Chapter 11. Odessa

2975 Words

The days following my first kiss were busy and confusing. I spent a lot of time learning how to type, with everyone insisting I needed a way to communicate until I could officially join the pack and mind-link other members. I was picking up on it quickly, but I had a hard time letting the words come. I hadn’t been allowed to link anyone in Deep Waters pack, and I’d spent so much time being unable to say more than the few signs I knew, that I’d gotten used to keeping my thoughts to myself. It felt odd letting others know what I was thinking. Well, some of my thoughts anyway. Most of my mind was occupied with Torin. After our kiss, and the disastrous aftermath, he seemed to have backed away from me. He was as attentive as ever, and would often hug me, even kissing me on top of my head so

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