1742 Words

I sat outside Principal Finn’s office, which could be considered as the secretary’s office since Miss Maple’s desk was only five feet away from the chair I was rooted to. I might’ve gone too far. What was I thinking? Was I even thinking? The truth is; I wasn’t. As always, I had let my emotions get the best of me. I had made a mistake. I had, in an effort to prove to others that I wasn’t weak, landed myself in trouble. This road had been treaded more than once. Killing Mammon was what caused me to be banished in the first place. If I had suppressed my anger, if I had acted a little less rashly, if I had played along with the Council of Demon Elders until my ascension… But I didn’t regret my actions. I held myself back from the feeling of regret because it weakens a person. My actions we

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