said, even though the princess had left the room the voice of the emperor was still heard loud and clear. Marriage in high society doesn't just mean offspring, it is to attain power and influence. "You are really in need of an heir and alliance, your Highness," Stephen said. After being appointed as the honorary lady. She started to become a nuisance. She is the most powerful chess piece that can go against the emperor or even dethrone him. 'Even if you have the authority and power set in your hands once you go against me. I can strip it off from you so don't forget that I can do so," he muttered with heavy emotions 'Is there anything more powerful than the queen chess piece? Indeed, there is. The Player. Few days had passed and the Central Kingdom sent all the requests for the emperor's consort position without the emperor's consent and that made Evan exasperated to the honorary lady. "And she started to move" Emperor Evan muttered. The butler at his side spoke, "She made a smart decision, sire" Evan glared at him. "A woman won't harm, sire," he said explaining, soothing his anger. "A woman may be weaker but they can be cunning," he said to his butler. "You're always independent without needing anyone else however the Heavens gave woman to the man for him to have a companion. The right one will give you warmth" His butler said. He gave him a cornered glimpse and spoke. "A woman won't harm? The right one? Is the right one found among those who are selected?" He muttered as he turned to his desk checking the current documents in front of him and going back to his thoughts. "Who are you to speak when you chose to be alone and wait for a woman you shall never have," the emperor said. His butler smiled in his rude and blunt reaction. Emperor Evan knew that the person who held Stephen back was his mother. The emperor has this attitude that his butler got used to and that is provoking him to what he thought was the wrong decision of his life. Stephen has been like his caretaker all along. He knew that even how hard the outside was, his young master still had a soft caring spot for him on the inside. The Honorable lady asked for his presence to converse about the topic and his natural reaction was, to try to avoid her. But still, she insisted. "Can't you see these piles of work" He placed the documents in front of the honorable lady. "You lessen the people who can access the throne because you have trust issues, my emperor," she said and that hit the bull's eye. "I wanted all the power all to myself" He reasoned out trying to proclaim his selfishness. The honorary lady spoke contradicting, "You didn't even want the throne! You are keeping all the problems all to yourself." She said insisting. "Hah! And who are you to utter your conclusions and baseless opinions?" The emperor loudens his voice. "Then what are your reasons? Your actions never show tyranny even though you have been a notorious crown prince?" she asked demanding. "Still speculating, are we? " he said. "It was only days since I was held on this throne?!" He exclaimed. "YOU NEED AN HEIR" The rise of her voice even shook her. She set herself aback, softening her voice. "I won't take my request back," she said holding firm to her decision. "He laughed in disgust. "Is this how much you wanted to secure this stupid throne into your hands?" he said. "What?" The princess muttered. "Your heir is the one who will be taking the throne someday, not me," she said. "From the bride of which alliance?" he muttered. "You're free to do whatever you want, my lady," he said. "Hence, I know that your greatest threat is me" he added. The emperor left her and out of the room's silence, Stephen spoke. "The emperor is not stupid. Trust me, your highness. He knew what the throne needed. He just.." Stephen hesitates to continue. "What? He just hates other people telling him what to do or does he just simply hate everyone?" Vladimir spoke on behalf of the princess/ "Indeed," Stephen agreed.
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