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"How is the condition of the patient in ward 3B? The doctor asked as he picked his stethoscope and took the file from a nurse. Nurse: he has shown slight improvement, he was brought in half dead. Doctor: I remember that, does he have any family? Nurse: there is a lady who has been visiting him since. The doctor got to the ward and walked up to makaveli's bed. He was awake but he lay still on his bed watching the doctor. He couldn't talk but could hear everything the doctor was saying. He took the stethoscope and stuck it to his chest asking him to take deep breaths and he did. Doctor: your breathing is fine. He also checked his pressure and it was normal. Nurse: why can't he talk? Doctor: his reason for not talking is not medical related. Maybe its just trauma and that's where counseling comes in. He might have gone through an experience that he had not gotten over. Its probably what's keeping him here. Nurse: what do you mean by its what's keeping him here? Doctor: watch this.. He took a pen stood by the feet of makaveli. Doctor: please node your head if you feel anything I'm doing okay? Makaveli nodded. The doctor took a pen and drew a line inside his foot. Doctor: can you feel that? Makaveli nodded and even cringed his foot. The doctor did the same to the other foot and the response was the same. Doctor: the nerves are fine, he can feel and respond. I don't know why he can't get out of the bed but he should be good to go in a few days. Prepare him for a scan, I need to know if he fractured any bone. Nurse: okay. Doctor: and when the lady comes to see him, tell her I need to talk to her. The nurse nodded then watched the doctor walk away as she attended to Makaveli. I spent the night at Rhoda and we talked through the night. I couldn't fall asleep as all I could think about was the shots fired at the the innocent woman who got shot at the club then Robert and why he did what he did. My mind was practically all over the place. Rhoda: you know its not your fault the woman got shot right? Me: I'm a doctor Rhoda, I just left her there. Rhoda: there is nothing you could have done about it. Its okay to worry about other people but not at the expense of your life. Me: I need to ask you something? Rhoda: please do. Me: back at the company, Mr. Anthony and Mr Maxwell wants me to take over from where my father left but I don't think I'm up for the task. I said drawing circles on her back with my nails since half her body was resting on my chest. Rhoda: why do you feel like you are not up to the task? Me: I'm a doctor Rhoda not a business man, besides I don't want to spend the rest of my life fighting Willis, and now there is a Dangote somewhere who is also interested in putting a bullet inside my head. I'm not ready for all that. Rhoda: you are the heir of the multi billion company and there is a reason why they picked you Owen and not anybody else. They see something in you that you don't see in yourself. Come on... Take up the challenge and let your father's legacy live on. You can do it Owen I know the Mark guy will help you. Maybe she was right, I hugged her even tighter and took a deep breath. I was really scared of the life that awaited me, that is if at all I got to live it. On the day of her birthday, Adana had organized a birthday party for Della at a restaurant of Della's choice. Whenever they went there, she kept saying she would have her wedding reception there so Adana invited a few of their friends who did not disappoint. Adana called Della that day several times but she was not picking her calls. She called kizito and asked her to try calling her but she was not picking his call either. Adana: that is so unlike Della you know. Kizito: do you think something happened to her? Adana: I don't know but whenever she is angry with me, she picks up, yells at me then we go back to normal. Kizito: did something happen between you two? Adana: no. I will text her the location for her birthday maybe she is just busy but if she doesn't show up we will go look for her. Kizito agreed as he sipped his wine. He had gone over to Adana's place to confirm that everything was in place.. Della had been released by Dangote and she was back at home. There wasn't an excitement in her face because of the kidnap and the fact that she was about to betray the one person she had loved and spent most of her time with. "should you fail to kill Owen and should he be aware of what is going on, you will never live to tell the story." Dangote's words rang fresh in her mind so she got up from her position and sat in her bed holding her head with both hands.. "Della: 8.5 million is a lot of money Della, you can do so much and you can live the life you have always wanted." She told herself as she picked her new phone and went through the calls and messages. She saw Adana's messages and kizito's calls but she did not respond. She put the phone aside and lay in bed again. Della: who is this Dangote and why does he want to kill Owen? Why did he treat her so well and why haven't I seen him before. I've been to Owens office more than enough times and I've seen everybody I should know. Why don't I know him? Dangote promised to send the money and Della was more nervous than she was excited. What if she failed to kill Owen and everything blew up in her face? "I should have said no." She thought but then again what are the odds that Dangote would have let her walk out of there alive? Elsewhere Sankara knew Makaveli had died though no one really knew where the body had gone. Makaveli just disappeared and no one heard of him for the past few days. Sankara was worried so he wanted to make sure his guys had his back and no one would tell on him. It was a forever kind of thing, for better or for worse. He called for a meeting and all his guys showed up. The grown men were so afraid of Sankara that one would think he was a little god. Sankara: thank you all for coming. He said to the group of around seven men. Makaveli made it nine and mpasi was the tenth member. They killed their own. Sankara: Makaveli is missing after I shot him the night he planned to run away with a woman. They all looked at him rather surprised. Guy 1: what woman? Sankara: Mpasi's wife, they were having an affair. Guy 2: did Mpasi know about it? Sankara: I don't know. The bottom line is Makaveli is missing and we need to know if he is dead or alive. I know he couldn't survive the bullets but where is his body?. There was silence as no one knew anything about makaveli's whereabouts... Sankara: I need to go to Nairobi soon, there are a few things I need to take care of. Guy 3: you want to go to Nairobi and leave us here? Sankara: I'm I carrying your brains with me? Like I said, I need to take care of a few things then I will be back. They could not go against Sankara so they had no choice but to agree with him. What was he really going to do in the city?.. Willis had a meeting with Patrick, Buggy and Jabali. He had not gone back to his house as he didn't know how to explain to Maggy that he had come back because he had been slapped by imaginary people. Maggy had no idea about his shady deals and so did Serena. If Maggy found out that willis killed Gerald, things between them would get so messy. She would leave and go for good this time. Willis: Patrick, we have a few to the next board meeting, any luck with mercy? Patrick: I tried seduction but it didn't work. The woman is smart Willis, she was able to join the dots. I think we should look for another way of making sure those papers do not get to the table. Jabali: what other way. You want to kill her? Patrick: no killing Jabali, her death will point everything towards willis. They will think he did it because he is hiding something. Willis: Patrick is right, we can't kill her but we can kidnap her on the day of the meeting. Jabali: what makes you think they won't suspect you for that either? There was silence. Buggy: I say you go into that meeting like the boss you are and deny ever having withdrawn huge sum of money. Tell them you were not working alone and they can't impose stealing on you when they can't even prove Gerald was clean. They all looked at him and he shrugged his shoulder. Jabali: or just go there empty hands and wait to see what happens. Owen is an amateur in this game and he treats you like someone he cares about. I don't think this is the time to fight Owen because I do believe, he has taken interest in the company and he is learning everything he should. We will not beat him because he has Mr. Anthony and Mr. Maxwell behind him too. Patrick: I see that point. If we can't beat them, we join them. That's brilliant... If we stop fighting Owen he won't have a reason to. We need him to be just a little careless and we set in our foot. Willis: I get it. So this is the plan, we will not go against Owen. If they ask for us to vote, we vote him the new C.E.O and head of GnW. I will bring him close then find a way to screw him over. His death will be a slow but sure death. He will not see it coming then I will automatically take over the company. Buggy: see what many heads can do. We need to drink to that. He got up and brought a few glasses and a bottle of whisky then served everyone... I left Rhoda's house at midday and asked her to be careful with who she let in. She was going for some event and asked if I could go along but I told her I was a bit busy but I could drop by and pick her up or maybe show up at the event but I wasn't really sure if I was going to make it. I got to my place and it was quiet and cold as usual. No one talking, laughing or anything of that sort. It was just quiet. I changed clothes and checked the guest bedroom and found out that Robert had really left. He had taken his clothes with him and I couldn't blame him. Anyone ought to be ashamed of themselves if they did what Robert did. I was not done with him, I was still thinking of a perfect way to get revenge on him. He was no longer a friend or a brother but an enemy. Mark texted, he had some heads up he needed to brief me on. The doctor also called and said the DNA tests were ready and all of us who took part in it needed to show up for the results. I had a few words with the doctor and he said two days from then, I would know who killed my mother. The thing is, Robert already confessed to killing my mother but since the tests were done, the doctor insisted on meeting all of us and giving the results. I met up with Mike say around 2:00 pm. The meeting place was his house as usual in his office upstair. This time lilly prepared lunch but she was taking the kid to a hospital. The baby had been unwell so mark made sure she was well taken care off by assigning a cab to pick her up, wait for her and drip her off at home Safe and sound. Lilly was warm and very welcoming. She served us lunch at the dining table then called us down before she left with the baby. Mark: we didn't sleep at night man, the kid cried through out. Me: I thought its the attention of the mum she needed. Mark: yes, but the crying was so annoying. I had to baby sit both of them because lilly was going insane when I fell asleep and left her watching over her. I smiled. Talk about married life..... Would I even get there, I had no idea. Mark: how is the going? Me: been a little off the past few hours. Robert my friend you remember him from the office? Mark: yeah, your fathers fake right hand man. Me: he confessed to killing my mother and I felt like emptying my gun to his head. He stayed calm looking at me for a moment. I didn't understand his reaction. Mark: why didn't you? Me: I don't know. A few hours before that we had unknown guys chasing us down the streets, the good news is that I killed all of them but the bad news is that there's is a man called Dangote. They worked for him. He is after me now. Mark: who is Dangote, I've never heard of the name before. If he was involved with your father then I must have known about him. The name doesn't ring a bell. He took a sip of his juice and looked at me over the glass before putting it down. Mark: Robert... I heard his confession... What did he tell you about Dangote because I got the story in the middle. I only listened to the story recorded in the house as you were treating his wound. Me: that thing is that accurate? Mark nodded. Then turned on his laptop and played the recording. It was loud and clear. I told Mark everything Robert had told me and listened keenly. According to him there was something wrong with Roberts confession but what was it?... Mark: you need to find Robert. Me: why would I do that? Mark: his life is in danger. Just do it then keep him safe. There is something he didn't tell you. Me: what? Mark: we will talk about that. First thing first, find Robert and then meet me up for a brief tomorrow. You need to be prepared for your second meeting at the company. This is important Owen. You need to show those people you are ready. Have you heard from Willis? Me: no. Mark: I need to find out what he is up to. I will be at the company later today. Me: why would you risk going there? Mark: I need to plant some wires inside Willi's office. I believe we can get something out of it. Me: I will come with you. Mark: no. You find Robert... It will be less suspicious if I'm spotted there alone besides the police are still on the lookout after the incident of the shootout. We finished up lunch and after our little chat I left mark's place at around 5:00 pm. I was headed home to freshen up before picking up Rhoda for her event. I don't know why I didn't want to disappoint her by letting her show up in a cab. Marks words got to me. Why did he think it was important to protect a criminal and why did he think Robert was not telling the truth. Okay, in everything he said, what was the truth and what was the lie, was Dangote even real, and if he wasn't who was manoeuvring with the black jeep? I called Robert and as usual he didn't pick my call so I sent him a text telling him to call me back or better still show up at the hospital for the DNA results at 10:00 am in the morning of the day the doctor gave. I texted Della too and she responded with an "Okay" I took a shower and dressed up. By the time I was reaching Rhoda's home it was a few minutes to seven. Her event started at around 8:00pm so we had like an hour to unwind and give her psych to MC the event. Rhoda was a powerful woman, she never depended on me or any man to get stuff done. I still wonder how she came from a house maid to an event coordinator. Me: you smell nice.. Rhoda: I'm female what do you expect? I smiled. This one didn't even know how to respond to a compliment. Rhoda: so, I finally get to see you in a tuxedo... This is nice. Me: let's just say I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your important clients. Rhoda: see, that's why I love you. Me: you love me, wow! You finally get to admit. She looked at me and smiled. Rhoda: it feels really nice having you accompany me. Thank you. Me: you deserve to have a gentleman beside you on a beautiful night like this. You are beautiful Rhoda. Rhoda: thank you.. Me: aaah, look who has finally mastered the word thank you.. Rhoda: I say it only to the people who deserve it.... Me: wow!..okay.. lets get going. You don't want go be late for your event. "Has she responded yet?" Kizito asked Adana over the phone as he made his way to the hospital. He had been called to go check on his wife as the doctors said she had woken up from the coma. Adana: not yet. If she doesn't show up, I will call off the party. Kizito: don't call off the party, just let people enjoy themselves and have fun. We spent so much on that. Adana: okay...are you sure you are going to make it with your wife out of comma? Kizito: I will be there. At exactly 8:00pm, Rhoda and I got out of the car and walked her towards the entrance where we met a very big and beautiful photo of Della with the caption "Happy birthday Della" her smile was bright and lovely and I stared at the photo for a while before I shifted my gaze to Rhoda. She was just standing there watching me marvel at the photo and I could tell what was going on in her mind.. Me: I'm sorry...its... Rhoda: let's get inside. She started to walk away by I pulled her towards me and held her waist. She looked up at me and I stared at her lips. I could tell she was mad and I didn't want to ruin the night. Me: why didn't you tell me you were hosting Della's birthday party? Rhoda: I don't know. I guess I wanted to find out how you feel about her. The answer is quite clear. Let go of me...its embarrassing. Me: being seen with me is embarrassing? Rhoda: no, the way you are holding me is embarrassing. I let go and he walked in as I followed her. This was not the way I intended to spend my evening. Not at an ex girlfriend's party and not with the woman I love all mad and stuff.. "Owen!" I heard from behind and when I turned it was Adana. She had this this beautiful red and white flowered dress and she looked happy to see me. We hugged then talked for a while. She asked if I had been talking to Della or if I've seen her and I told her not since the DNA test. Me: wait, i thought this is her party? Adana: yes, with the help of a friend I organized it for her but she hasn't been responding to my texts or responding to my calls. I don't even know if she will show up. Me: she will. Della loves a attention and she wouldn't miss a party in her name for anything. Adana smiled. Adana: whose the beautiful babe? Me: her name is Rhoda. Adana: I thought she was going to cancel on me last minute when she realized it was Della's party. Me: no. She's not like that. She is professional at everything she does. Adana took me to the front part and from where we were, I could see Rhoda doing her thing. She had forgotten about our little fight at the door and she kept smiling at me. The party was on, people were dancing and having fun but Adana kept checking in and out. She was afraid of the embarrassment of Della not showing up. Kizito showed up before Della. It was around 10:00 pm and according to the programme, the party was ending at midnight. Kizito confirmed that Della's Honda CR-V had been delivered and now they were waiting for her to come and claim it. Thirty minutes later Della showed up with a very beautiful dress that swept the floor as she walked in. This one was an attention seeker and everyone noticed her entrance. She looked beautiful in the flawless dress and when Adana saw her, she was exited. She walked towards her to meet her halfway and hug her but when she got to her,Della pushed her aside and made her way upfront. Everyone was shocked at her uncouth behavior. Adana stood there pretty much ashamed as some of their friends giggled. Della got to the stage, took the microphone from Rhoda who was introducing her and Rhoda stepped back. Della: ladies and gentlemen sorry for the wait. I'm here but I'm not really in the mood for celebrating my birthday this year you want to know why? There were a few yeses murmured in the crowd while everyone else was quiet and eagerly waiting to hear from her. Della: my best friend here... For those who don't know her, her name is Adana.. There she is.. The spotlight moved from Della to her. Della: yeah that one, she has been sleeping with my man behind my back so that he could pay her rent, do her shopping and give her everything he was giving me. Such a backstabbing b***h and a whore.. The shock on everyone's face was quite something especially the females. Della: then she goes ahead and plan for my birthday party with my man's money and they shamelessly call and text each other. I thought I had a friend, a sister but friendship is s**t! Kizito got to the stage to try and stop her but she pushed him away. Della: if you were going to sleep with my best friend, you shouldn't have rubbed it in my face. She pushed the microphone to his chest and pushed the cake down sending it crashing on the floor then walked past everyone in the room heading out. Kizito: wait Della, I need you to watch this. She stopped and turned to look at kizito. Kizito: come on everyone, there is something I need all of you to see. You too Della. Lets go outside. Everyone made their way outside the restaurant, talking and giggling and most of them were shocked at Della's reaction. They stood there waiting for kizito who made a call and some guy drove the car with some red ribbons tied to it to where they were all standing. When Della saw the car, she made her way to the front but kizito ignored her and called Adana to where he was standing instead. Kizito: I met Della and fell madly in love with her despite knowing she was materialistic. I was willing to leave everything for her and she knew just how much I cared about her. Adana here is her friend the one she calls a b***h and accuses me of sleeping with. Last week I came looking for Della in Adana's area because that's where I dropped her off a few times. I met Adana. I spoke to her about Della's birthday because she stormed out of my house after I told her I couldn't buy her a car for her birthday because of the situation I was in but she totally went off on me telling me stuff that were not so pleasing to the ear. I loved her and I didn't want to loose her so I got in touch with Adana to help me pick a car for Della on her birthday and this beautiful woman right here without being jealous of her friend picked this car for Della and organized this party for her. After the show Della just put up in there, I don't think I want anything to do with such an ungrateful woman. Adana didn't sleep with me. Whatever I did to her I did out of goodwill and because I admired the type of a woman she is. A woman who does not depend on men to get stuff done for her. She wanted you to have a good time on your birthday but you came here to shame her and trash everything. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present this car to Adana here, I think she is more deserving. Adana shook her head and took few steps back but kizito held her hand and placed the keys that had been handed to him by the guy who had driven it there. Kizito: consider this a gift for your good heart. Its yours so you don't have to go around in cabs. You tried your best but no one can really please Della.. Go on, check it out. Della quickly made her way in between people and disappeared as everyone else cheered Adana who went ahead and got into the car. Me: you still mad at me? I asked holding Rhoda's hand as we watched Adana try out her new car. Rhoda: I would be if you went after her. Me: I love you Rhoda not her. She rolled her eyes and i took the mike from kizito and called for everyone's attention. Me: sorry guys but as Adana is checking out her car allow me to tell this beautiful woman something in front of all of you. Now she knew i was serous and she became nervous. Rhoda: what are you doing. She whispered and I smiled .. Me: Rhoda, I love you. You bring the best in me and you make me feel a certain way. I've loved you for close to four years now. All in secret. I've admired you, I've wanted to be in your space but this very day, I can't go another day without letting you know how I feel. Please give me a chance to be your man and I will prove to you how beautiful it is to be loved. I'm asking before all these men and women...please be my girlfriend? People had there phones cameras capturing the moment. The most devastating moment in a mans life is proposing in front of people and being told NO. The s**t can cause a heart attack. She covered her mouth with her hand and smiled as I took out a ring and showed it to her. She smiled and said yes. Me: is that a yes. Rhoda: yes...yes, I will be your girlfriend and more. I slid the ring on her middle finger then Kissed it before I got up and gave her a hug and people were all exited and cheerful. She never saw that coming. I got that ring but I wasn't sure when exactly i was going to give it to her.. Della had been in the car watching and was so mad to see the engagement. She wanted to kill Adana or maybe she was going to go through with killing Owen after all. If she couldn't have him.. no one else was going go to.. Della: Damm you Owen!.. She said driving off...
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