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Rhoda woke up the following morning and squeezed my hand to wake me up as I was still asleep. I raised my face to look at her and she looked like she was still in pain though it was good enough for me that she was alive. I has been afraid that she would slip into a coma but like I said, she was a strong woman. Me: hey, Rhoda couldn't talk she just held on to my hand to make me aware that she was okay. Me: you scared me there for a minute. I thought I was going to loose you. A tear escaped her eye and I moved closer. I wiped it then kissed her forehead. Me: its okay... We don't have to talk about it right now. Rhoda: is she alive? She managed to ask eventually. She was worried and it got worse when I shook my head.. She was devastated. Why would she even feel bad for her when Della almost killed her? Me: you don't need to stress over that, you need to concentrate on getting better.. She turned her head to look at me and from the look of things she had something to say but I couldn't let her. Rhoda had stitches on her belly and any vigorous movement would reopen the stitches. I needed her to relax.. It was late in the night, way past mid night and mark had already left. I thought of going home but I could not leave Rhoda's side. I felt the need to protect her because I had no idea what was really going on.. The following morning I was woken up by a tap on my shoulder, it was a nurse. She wanted to take care of Rhoda so I had to step out for a second. I told Rhoda I would be back as I needed to buy her some fruits and stuff.. The knife driven inside her belly had slightly interfered with her intestine so it could not digest food just yet. She watched me leave but she was uneasy, more like she didn't really want me to leave. Nurse: how are you feeling Rhoda? Rhoda: like bricks has been put on my stomach. Nurse: it should get better. I will give you an injection to ease the pain. Once the stitches heal, you will be okay. Rhoda afforded a brief smile on her face as the nurse got to business.. While waiting for the nurse to finish up with Rhoda, I went to makaveli's ward and he was still asleep. I stood there staring at him for a while trying to figure him out but I couldn't put two plus two together not when it came to him. I decide to leave and check him out later for a question and answer session but Richard walked in and on hearing his voice, Makaveli opened his eyes.. Richard: I can see you are taking Keen interest on your patients. Me: I don't have patients or privileges yet, remember? He smiled taking Makaveli's file and looking at it. Because of our talking makaveli tried to seat up but Richard stopped him.. Richard: you are awake. He smiled briefly then the look on his face face changed again. Richard: the hospital is giving you a discharge. You are doing well but the remaining part of the recovery you can do from home. He shook his head vigorously more like something was wrong. He looked past us and i realized he was not okay. I looked around and noticed people were already coming in for visiting. Richard: I will leave this patient into your hand. Talk to the people who come to visit him and tell them makaveli is free to go home.. I nodded then we left makaveli as I rushed back to Rhoda.. Sankara had already gotten to the hospital. He had come when Owen and Richard were talking to makaveli then he hid so that Makaveli could not draw peoples attention to him. He came out of his hiding place as soon as they left and walked up to his bed... The crew Sankara had left behind woke up with the news of two of their guys having being shot dead and they immediately knew it was Sankara since he had gone missing. They looked for him at his place but he was no where to be seen. They gave him a call but his number was not going through.... Willis prepared for work then had breakfast and left. The tension between him and Maggy was still there but he didn't want to make things a big deal and have her leave again. He loved her but she never saw that or maybe he never showed her but the love he had for his daughter was stronger. Serena went to the living room for breakfast and found Maggy seated by the dining table scrolling through her phone reading messages and smiling to herself. She sat next to her and Maggy put the phone down and looked at her.. Maggy: good morning? Serena: morning. Has dad left yet? Maggy: yes. Why? Serena: I wanted to let him know that I'm ready to take up the job in his company, the one he said I could take. Maggy: you know you really don't have to work there right. You have your papers Serena you can look for a good and well paying job somewhere else. Serena: why somewhere? Maggy: no reason really, you don't want everyone to think that you are being favoured because you are the boss's daughter do you? Serena: well, I am qualified for the job and besides, I will be okay working closer to dad. Maggy: okay. What will you have for breakfast? Serena: I don't see what I need to have for breakfast. Maggy: I will fry some eggs for you then.. Serena: I can do that for myself. She tried to get up but Maggy grabbed her arm. Maggy: sit. She did sit looking at her quite offended. Maggy: why are we fighting? Serena: I'm not fighting you mum. I just don't understand why you decide to cheat on dad. Maggy: your father has been cheating since and it hasn't been an issue. What makes you think I'm cheating on him anyway? Serena: mum, I'm not two years old okay... Maggy: right, advice from me... When two married couple are having issues, stay out of it. You have no idea what is going on and don't think just because you are above twenty years you know anything about marriage. Serena: fine, cheat all you want in fact don't come home at all because you are a disappointment. Its disgusting to come home smelling of cheap soap after sleeping around. Just so you know, if it comes to you or dad, you know which side I will pick. Maggy got up and slapped her so hard that she was left holding her cheek with a tear escaping her eyes. Maggy: I'm still your mother and you can't talk to me like that for whatever reason.. Serena walked out on her and the next thing was her bedroom door banging. Jabali opened the door to Willi's front seat and sat on the passages seat. Willis was watching something on his phone and when jabali got in he put the phone away. Willis: you are late. Jabali: yeah, had to drop something's at the office before I show. You good? Willis: no man, I'm not doing well. Jabali: what's the problem? Willis: my mum is dead and I can't seem to figure out who shot her...then there's Maggy. I think she's cheating on me. Nabali: Maggy is cheating on you, how? Willis looked at him. Jabali: yeah right, stupid question but let me ask, have you caught her or its just assumptions? Willis: mostly assumptions but yesterday she came home smelling differently. Jabali: so there is a way she is supposed to Smell on different days? Willis: it was a certain type of soap that is mostly found in hotels.. Jabali did not respond. Willis: I'm playing cool but I will find out who the man is and I will tear both of them apart. I have invested so much in that woman that I will not allow her to play games with me. Jabali: take your time bro but its strange that she could actually think of doing that. Wills: what's the update on the papers Patrick was to get from mercy? Jabali: still a working Progress mercy is difficult and she is loyal to Gerald even in his death. Why do we need the papers. I thought we decided to support Owen and make him the C.E.O then fight him from there. Willis: that's the plan but there is so much money and it could be traced to my account. The thing is we should bribe mercy to go soft on the issue.. Jabali: mercy going soft on the issue will not stop Owen and his team from digging. Willis: I have a plan. Jabali: spill. Willis: we take out one of the main guys from the equation then divert everyone's attention to him. The board meeting has to take place and the majority still win the day. Jabali: there's too many deaths that has taken place withing the company the last few weeks. We pull that and they will definitely know the attacker is from the inside and besides that Anthony and Maxwell have security that we can't go past. Willis: I'm not saying we kill them, we just do something like stage an accident that will land one of them in the hospital then we take it from there. Jabali: who do you want to paralyse? Willis: Anthony seem more powerful. Maxwell most of the time follow in his steps. We can control his mind once we have his attention.. Kizito showed up at Adana's door with the news of Della's death. It had been on news and it had been confirmed that she was really dead. Kizito had been trying to reach Della after Della had sent him a message threatening to kill herself. He didn't really show up on that day as he was attending to his wife but when he did, he found Della's body dumped in her old car outside her apartment and that's after the neighbours had complained of foul smell. Someone had dumped Della's body in her car and left her there to rot. Adana: what are you saying? Kizito: she is really dead. Adana started crying and kizito held her in his arms then she smiled as she wiped her tears behind his back and pretended to be very upset.. Adana: she was my best friend... Kizito: I know...I'm sorry... Adana: did she kill herself because of the car you gave me? Kizito: I don't know. Della had her own issues and she threatened to kill herself, I just didn't know she would actually do it. He pulled her from his shoulder and came face to face with her. She pretended to be wiping off her tears. Kizito: don't be upset. Its not your fault that Della died. Adana: where is she now? Kizito: her body has been taken to the mortuary... The police are carrying out investigation. Adana asked him to stay as she fixed something for him. Adana: I know you haven't had something to eat since you left your house. Kizito: yes. I have not...I do appreciate your kindness. Adana smiled as she left for the kitchen.. Elsewhere... The officers together with Johnston got to Aggripina's house and people were still in the mourning mode. None of them knew what was going on so they jumped out of their Land Rover and headed straight to the house holding Quincy's arms. People looked at him of cause suspecting that he could have been the one who murdered her considering the fact that he was in handcuffs... Quincy looked around but he did not see Agrippina inside the house. Quincy: she is not here. The officer asked the people who were there where Agrippina was and they were told she was dead. They were shocked and especially Quincy whose friend she had been for a while. He did not even know how to react or even ask questions because the officers led him back to the car as one officer remained behind to talk to a few people. Minutes later he got to the Land rover and they drove off. Quincy was scared or just in shock, no one could really tell. He kept his head buried In his hand the entire time.. The hospital... Sankara got to makaveli's bed and smiled at him. He wanted to move but he couldn't. Sankara: aren't you curious at all of how I found you? He did not respond. Sankara: oops, you can't talk buddy, I actually read your progress from Diana's phone. His eyes widened. Sankara: I know who saved your life that day and the bad news is that... I killed him. Makaveli lay there hopelessly as Sankara mocked him. He was mad that he had veins showing on his forehead. *Flashback* On the night of makaveli's shooting.. Sankara: he is good as dead, you try to double cross me, you will end up like him and it doesn't matter how close to me you think you are. Let's get out of here.... Sankara and the two guys left but Makaveli did not die. He dragged himself towards the main gate and one of the guys that had been with Sankara parted ways with them and went back secretly to help makaveli. It was kalisto... Kalisto: come on man, let me get you to the hospital. He said grabbing makaveli's arm and hanging it on his shoulder then helping him to the bike. Makaveli was not stable so he leaned on his back the entire time and he rode very fast to Diana's place. Diana was a nurse and she was kalistos cousin. Diana: you bring him here so that he can die in my house? Kalisto: I couldn't get him to hospital in time Dee he was going to die. Diana: then you bring him here? Kalisto: help him Dee. I will help. Diana was skeptical about treating makaveli but kalisto made her. They helped each other take out the bullets then that very night, Diana shipped Makaveli to Nairobi where Mr. Fadhili was. Fadhili was her sugar daddy and he would not refuse if she asked for a favour. He told fadhili Makaveli was her aunts son and even though she couldn't explain how he got the bullet wounds, she covered up for him and was treated without being asked for any report from the police... Elsewhere... Dangote and Kabi ,one of his guys were in a meeting after hearing of Della's death. Dangote seemed very upset and now he felt like he needed to do things on his own. Everyone around him kept failing him. Dangote: damn it, how did she even die. Kabi: she was found in a the boot of her car. No one really knows what happened. Dangote: what do I pay you for, find out. I want every single detail on what happened. I want to know who was involved and how she was killed. Whoever killed her will suffer the same fate. Where is her body? Kabi: it was taken by the police. The destination should be the city mortuary where they will do a postmortem and know what really killed her. Dangote: after that is done I want you and the boys to move her body to a decent mortuary. I will personally take care of the funeral expenses. Kabi: yes sir... Dangote: has anyone seen Robert? Kabi: no. He has been missing since you ordered their death. Dangote: Find that bastard and bring him here dead or alive... I know he is behind this. He should be. Kabi: why, Robert was not here when you were making deals with Della. Dangote: don't question me. Robert lied about staying away from Owen, he was seen with him but then I knew he would not do what I had asked him to do, I set him up to see if he was loyal to me but he picked Owen over me. I wanted both of them dead but then he killed my guys and I'm sure he killed Della to get back at me. Kabi: why would Robert kill Della to get back at you. You and Della have no relationship whatsoever. Dangote: you are wrong. I know Della since her childhood. I have been following her everywhere, she just didn't know who I was to her. Kabi: what do you mean by that? Dangote: find me Robert and bring his head to me. He will pay for Della's death with his life and so will Owen. He will regret ever setting his eyes on Della.... He is the main reason my daughter is dead.... Kabi: wait what, Della was your daughter? As in the Della you set a table for and the Della you offered money to kill Owen.. That Della is your daughter? Dangote: flesh and blood. Its a long story and she is the reason why I'm after killing Owen... Now that my daughter is dead, nothing is stopping me from going public and my first stop will be that board meeting. There will be no C.E.O taking over anything..... As they were still talking, a call came through Dangote's phone and when he picked it, he heard Roberts voice. Dangote: you have some nerve. Robert: you picked the wrong person to mess with. I knew about your arrangements with Della the self centred b***h. She is dead and I know all your plans. I'm two steps ahead of you Dangote. You want my head, how about you come and get it yourself?.. Dangote hanged up then smashed his phone on the wall. He kicked a chair to the wall and shouted then grabbed kabi's arm and pushed him out... Find that i***t right now!!!.....
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