Volume I: Chapter 6: The Five Officials

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Emperor Evan wakes up hearing an immediate call from his butler demanding his presence. He went to the palace's receiving area and there he found all his guests and subordinates waiting for him. "THE NEW EMPEROR OF THE SILVER CREST EMPIRE, EMPEROR EVAN SHAWN SIEGMUND!!" Prince Caster declared. Then all of his officials gave their salute. Showing their full acceptance and reverence for him as their new emperor. "Hail! The Great Emperor" they all exclaimed repeatedly. "Please, Leave" he responded coldly as he turned and left. "How dense, " Duke Canon said. Stephen, his butler, cried and appeared more touched than his master. He states that even though it is not obvious the emperor was truly happy. He knew him better than anyone else. Afterward, all the guests left but the five officials will be staying. Duke George Sheldon personally bid the princess goodbye. Although he is not one of the main officials, that doesn't mean that he is not shouldering any of the concerns of high society. The duke is supposed to shoulder it since he is still the Sheldon family's eldest son. He simply appears meek and tranquil and is infatuated with the princess. "You cannot have her if you're not pursuing her." Duke Oliver gave him a pat on the back and then pushed him to leave. The next ceremony is going to take place. The emperor was reviewing the list of his officials, councilors, and governors who were all held next in position. Some can be changed and some cannot. 'The former emperor is no longer here but the blueprint of the whole monarchy where he founded is still followed by everyone. What's the use of becoming the emperor then?' Emperor Evan thought. There he saw the servants carrying bulks of items like ants outside. "What are those?" He asked and saw tons and tons of materials being carried nearby. "There are the belongings of your new officials, they will be residing here" Stephen answered. "Who told them to do so?" His low-toned and emotionless reaction. He commanded, "Call them,". He then tosses the papers he was holding on the top of his desk. He removed his reading glasses and sighed. After a few more seconds he stood up and rushed outside to meet them. The Imperial princess, being the overall overseer, faces the Emperor and gives him this explanation. "According to the law, your main officials will be residing here at the palace to give their support and assistance to you. It mostly happens after they all accept you as their worthy ruler." She said, Prince Orion stated as he arrived with the other 3 officials. "Same as what the imperial princess has said, we will be your alliance starting from today." "Who gave you the right to stay here? Leave." He commanded bluntly disregarding what they had just said. "The law," Duke Cannon came forth lastly, insisting. "I won't comply," the emperor said firmly. "You need to comply," Duke Oliver answered. "The riches and resources you need for the whole economic cycle will depend on your alliance with us. You cannot feed your people with pride." The duke explained. The Silver Crest empire is like one body, the economic cycle and the alliance between every branch, sub-branches, and the Center Kingdom itself is the blood that streams into the whole system. It is required to make it alive. It's impossible to have the body without the blood the emperor will be collecting corpses in this dry land. The emperor stood unmoved. His eyes turn to the prince Orion of Fidelphia. "Prince Orion, you are my brother's pure cousin?" the emperor insisted. "Yesterday he attacked. How can I be assured that you're not gonna take his side and won't come invading mine?" He said. "He is.." Prince Caster was about to react when he was interrupted by the emperor's next statement. "YOU CAME HERE ALL THE WAY HERE AND UNHESISTANTLY UNSEAL YOUR WEAPONS AGAINST ME BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS OF MY RULING." his emphasis. They were all speechless. The emperor has a point. (Capital Letter means deeper emphasis) Prince Orion smirks. "Well, you have A GOOD POINT and A RIGHT TO DOUBT. So, WHAT IF? YOU ALLOW ME TO PROVE MYSELF TO YOU. Since you already PROVE YOURSELF TO US." "It is NOT RIGHT TO SUSPECT SOMEONE IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE OR PROOF AGAINST THEM. I WON'T TRAVEL ALL THE WAY HERE JUST TO END UP BEING EXECUTED because of such accusations. Yes, we came from the same line of origin but IT DOESN'T MEAN that his purpose is my purpose." Prince Orion states his innocence. The Royalties of Fidelpia, Prince Howard's mother, and Prince Orion's Father are siblings. Although Prince Orion was younger than Prince Howard, his Father, who is the first son according to the bloodline was formally and supposed to be the heir if ever the treaty doesn't exist. It also makes Prince Orion the next heir to the throne, being the crown prince's son and being a crown prince himself but since the treaty exists he can no longer become king but rather an official to administer their branch of the empire. Princess Cherish was the one given into a political marriage with the former emperor. The princess and his son are now part of the Royalty inside the Center Kingdom while Prince Orion stays as one of the royalties in his homeland. Despite Prince Howard's exile back to Fidelphia, it won't change any of the given facts. "Honestly speaking, I DON'T WANT NEITHER YOU NOR MY COUSIN TO BE THE EMPEROR and I DON'T WANT TO BE ANYONE'S ALLIANCE." he frankly blurted. "The truth is, I WANT MY COUNTRY. If you are PROVEN UNWORTHY, I'll be TAKING IT BACK. I'll take MY COUNTRY'S INDEPENDENCE." He said. "Nonetheless, you passed and left everyone astounded. If you are going to be the emperor, it is much better than Howard. You've proven yourself worthy and that's what is important. That's what we do, test the next ruler." He explained and smiled. Those vain words came out of his mouth but instead of making the emperor cast him out. It stirs him and convinces him to change his mind. It is not just the harshness of the truth but the way the truth is still spoken even how harsh it is. 'He is an official who is bold, clever, and brave even though he is being careless with his words. If I am just other naïve emperors. He will surely be dead' Emperor Evan thought. 'Either way, the first impression lasts.' the emperor thought. "I'll be your armor and defense, your highness. Although it depends on you if you will trust me. I'll give you my words, I won't kill you," he said. These words unbelievably came out of his mouth. Being the armor and defense simply means protecting the empire and the emperor itself. The young prince utters a knight's pledge which means he will even risk his own life and honor in fulfilling it. There was a moment of silence before they heard a burst of sarcastic laughter coming from the emperor. "Very well, stay alive though," Emperor Evan said. Probably it was a young body with an old soul. or a young body with a noble heart? Without his title and identity, it's just words coming from a fresh lad who is trying to be serious. The idea that he is still young and hasn't tasted the fullness of life yet wanted to risk it was a damn idea. Also, young people change their minds and their emotions easily but the emperor responds in implicit sarcasm saying 'Fine show me, don't end up eating these words that you uttered today in the near future. And lastly, don't die.' The emperor left but his interest in things around him increased. It was the first time they all heard the locked-up prince laugh but it was sarcastically. Finally, everyone was at ease when he left. Probably his presence and the flow of the conversation have stunned everyone. Prince Orion receives a pat on his back and head from his comrades. "Good one," they said "You are a clever boy," Caster said. The Prince tries to remove Caster's hand and pushes his head low.
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