Chapter 5- A Extremely Difficult Task

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  “Don’t brag! You’re now nothing better than a tramp. In the city of Murray there is no place for you!”   “The Georges have supreme status in the city of Murray, so do you think there will be other companies agreeing to cooperate with us?”   …   As soon as Elvis had finished his words, the relatives gave out a derisive sounds.   Maria hit the floor with her cane to stop all the noise. Then, with a sigh, she said in a deep voice, “Mandy, you’re as stubborn as I used to be. Since he said that, I’ll give you one chance to change my mind. The Smiths announced that tomorrow their branch will be opened in this city. If you can get cooperation with them, I will not meddle in your private affairs anymore. But if you fail, you must cut all ties with our family and leave here!”   Upon hearing that, Nancy went white as a sheet. She said anxiously, “You can’t do this, mom! Despite everything, Mandy is your granddaughter!”   The Smith family was the most prestigious family at home, arguably the most powerful in the political and business arenas. It was extremely difficult to get in touch with them. It was said that the head of the new branch had arrived in the city, but even the Georges had no chance to meet him, let alone Mandy. Obviously, to get cooperation with the Smiths was a task far beyond Mandy!   “How can you say that, Nancy? Mandy married this jinx of her own choice, regardless of the family interests! Now grandma has made an exception for the sake of her affection for Mandy.” With a glint of smug satisfaction in his eyes, Gordon said.   ‘As long as Mandy failed, she would have to break off relations with the family. Then he could get Mandy’s share of the family fortune.’ He thought to himself.   “I promise you I’ll get cooperation with the Smiths, grandma!” After going through the incomparable inner struggle, Mandy said flatly. And there was an expression of fierce determination on her face.   She knew clearly she had only a small chance of making it, but now to guard her love, she had no other choice.   “Well then, let’s wind up the meeting.” Maria nodded and then leaving the living room, supported by a servant.   “You bastard! You’re putting Mandy in a most unfortunate position!” Glaring at Elvis, Nancy snapped.   With those words, she stormed out of the room in a rage.   “You’ll be turned out soon. Just wait and see.” Gordon said to Elvis with a venomous smile.   “I’m afraid I’ll let you down. Believe it or not, you’ll inherit nothing in the end.” Elvis replied, looking at him levelly.   “You bastard! We will just wait and see!” Gordon snarled savagely and then left.   After all the relatives had left, Mandy went back home with Elvis. She walked to Nancy’s door and knocked on it several times but there was no answer.   Giving a sigh, she turned away and took Elvis to her bedroom. When she was about to change the bed, Elvis stopped her, and said, “Your mom hasn’t accepted me yet, so I’d better sleep in the guest room for the time being. After you get cooperation with the Smiths, our wedding will be held again. Then we’ll get to consummate our love.”   “Do you think I can make it?” Mandy asked with a wry smile.   “Of course, I’m sure my wife will get there in the end,” replied Elvis softly.   “I appreciate your confidence in me, darling,” Mandy said, reaching to hug Elvis tightly. Leaning against Elvis’s strong and warm chest, her confidence rose.   After the two of them had necked for a while, Mandy said softly, “Can you tell me what happened to you in the past seven years, Elvis?”   Elvis nodded and then began to recount what had happened during those years.   The next morning, at around eight o’clock, Mandy’s phone suddenly rang and interrupted their conversation.   After hanging up, Mandy said cheerfully to Elvis, “The head of the Smiths’ new branch is going to hold a party today. Let’s go together.”   Upon hearing her words, Elvis readily agreed. After freshening up, the two of them drove to Equatorial Hotel, where the head of the Smiths’ new branch was living in.   Equatorial Hotel was the leading six-star hotel in the city of Murray. Now its parking lot was full of luxury vehicles. At the same time, there were lots of celebrities in the banquet hall. They were talking animatedly, frequently raising their glasses.   In a purple evening gown, Mandy walked into the banquet hall on Elvis’s arm, instantly drawing everyone’s attention.   “Look! Here comes Elvis!”   “Why is he here right now?”   “I’ve heard that Vanguard Group stops its cooperation with Green Group. So he’s probably here to strive for the cooperation with the Smiths.”    “Stop kidding. Green Group has never established itself among the top ten groups in the city. Besides, Elvis offended Shirley. There’s no possibility of the Smiths choosing to cooperate with the Greens.”   …   Several guests talked in whispers.   “Hi, Mandy, glad to see you here,” said a shrill, piercing voice among the crowd.   The next moment, drink in hand, a young man dripping with all the brand names clothes walked up to Elvis.   He looked at Elvis up and down, and then turned to Mandy and sneered, “I’ve heard that because of this guy, Vanguard Group stops its cooperation with your family. Oh, what’s more, you two will be turned out by your family! But it doesn’t matter. As long as you break up with this guy, I’ll let bygones be bygones and make you live in the lap of luxury.”   Upon hearing his words, Mandy wrinkled her nose in disgust.   The young man was the president of Stallone Group, Leo Stallone. And Equatorial Hotel was owned by him. Everyone in the city of Murray knew he was a playboy.   After Elvis had joined the army, Leo had tried to win Mandy’s affections but had been refused by Mandy without hesitation.   “Sorry, I’m not interested in you,” Mandy said coldly, intending to walk away with Elvis.   However, the next moment, Leo blocked their way and said, “I’m really rather fond of you, Mandy. As long as you become my girlfriend, I’ll bring you the greatest happiness, not only material life but physical pleasures.”   “f**k off, or I’ll come down on you with a heavy hand!” Looking at him coldly, Elvis said threateningly.   “Who do you think you are? You’re nothing.” Leo raised his voice and continued, “Though Kelvin was hit by you, I am not afraid of you. This is my territory. Don’t you dare hit me! Without your family’s support, you’re nothing more than a stray dog! You’re not worthy of Mandy! Get out of here right now, or you’ll be thrown out!”   Upon hearing that, all the people in the banquet hall cast their eyes on Elvis and Leo. The atmosphere crackled with tension.
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