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I stood there giving him a hard stare and he cleared his throat. His eyes grew teary. Robert: yes I killed your mother.... I killed her and hanged her by the window and I didn't think anyone would find out. I don't know how those words sounded in my ear but I grabbed him and hoisted him up and gave him a blow that landed him back in the seat. I grabbed him again and gave him another blow.. Robert: I'm sorry bro. I took my gun and pointed it to his face. I wanted to kill him. Robert's confession came with a disappointment and a heartbreak I couldn't deal with. I remembered how shocked he looked when he saw my mother hanging by the window. How could he play me like that?.. After confessing to being my mothers killer, he sat there quiet and he didnt even look disturbed, i don't know if i expected him to beg for forgiveness but I couldn't stand him so I picked my jacket and stormed out of the house. This was the guy I treated like the brother I never had... Della got to where she was being taken and when she was pulled out of the car, she was in a very big compound with a big mansion right in front of her, the parking lot was huge and the cars that were parked there were to die for.. She looked around but couldn't ask questions because her mouth was taped. The guy dragged her inside and since the boss was not in yet from his office, she was taken to some room and got locked up there. The tape had been plucked from her mouth and it pained like hell. Della: get me out of here you fool! She shouted running to the door and banging on it but the guy had left. She looked around and went to the window to see if she could get out but she could not. The window had grilled bars that she could not pluck out or squeeze in between. Della was so mad and afraid at the same time. Who brought her to that place and why, was it kizito's way of punishing her? She walked back to the door shouted again and no one responded so she kicked it and hurt her foot so she limped back and sat on the bed waiting for someone to get her out of there.. That evening the officers went with Isabel into the club and she was to do her thing as usual. No one really knew her name. Sometimes she was Lydia, the other times she was Susan, Isabel or Mary. The two officers were dressed in civilian so no one would recognize them. Isabel went and sat at the bar as usual and ordered for a drink that was to be paid by the officers since she had no money on her. She had not worked since she got arrested. The bartender served her and after they talked for a while Isabel moved away to a different table and sat there waiting to see if the guy would pop up. "She is here" the bartender texted the guy whose phone was stolen by Isabel. He had come to the club to see if he could find her but he did not so he made a deal with the bartender and promised to pay her five thousand if she could tip him off once Isabel checked in... Bartender: its been a few days, is everything okay?. Isabel: yeah, i had a few things to take care of, any new clients?.. Bartender: nope, but today could be a good day..keep your eyes open.. She smiled and sipped her drink as she looked around. Jabali drove Serena and Maggy home then carried Serena out of the car again and took her inside then lay her on the sofa and she held on to his hand. Serena: thanks Jabali, you are such a gentleman. Jabali: no need for that. Someone has to watch over you guys when your father is not around. Take your medication faithful and you will be okay soon okay? Serena smiled then watched Jabali get up and pick his car keys and leave. He didn't even tell them Willis was back but was headed to meet him and the boys for a way forward since the next board meeting to decide who would run the company until a new C.E.O was voted was in two weeks time.. Maggy saw jabali off but they didn't speak or do anything stupid like kissing became Serena was very smart. I don't know it she sensed some chemistry between her mother and Jabali but she wanted her mother to know that she liked Jabali, Maggy: you know you cannot have anything with Serena right? Jabali: where is that coming from? Maggy: I saw the way you look at each other. Jabali: I'm just being there for your daughter and nothing is going on. He got in the car and drove off leaving her standing there. After jabali had driven out the gate, she went back inside and went to sit next to Serena as she wanted to pick her brain on how she felt about jabali. Maggy: how are you feeling now my dear? Serena: just numb I guess. Maggy: can I make you something? Serena: just tea. Thanks. Maggy wanted to ask if she liked jabali but that would bring suspicion so she decided to let it go and be there for Serena since her father wasn't. Serena: mum, will you be attending grandmas burial? Maggy: yes Serena we have to go. Serena: I'm not going anywhere. That woman was not a saint and the things she did to us are unforgivable. Maggy: yes she is not a saint but she is still your grandmother, your dad will need us to be there for him. Serena: mum, do you still love dad? Maggy: now why would you ask that? Serena: nothing. Forget I did. Maggy: I will get you get you the tea. She got up walked to the kitchen door and stood there staring at her before she finally made her way in... I showed up at Rhoda's place unannounced. I was upset and I needed to talk to someone before I lost my mind. Della was a no go zone, I didn't want to give her hopes of ever getting back with her. Its a good thing that we broke up because I would be forced to ship an entire boutique for her birthday. I always spent on Della all I could because I wanted my woman to look classy and elegant. That's how high her standards were but the sad thing is that she never regarded me the same love an affection, the previous year Rhoda wished me a happy birthday but she totally forgot until the next day. These things don't mean much to us men but I don't know... it kind of feels good to be treated special by the person you love. I knocked on Rhoda's door after sitting in my car for a while debating if it was the right thing to do. Oscar Dangote, whoever the hell he was was after me, I don't know why but if he had his guys follow us and fire shots at us it means he could still have his eyes on me especially if he learnt that we are not dead. What if he gets hold of Rhoda and demands an exchange. Rhoda: hey... I didn't even notice that the door had been opened until she spoke. Me: hey.. Rhoda: come in. I stood there for a while staring at her. She had some tights hugging her curves nicely and a not so long top exposing her flat tummy. She had her hair tied up with a few strands falling off her face. She was bare feet and everything about her was just perfect. Why did it take me so long to notice all these? Rhoda: are you okay? She asked taking my hand and leading me inside. She walked with me to the sofa then had me seat as she knelt down holding both of my hands in hers and I tried to hold back my emotions. I didn't want Rhoda to see me crying, that was a sign of weakness but all the same I felt so hurt and betrayed. Rhoda: why are you like this today, what's going on? I raised my face and our eyes met. She looked worried and I wasn't sure I wanted to involve her in all these but how could I not tell her. I couldn't go back to the club and drink myself silly because I had decided to deal with issues on a sobber mind and who knows if Oscar's guys would catch me off guard and Kill me anyway. The fact that I now knew how to shoot did not mean that I could go against Dangote because first of all, I had no idea how many people he was operating with and second, he was not the only one that wanted me dead. When Rhoda asked if I was okay, I shook my head then got my gun and placed it on the table and waited for her reaction. She slowly let go of the hand she was holding and got up and moved away from me. I was silent.... Rhoda: a gun.... Owen what are you doing with a gun? Me: I just have it. Rhoda: did you kill someone, is that why you are that worked up? I couldn't exactly denied having killed someone and I couldn't say either. Whoever I killed deserved it and it was for self defence. Rhoda: talk to me Owen did you kill someone? Me: I wanted to. That didn't exactly throw her off balance like it would have if I gave her a yes for an answer. Rhoda: what happened. She came and sat next to me and I buried my face in my hands and brushed it over my head. Me: I wanted to kill Robert tonight Rhoda. Rhoda: okay,...why? I looked up at her and searched her eyes with mine. Me: he killed my mother and hanged her by the window. Rhoda: he did what? She was equally shocked.. I didn't repeat those words as I even found them hard to believe. Me: he is like my bro Rhoda you saw us grow together, why would he kill her like that? Rhoda: shhhhh! She said pulling me closer and hugging me.. Oscar Dangote came back to the mansion and went straight to where Della had been kept. The door flew open and he walked in and found Della coiled up in the bed. When she saw him, she quickly got up and moved away from his reach. Dangote: see who we have here.. Dangote said pulling a chair to the side of the bed. This time round, he didn't have anyone with him. It was just him and Della. Della: who are you? Dangote: good question. I'm Oscar Dangote, the man who is about to change your life. Della: and you had to kidnap me to achieve that? Dangote: well, sometimes actions speaks louder than words. Della: what do you want with me? Dangote: relax, we will get to that. I just wanted to say hello before I freshen up then everything you want to know, you will know at dinner. You are not a prisoner Della. Della: then let me go. People are worried about me. Dangote: you broke up with Owen, you stormed out of your best friends house, Jabali is not interested in you so the truth is, no one even knows that you are gone. Della: how do you know all that? Dangote: I'm Dangote. He got up and left the room. He asked one of his Maids to help Della get ready for dinner and help her find a dress that fit in one of the closets. Robert knew just how mad Owen was so he didn't wait for him to find him in the house. He made a call and asked someone to pick him up and meanwhile he packed his stuff. He needed to go into hiding because now he was not only in trouble with Owen but with Dangote as well. Rhoda and I talked for a while, I told her everything about mark, the black jeep and now Roberts confession. I wanted to be okay but I was not. She talked me out of my anger and she had just the right words to make me a little sane. She hugged me and let me stay in her embrace for a while, she was warm and her skin was soft. She smelled nice, should have been the shampoo she used. Rhoda: its going to be okay Owen you can stay here with me if you want. Me: I don't want to take that risk Rhoda. The moment Dangote realizes I'm coming here he will come after you and kill you too. Rhoda: you don't know that for sure. Me: but I know how criminals operate. They go after the one thing or person you care about the most. Rhoda: you don't care about me do you? I broke free from her hug and looked up at her. Me: I do. I care about you Rhoda. I took her hand and kissed it. Me: you are the only thing keeping me sane right now. Rhoda: I heard you say that before... Me: and I mean it. I've tried so hard to stay away but I can't get my mind off you... The number of times I'm tempted to just push you to the wall and kiss the breath out of you. I love you Rhoda, I always have... She didn't seem surprised at all. Its like she saw that coming but she just didn't know when. She kissed me on the forehead then laced her fingers to mine. Our eyes met in a rather awkward stare. No one was talking just deep breaths especially when I move in and cupped her face in my other hand and kissed her, something I had been longing to do for a while.... Dangote was ready for dinner and so was Della who was led to the living room with one of the maids. She looked pretty in one of those random dresses that had been hanged in one of the closets in some room by the corner. The maid told her no one really went to that room and if he allowed her to pick a dress from that room then she must have been so important. Dangote: I knew you would look beautiful in anything. He said pointing to a chair across him and Della sat. Della: who are you really? Dangote: I'm Dangote like I said earlier, I want to make you a deal. Della: what deal? He asked her to serve before they continued talking. Dangote: you don't know me but I do. I'm someone you should really be interested in finding out about.. Della: I don't understand. Dangote: who is Owen to you? Della: my boyfriend.. He looked up at her. Dangote: how much would you ask for just for his head. The fork on her hand dropped and she raised her face from her plate. Della: what are you talking about? Dangote: I want Owen dead and I trust you can get the job done? Della: why do you want Owen dead? Dangote: personal reasons. Della: why me? Dangote: you are the closest to him. I tried Robert but he failed me. You can easily kill Owen faster than anyone else can. She pushed her seat and got up. Dangote: sit down Della, you don't leave the table until I say so. Della: who do you think you are to command me around, listen... I'm not Owen's girlfriend and I don't have access to him. You got the wrong person. Dangote: I've said sit your ass down! Della sat because Dangote's voice was harsh and very commanding. Dangote: two million shillings for Owen's life.. Della: like I said, I'm no longer that close to Owen and I don't have access to him.. Dangote: five million.. She remained silent... Dangote: 8.5 million. She took a deep breath then moved in a bit closer.. Della: how do you want it done? Dangote: very quiet. No one has to know you were there. Della: five million upfront, the remaining when the job is done. Dangote: done... But Della.. Della looked at him. Dangote: should you fail to kill Owen and should he be aware of what is going on, you will never live to tell the story. Della: understood. You will have Owen dead as soon as the five million is in my account... Dangote raised a glass and they toasted to their little deal...was she really going to kill Owen for money?..
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