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We were trapped as we had no time to do anything. We had only two options, to kill the police or to jump out the window which was impossible because we were on the the forth floor. The good thing about Della's apartment is that it had a balcony so mark and I got to the balcony and stood there squeezing ourselves to both end so that no one could see us from inside. The officers got in and I could hear their footsteps go round the house like they were looking for something. Mark had to maintain pin drop silent. Officer 1: I don't see anything here. Officer 2: the call said someone was breaking in. Officer 1: this is a set up. Look at this.. He said pointing to the floor where Della was lying after she had been shot. Officer 1: the blood has clotted meaning a crime happened here but its been a while. Whoever called is around and wants us to see something. He was not really reporting but setting someone up. Officer 2: then clearly he is wrong. We've checked everywhere. Officer 1: not everywhere. Check under the bed. The other officer walked to the other room and checked under the bed and he also checked inside the closet. There was nothing... Officer 2: there is no one here. He said getting beck to the living room and a few minutes later, we had the door shut like they had walked out.. That was way close. Marked peeped inside to make sure they were really gone before we made our way back inside.. Mark: could Robert be behind this? Me: why would he save my life then send cops after me? Mark: I don't know, maybe he did not save you. Maybe he saved Rhoda. Me: you think Robert and Rhoda were having a thing? Mark: can you explain how they both knew how to find you? Okay this was confusing. Mark had a point but Robert and Rhoda, no she loved me way to much to play me with Robert or maybe I was being fooled all along. We got to Mark's car and we drove back to the hospital. Me:what next now that we didn't get what we had gone to look for? Mark: keep your eyes open and ears on the ground. Someone was obviously ahead of us for a reason. I don't know what their intentions are but we have to find Robert. He knows more than he is letting you believe... Maggy came back home later that night and found Willis seated on the couch with Serena resting her head on a pillow that lay on his laps. She open her eyes halfway and looked at her short dress and shaggy hair. Her mother never dressed like that not even when they were in Canada... Willis: Maggy what time is it? Maggy: its ten pm. Willis: Serena and I have been waiting, she said you went shopping for food stuff. Where have you been since four pm? Maggy: like she said, I went shopping for food stuff and got caught up in traffic. Serena raised her head a bit and looked at her then sat up. Maggy went to the kitchen and put the shopping on the kitchen counter before Serena joined her there. She stood there looking at her for a while then she started helping her to put everything in place stealing glances at her but not saying anything... Maggy: what,.. why are you looking at me like that? Serena: your hair is messed up and you are smelling of a strange perfume. Maggy didn't pay attention to that. Maggy: what do you feel like eating? Serena: I'm not hungry. I'm going to bed mum... Maggy: Serena! She tried to grab her arm but she pulled it away. Serena: don't do that... I don't know what you think you are doing but its not cool. Dad had been here, he wanted to have a family time, your phone was off the entire time. Maggy: watch how you talk to me young lady. Serena: no. If I were you, I would go wash off another mans perfume off my body. I'm disappointed in you. Maggy: and you are not disappointed in your father when he cheated on me a thousand times? Serena: is that what you are doing? Paying back? She was silent so Serena didn't bother asking any more questions. She got out and left for her room. Willis had left the living room for their bedroom and when Maggy got there to ask if he was eating he did not respond, instead he took and towel and went to take a shower.. Maggy texted Jabali letting him know she had gotten home safe then changed into her nightdress and got to bed.... By the time mark and I got back to the hospital, Richard was already done attending to Rhoda so I went to see him in his office as mark waited up for me. He told me he was going to call Lilly and let her know he was going to be late so that she doesn't wait up.... Richard: the operation was successful. Me: thank God is she okay? Richard: yes but she is still asleep because of the sedatives. Me: can I see her? Richard: yes but first I need your opinion on something. Me: what? Richard: its actually a patient. Here is his file. I took the file and looked at it. Me: what is wrong with the patient? Richard: he came in with three gun wounds. We operated on him and took out all the bullets. He has not moved since then. Me: can I take a look at him? Richard: sure. Come with me. Richard led me out of the his office and we went to see the patient in a ward. We got in and found him awake though he was just laying on the bed.. Me: can he talk? Richard: yes. Me: hello makaveli, my name is Dr. Owen. He looked at me and didn't do anything. He didn't say a word or make any movements but he had his eyes fixed on me the entire time. Me: I need to check and see if your spine is okay.. It will take a minute.. He was silent. I had Richard roll him over and I felt his spinal cord. Me: the spinal cord is okay. Richard: I thought the same. I looked at the guy and he still had his eyes fixed on me the time as if he knew me from somewhere I couldn't tell. Me: have we met before?. Makaveli: no. He looked away after I had asked that. There was something off about this guy but that was a story for the other day. Richard and I excused ourselves and walked out of the ward. Me: how long has he been here? Richard: close to a week. Me: does someone come to visit him? Richard: there was but she has not shown up today.. We got to Rhoda's room and Richard told me he was leaving. Rhoda was still asleep so I pulled a chair and sat next to her bed. I took her hand in mine and rested my head on her arms. It was difficult seeing Rhoda like that but I was glad she was out of danger. I lifted my face and looked at her. She was peacefully asleep and I didn't want to wake her up..I stared at her for a moment then played the incident of how she got stubbed in my head again. How could Della be so heartless and speaking of Della, why was her body taken off the scene and by who? Could it have been Robert but if Robert did, where the hell was he and why was he not picking my calls?... Willis came from the bathroom and wore his shorts then slid into the bed and slept facing the other side... Willis: who is he? He asked assuming Maggy was still awake. Maggy: who is who? Willis: I'm not stupid Maggy. I know you are having an affair but with who? Maggy: you only accuse me of what you have been doing. I went out with friends, had a drink and came back. What is so wrong with that?.. He remained silent. Maggy: ever since I came back, do you have time for me, its you and business, it's you and the boys, its you and Serena. Do you have time for me Willis? Willis turned and faced her but she was still facing the other side. Willis: it hasn't been easy for me Maggy, I'm loosing the company to Owen and now my mother is dead. I need your support as my wife and I need you to be there when I get home. I told you I have changed, It does not seem like it but I love you. Maggy: I'm not furniture that you keep in your home or a picture that you look at and get satisfied. I have needs that need to be met Willis. Willis: I give you everything you want. What else are you looking for? Maggy didn't say a word to him. Instead, she covered her head with a blanket and left Willis talking to himself.. Sankara was now certain that Makaveli was not around. Either he had escaped with the bullet wounds or he was just dead and stinking somewhere either way, he didn't want to risk it. The villagers had looked for makaveli until they declared him missing. Sankara that night had a mission. He wanted to leave the village after he had been slapped twice at the same spot Gerald had been killed. In fact his was during the day and in public. He was with two guys of his crew riding on his bike still on Makaveli's search when he got to that spot and a cat emerged from the bushes forcing him to take an emergency brake that landed the two guys down with the one at the back flying over Sankara head and landing on the front side of the bike. They saw Sankara head turn. It was a slap by forces he could not see. The two guys heard the slaps and saw his head turn then the second slap landed him in the ground and it made them take off and leave him there. Sankara was worried that the guys would talk about the incident and the villagers would start talking and pointing fingers at him.. That night, he dressed up then packed a few bullets after loading his gun. He had a flash light with him and was on foot as he went to the home of the first guy he was with. His name was chela... Chela was not a family man. His wife died two years back while giving birth to their first child and he lived a few metres away from his parents home. Chelas compound was fenced in such a way that no one could access from the outside unless they were allowed in. Sankara got there a few minutes to 10:30 pm and since he wanted to catch chela by surprise, he cut a hole in his fence and found his way in. Chela had dogs that very well knew how to watch over his compound but they did not bark when they saw Sankara. First of all they knew him and second, he threw a bone to them. A poisoned bone that they would eat and die instantly. See dogs are not as sensitive as cats are. A cat would never eat poison..not in food. Sankara picked the lock to chelas door and slowly made his way in. Sankara had a ski mask so no one could really tell who he was. Chela was preparing tea in his kitchen when Sankara walked in on him. Chela saw Sankara and dropped the mug of tea that he was holding in his hand quite shocked of how he had got access without the dogs barking.. Chela: damn, scared me man. He said leaning back on the counter.. Sankara did not respond and chela felt like something was off about him. He took steps back and picked a knife on the stand then held it in his hand. Sankara: why are you holding the knife at me? Chela: how did you get in here. He asked pointing the knife at Sankara and his hand was shaking. Chela: stay back Sankara. He said when he saw him get even closer to him. Sankara pulled the gun from his coat and pointed it at him. Chela dropped the knife... Chela: s...s..Sankara! Sankara: this is nothing personal. You know too much and I feel like you could be a thorn in my flesh. Chela: I swear I would never do anything to destroy this friendship. Sankara: I heard you talk to kalisto earlier today. Why do you think I had you ride on my bike? Chela was quiet. Sankara: you got lucky because of the incident that happened but the truth is I was going to kill you after you told me where makaveli is. Chela: I don't know where he is. Sankara: what if I can prove that you know where he is? Chela did not respond and just to confirm what he was saying, Sankara took out his phone and showed chela a video of him and kalisto talking. Sankara had taken the video from a room and its like they had no idea he was recording... Kalisto: makaveli is safe. I made sure of it. I only hope he survives. Chela: if Sankara could shoot makaveli then we are not safe with him. Kalisto: I think we should make plans and quit. We only need a small number of people to turn against him and make him pay. When chela saw that video he got down on his knees to beg Sankara for forgiveness but he pointed his gun to his face and shot him in the forehead. He put another bullet in his chest then rushed out as the gun might have been loud enough fir everyone to hear especially because it was dark and quiet... Sankara disappeared into the bushes and his next stop was at kalisto's place. Kalisto hated Sankara from way back but he couldn't go against him because of how powerful he was. He influenced people to do stuff and if you fought him, he would have you killed by his squad. They swore to a secret brotherhood and everyone voted him their leader. Sankara was not really new to kalistos home as they had gone there severally when Sankara was knowing the home of everyone in the squad. It was like some sort of Mary go round only that it was not genuine. They were a group of thugs and con artists corning people in the village and committing crimes yet paused as bike riders who had an association. This squad did not have ordinary village people, it was a group of high school leavers and others university drop out who had sunk deep into drugs and illegal activities. How they met and formed a group, no one actually knows... Sankara got to kalito's house and his girlfriend was outside putting in place some buckets so as to harvest the rain overnight for it looked like it was going go rain. Sankara sneaked up to her and grabbed her and covered her mouth with his hand.. Sankara: where is he? He whispered and the lady pointed towards the house. Sankara dragged her in and he picked a knife on the kitchen counter and led the lady to the living room where kalisto was. The clock on the wall said it was 11:15pm.. Kalisto: Sankara! Sankara: sorry I had to pay you a late night visit... Kalisto: okay, let her go and then we can talk about it.. Sankara: where is makaveli? Kalisto: I don't know where he is. Sankara: wrong answer. He raises the knife to the lady's throat and slit it open still holding to her mouth then let her drop with blood oozing out of her neck. Sankara: that should be motivation enough.. are you going to tell me where he is or should i do the sane to you?.. Kalisto could not believe what Sankara had just done. He quickly tried to reach for his gun that was inside his coat but Sankara shot him in the chest and he fell on the sofa. Sankara walked up to him and leaned over then pressed the bullet wound and kalisto moaned in pain. Kalisto: stop... Sankara: where is makaveli, be careful how you answer this time round... Kalisto: in Nairobi Sankara: how did he get there? Kalisto: I saved him after you shot him and helped him find his way. Sankara: how? Kalisto did not answer that. Sankara: forget I asked that. Where exactly in Nairobi is he, we've got some unfinished business. Kalisto remained quiet and that provoked Sankara so he pressed the wound again and kalisto shouted and moaned in pain.. Kalisto: st. Austines hospital. s**t! Sankara smiled then got up. He pointed his gun at kalisto then shot him in the head and picked his phone then left. That night, he did not visit any other member of the crew. He went to the bus stop and got a bus to Nairobi. He went through kalisto's messages and found one where he was chatting with a Lady who happened to be his cousin. The one who saved makaveli through kalisto. Her name was Diana. Sankara texted Diana from kalisto's phone asking her to tell him makaveli's ward for he was going to pay him a visit. He was actually going to pay both of them a visit. Diana texted back and told him everything he needed to know knowing she was talking to kalisto. Sankara smiled then threw kalistos phone outside the window after he was done with it.. I told you no one messes with Sankara. You might have survived the bullets, but you will not survive me.... See you soon Makaveli.....
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