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I kissed Rhoda as Adana and the guy kizito came to congratulate us as we congratulated Adana on her new ride too. The evening turned into something else as people partied and had fun. Kizito offered to take us out for dinner but since it was half past midnight we decided to go home and rescheduled the dinner for the next night... The day for collecting the DNA results came and I was the first at the hospital. Rhoda accompanied me as we were going to have lunch at Mark's place that afternoon. Robert was still not picking his calls but I hoped he got the message. By 11:00am, no one else had shown up so I asked the doctor to give me the results because after all, nothing was really going to shock me there because I already knew what to expect. Doctor: so after conducting the DNA test on you, Robert and Della. The results are ready and I can assure you that we had professionals working on it and the results have not been altered with.. He said giving me the envelope to confirm and Rhoda confirmed too. Just before I could open the envelope, there was a knock and when the doctor opened, Robert walked in. I was not sure whether to be exited or mad but I didn't say a word. The doctor talked to him as well and let him confirm that the envelope was still sealed then he handed Rhoda the envelope to open and she did. He took the last envelope from Rhoda and read it. From the doctors report, none of us matched the DNA that was found under my mother's fingers meaning Robert did not kill my mother. I looked at him and he looked straight at me then got up and walked out. I also got up and ran after him leaving Rhoda to callect my phone and keys. Me: stop! He did and turned. Me: you lied to me...why? He didn't answer that but started walking away but I caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder turning him towards me. He cringed a bit because that was the same shoulder that had been shot the other time.. Me: why did you lie to me Robert? Robert: to protect you. How many times did I tell you I had your best interest at heart. See the thing is I was really hoping that you pulled that trigger that night. You would have saved me from a lot of stuff. Stay away from me Owen. Friends don't suspect their friends. I had a chance to kill you but I didn't now I'm paying for that mistake. I never killed your mother. Now you know the truth... Me: then who did? Robert: if I told you I don't know would you believe me?.... No, but then why would you when I'm the first suspect on your list. Me: okay fine. I'm sorry... I messed up real bad but we can work this out.. Robert: work what out Owen, we ain't brothers, we ain't friends, we ain't s**t. Stay away from me Owen. I've protected you enough but next time I will have to put a bullet in your head. Stay away from me! He pushed me back and took off covering his head with a hoodie as if he didn't want people to recognize him. I was stuck in a world of confusion. Mark was right, Robert lied about him killing my mother but the question is how did mark know Robert lied and why did Robert lie. What was he protecting me from and why did he insist that I stay away from him?.... I didn't take Robert's warning lightly. I think he did show up for the DNA results because he wanted me to know I was wrong about him but why was he behaving the way he was? Rhoda caught up with us outside and she heard Robert warning me to stay away from him so she grabbed my arm when I attempted to follow him. Now, I'm the type of guy who doesn't keep gradges and when something is wrong I talk about it and clear the air. Robert was making things really difficult. Della never showed up for the DNA results and my guess is that she was very ashamed after what happened. I honestly felt bad for her but she totally deserved it. I don't know if she saw me proposing to Rhoda because that could have killed her. I dropped Rhoda to her place, I wasn't sure if I wanted her to be alone but I needed to take care of stuff and I didn't want her involved. While with her, I got a call from a hospital I had been attached to and they were thinking of hiring me permanently as one of their doctors. It was a private hospital. While doing my attachment at st. Austine's hospital I took my job seriously because my life depended on it. I wanted to make my patents proud of my achievements as it wasn't my dream to venture into business and take over my father's company. My first love was medicine. Rhoda: are you going to go? Me: go where? She asked as if she had been reading my mind the entire drive to her place. Rhoda: I know you got a call from the hospital. I heard you talk on phone earlier. Me: of cause you did. They want me to work for them as a fulltime doctor but I'm not sure of what to do with everything going on. I don't know if I will take the job. Rhoda: you know I'm here to support you through every decision you make right? I nodded then said thanks and pulled over right in front of her apartment. I turned slightly to look at her and took her hand in mine. She looked at my fingers lace hers then looked at me. Me: I want you to come stay with me at my place. Rhoda: why? Me: why not, I don't think you are safe here. Rhoda: I've lived here for the longest time possible and nothing has happened to me. Me: that's because you were not dating me then. Speaking of dating, you know you can not see that guy anymore right? Rhoda: there's no guy Owen. That's just something I came up with to make you jealous, I wanted you to want me more and make a decision if it was really me or Della. It worked. I smiled. Women will always be women. Rhoda had no idea what she was up against now that she was my girlfriend but I didn't want to push her into it. She must have been attached to her house and that was okay but how was I going to protect her? My parents killers were still on the loose and I knew they would come at me in whichever way possible.. I kissed Rhoda and let her go into the house as I drove back to my place. I needed to get some security details done like mark had advised and I needed to go to the hospital and talk to the doctor in charge. He was willing to let me work under him for a few weeks then give me privileges to work my own shifts like an ordinary doctor. Later that evening I would see Mark. I needed to see mark. Adana's acceptance of the car from kizito made her life a bit difficult as Della sent her threatening messages. She was mad. She called her on her phones and called her names. How could she accept the car from kizito if she was not sleeping around with him? Adana ignored Della but she didn't want to engage in a fight with her. What was her fault, she was only doing her part in a friendship that turned our more sour than she expected. Who was even to blame for how things turned out if it wasn't for her? Kizito just thought of making up for his mistake and he thought Adana could help him achieve that, what was so wrong with that? "You better give back my car or you will regret having set your eyes on kizito. I will pluck those eyes out and make you blind" That was a final text from Della and it scared the sanity out of Adana. She made a call to kizito asking him to come for his car but kizito told her he was going to see her as soon as he was done at the hospital. Your wife is experiencing a temporary memory lose. She might not recognize you or anybody from her past. A bit of damage was done when she hit her head." The doctor said showing kizito the ex ray results. Not that he had not seem it before but it was not easy seeing his wife just there not even able to recognize who he was. Kizito: for how long will she be in this state? Doctor: that depends on you. You need to take care of her, make her remember things by taking her to places you have been to, doing things you have done before, let her see familiar faces and she will be able to gain her memory, not at once but she will eventually.. Kizito made a sigh then got up and shook the doctor's hands. Kizito: I will organize myself then pick her up as soon as I'm able to. Doctor: no problem. I will give her a discharge as soon as you are able to take her home. He nodded then shook his hand one more time and walked out... Della couldn't keep calm, she wanted to go to Adana's house and tear her part but kept telling herself Adana was not worth her time but then again she couldn't keep herself from thinking and burying her fist in her hand. She took her phone and called Owen. She wanted to see Owen and maybe make herself vulnerable to him. She needed someone to be there for her or maybe she just wanted to trap him and kill him as per Dangote's offer. My phone rang several times and i kept ignoring and knowing that Della wouldn't stop until she spoke to me, I eventually picked. Me: Della Della: babe, I need to see you. Her calling me that was weird and especially after my engagement to Rhoda. Me: what's going on? Della: I'm in bad shape right now, I can't think, I can't breathe I just want to die. Please Baby I need to see you before I loose it. Me: I'm sorry Della we are not each others "babys" anymore. I can see you but not in that context. What do you want really? Della: come see me. Just this once and if its not worth your time then you will be free to leave..please Owen. There was some silence from my end followed by an "okay" maybe i needed to address the issue once and for all.. Me: I will see if I can find some time and drop by. Della: thanks. She ended the call then smiled as she reached for her purse and pulled out some small bottle with some whitish substance in it. She starred at it and smiled. Della: let's see who is smatter Owen. This is my first attempt at 8.5 million and this thing better work. I love you Owen but if I can't have you. No one else will...I rather we both loose you than see you end up with that wretched house help of a woman. What did you even see in her? She asked as she kissed the small bottle and put it back in her purse, she then lay on her back in her bed staring at the ceiling... The first night when Isabel went with the officer to the club, they failed at their mission as the guy they wanted did not show up so they had taken her back to her little cell at the station. Maybe the guy was tipped of, or maybe he just didn't want to be found. One of the officers went for Isabel in her cell that afternoon and took her back into the interrogation room. He had her seat then sat right opposite her watching her for a while. She was nervous as she didn't know what to expect. Officer: I got a complaint from Owen, the guy whose father's phone you stole. He said you stole his phone too in the same club so he says we cannot let you go until you tell us where you took his phone. Isabel: I sold it and bought my child medication. I don't even know who I sold it to. Officer: you failed at identifying the man whom you stole the phone from do you think someone tipped him off? Isabel: the bar tender at the club. She could have but I'm not sure. Officer: okay, you are going to try it again but this time we will wait outside for your signal. We need to close this case. Isabel: does closing the case mean I will walk free? Officer: I can't promise you that. It will depend on the case and whoever filed the case. The officer got up and left her seated there before another officer came to take her away.. Jabali and Maggy could not find time to make out with Serena sick at home and Willi's unending errands and meetings. If it wasn't preparing for the board meeting, it was making funeral arrangements for his mother. Jabali made a point of visiting Serena with a bunch of flowers and Maggy was not so excited about it. The look on her face made it obvious that she was jealous... Maggy: Serena is allergic to roses. I'll take them from here. She said picking the roses from jabali but Serena stopped her. Serena: its okay mum, this is the one time a guy actually brought me roses. Can I have them? Jabali: sure He handed them to her as she smelled them then looked up at him and smiled. Maggy: I will be in the kitchen. She excused herself and left as Serena escorted her with a stare. Jabali: you like the roses? Serena: I love the roses. Thanks for dropping by. Jabali: you're welcome. How are you feeling? Serena: my tummy still hurts but should be okay. She said holding her tummy and when she looked up their eyes met and they both smiled. Jabali: you are beautiful. Serena: you think so? Jabali: yes. She smiled then he let go of her hand and got up. Jabali: I've got to get back to work. I was just checking up on you. Serena: I'm impressed. Thank you once again. He kissed her on the forehead then left. He got downstairs and Maggy was in the kitchen preparing something for them. Jabali pushed the kitchen door open and she turned to look at him. Maggy: leaving so soon? Jabali: yeah, I've got to take care of something for willis. Maggy: okay.. She turned away and continued with her cooking, he walked up to her and grabbed her by the waist then pulled her to himself and kissed her passionately that she dropped the spoon she was using. She pushed him towards the kitchen counter and he lifted her off the ground and had her sit on it. He unbuttoned her top and kissed her neck all the way to her breast. She held him tight and kissed him back, then came the short breaths. Maggy: wait! Jabali: what, Maggy: we cannot do this here. Serena is in the house. Jabali: I don't care about Serena, I care about you. Maggy: didn't seem like it a while back. Jabali: were you jealous. Maggy: why would I be jealous? Jabali: you know I can buy you a thousand roses but how will you explain them to Willis and Serena? Maggy: you have a point but we can't do this here, I will call you. Jabali: okay. He planted a soft kiss on her mouth then he opened the kitchen door and walked out. I got to the hospital at around 3:00pm to see Dr. Richard. He was the Doctor who recommended me and I didn't really want to disappoint by not showing up so I did. Richard was exited and I could see it on his face when he spoke of me with such confidence, confidence that I myself didn't even have. Dr. Richard: Mr fadhili, this is the boy I was telling you about. Mr. Fadhili was the head of st. Austine's hospital. He was also the founder but he had his daughter work there as the director. Her name was Ruth. Ruth: aren't you the son to Mr. Gerald Bingo, the sole owner of Gnw company? Me: yes I'm. Damn, my father was a celebrity and everyone knew him. Mr. Fadhili: aah yes, I knew Mr. Bingo he was a man of honour. I'm sorry for your loss. Me: thank you. We spoke for a while and I told them about my predicaments and why I could not take up the job as a full time doctor and Mr. Fadhili was there nodding like he wasn't disappointed at all. He scratched his beared and leaned in towards us when I finished taking. Mr. Fadhili: I love your courage. Not many sons would want to continue their father's legacy and I'm impressed. You can continue practising medicine part time and we can employ you as a part time doctor. We will allocate you a few patients and Dr. Richard will be here with you in case of anything. You will still work under him until you are able to manage on your own. Well, who wouldn't want such an opportunity. I didn't expect that Mr. Fadhili would understand but he did and now I was looking forward to working with Richard as a part time doctor.. I left the hospital after finalizing with Mr. Fadhili then went to meet up with mark. I got to his home and he was at the garden where we were the other time he was teaching me how to shoot.. It was already evening but the place was well lit. He was there with a bunch of files besides him. Mark: its about time.. Me: yeah I got caught up...what are we doing today? Mark: nothing much. These files belonged to your father. I needed to hand them over to you. Go through them when you've got time in your hands. I picked one file and checked it out then returned it to the rest. Mark: everything you need to learn about the company is in there. I nodded then leaned back in my seat.. Me: you were right about Robert. He lied.. Mark didn't respond to that. Me: how did you know he was lying? Mark: i could detect it in his voice. Now that you have enemies left right and centre, you should know how to read body language, you need to be alert, see what the ordinary eyes do not see. A person who is lying will say the same sentence the same exact way without twisting it over and over again. For Roberts case it felt like someone was watching him. You know the way you are too careful to make a mistake. Me: do you think that someone is Dangote? Mark: could be. I can't find any Dangote in the system meaning if your father was involved with him, it has to be outside the company. Did you see Robert? Me: yes, and he warned me to stay away from him or he will put a bullet in my head himself. Mark: Robert was trying to relay a message to you. Whoever is controlling him told him to stay away from you or he would kill him. Robert is your friend and whoever is behind this knows that he can tell you everything and screw his plans. That explains the guys who were after you and Robert the other day. Its like they had been tailing him to make sure you two don't see each other. Me: i now het it.. that explains why he showed up in a hoodie at the hospital then he looked afraid as if someone was watching him. Mark: true. I think Robert wants to tell you something but he can't. In crime life there is something called codes. That's how people speak when they don't want another person to understand what they are taking about. Me: I get it... Do you think Robert wants me to find him? Mark: if he does he will reach out to you. Be keen and very alert. Mark was really good at figuring things out and now I got why Robert was all weird. I was going to wait for him to reach out if at all he was going to. While still at mark's, I got a call from Della reminding me to go to her place. I wasn't really excited about meeting Della but I had to be done with her issues once and for all. Kizito exposed Della and now she was lonely and desperate, she lost me and she lost the one best friend she has always had. Maybe she just needed to talk I don't know. Mark and i finished up and on my way to Della's I got a text from Rhoda asking me if I was going for dinner at her place and I told her I was going to be at home working on the files Mark had given me. She asked if she could come over and I told her I was going to be busy and I wouldn't really have time for her. She agreed though she didn't sound okay. The last thing I needed was to cancel on Della or tell Rhoda I was going to spend the evening with Della, you know how female get... I got to Della's and got out of my car then walked towards her house. It was dark but the estate lights shone as day. I knocked and she open. She had a trench coat on and stood there staring at me. At first I thought I was at the wrong door but this was Della. Della: come in love.. I got in. Della insisted on calling me these sweet names and I don't know what part of we were no longer lovers she never understood.. The house was dimly lit with the table set for dinner. Yeah I knew where we were headed but I was curious.. She showed me to a seat and I sat then she sat right opposite me. Me: Della, what am I doing here? She poured some wine in her glass and did the same to mine. Della: its really hot in here, do you feel the heat? She said unbuttoning the trench coat then she remained with her bra and a marching laced panty. She got up and walked to the kitchen letting her coat fall off. Her house had an open kitchen plan so everything was visible from where I was seated. Seeing Della naked was always a turn on and she knew it. She knew just what to do to make me pay attention. Della: I know you love red on me, how do I look? I didn't respond. I didn't know why I was still there I should have stormed out like yesterday but the thing is, I chose to stay. She came and sat on me then kissed me but after the first kiss I pulled her back... Me: Della stop. Della: why, don't you love me anymore? Me: not the way you want me to. I'm with someone else now. She pulled back from me and walked back to her chair. She took a sip of her wine and encourage me to take mine but as soon as I lifted the glass to my mouth something stopped me. Me: what happened with Adana? I asked putting the glass down before taking the sip. Della: she slept with my man. Me: you have a man... Della: I had to find someone to keep me company as you were still deciding whether or not to get back with me. Then Dangotes voice rang in her head warning her that if she failed to kill Owen he would kill her instead. Della: did you ever love me baby? Me: I did. Della: what do you feel about me now? That was the one question that was going to determine if she was going to screw Dangote and save Owen or kill Owen and get the 8.5 million reward. All she needed to hear was that Owen still loved her. Me: I don't know Della, things are a bit complicated now than they were. She looked down and put her fork on the table. Della: you have barely touched your food or drink... This is not how I pictured the night to be Owen... I didn't respond but took a bite of the food then took the glass to have a sip and there was a loud knock in the door... I looked at her as if to ask if she was expecting someone but the look on her face made me think she was nervous.. He's here" Isabel texted the cops when the guy walked in then she got up and attempted to leave but he caught up with her. Him: you b***h! He grabbed her then gave her a slap that landed her on the floor. Him: where is the phone? Isabel: I don't have it. She said dragging her body from the floor. The act attracted the attention of the others customers and some guys came to intervene then it became chaotic. People were defending Isabel against the guy and a bottle of bear was smashed on top of someone's head before the police came in and asked everyone to freeze pointing their pistols aimlessly. Isabel signaled one of them and showed him the guy whom she stole from and when he tried to run they shot him in the leg then arrested him and escorted him out of the club as the other officer helped Isabel up... "Who is there?" Della asked picking her trench coat and throwing it over herself. The person knocking did not respond and her reaction made me think something was really wrong. She got a very sharp knife from the kitchen and walked in her heals towards the door. I wasn't sure of who was knocking at that time of the night and for her to carry a knife meant she must have felt threatened by someone. I got up and got my gun and slowly followed her to the door.. Della: I said who is there? There was no response so she opened the door and plunged the knife into some female figure standing by the door catching her unawares, I was behind slightly behind Della when i hear a scream only to realize that the knife was inside Rhoda's stomach and i ran to her and got a hold of her before she dropped.. What the hell had just happened?....
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