1667 Words

Spite can actually be something so motivating. In fact, it is arguably what has kept me grounded and focused throughout most of my training, and well, my whole existence at large. I have a lot of motherfuckers to prove wrong. I have a lot of expectations to fulfill; rock bottoms to crawl out from, skies to surpass, and titles to uphold. Yes, spite is most definitely my number one motivator. There were times when a younger version of Harleah Dixie Argranos tried hard to make her father proud. That little girl soon learned that Satan can never be appeased. You could break your bones and bleed. You could pass out with exhaustion. You could scream from the torture and rip out your beating heart to offer it to him. But he would simply scowl down on you, and say “Again. You’re not yet half as

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