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Anabella's POV ''Where are you taking me to?'' I cried out as I was being dragged out of my cell by the guards. ''Stay calm and keep shut.'' One of the guards threatened, but I ignored him and tried taking their grips off me, which was useless. They pulled me out of the cell and took me to the servants' quarters, and locked me up in a familiar room. With tear-filled eyes, I collapsed on the cold floor and wept bitterly wishing I could change all this, but it was too late. The door of the room opened, and two maids walked in. One I recognized as the maid who threw food at me, and the other was an unfamiliar maid. ''Look at her, bitch.'' The one who threw food at me spat with anger and hatred ''Let her be, she didn't kill our lady, I heard her brother did.'' The other maid tried defending me ''Oh, please!'' The angry one spoke with rolling eyes. ''All these were her plans, she sent her brother alpha Rona to kill our lady and claimed it was a mistake, so she could hide under the pretence of paying for her brother's sins just to be in alpha Eric's bed.'' The other one spoke with hatred ''That's a lie, you bloody lair,'' I yelled in anger ''Say that one more time and I will kick your face so hard, that lord Eric won't recognize you.'' She threatened while her wolf growled at me, but my wolf was cold and silent in me. ''Stop this, Clara, and let's get to work,'' The other maid grumbled and kept the dresses on her hands on the wooden bed. ''These are for you.'' She spoke with a friendly smile, the first anyone has given me since I arrived here. ''Get ready, tomorrow you are warming the lord's bed as a slut that you are.'' Clara mocked with anger ''Stop it, Clara.'' The other maid grumbled ''What!'' Clara yelled ''Isn't she a slut, is that not why she is here?'' Clara added in anger ''Stop it Clara, please stop it, you can see she is going through pain.'' ''Pains my foot,'' Clara yelled and threw the shoes on the floor. She walked closer to me and stood before me with a devilish grin on her face ''I heard lord Eric is a monster in bed and only lady Anita was able to match up with him.'' she tapped her tongue in her upper teeth and continued ''It's a pity you might die in the process, considering how angry he is.'' She chuckled loudly and walked out of the room, while the other maid gave me a pitiful look and walked away. I gulped as I felt my heart clench. This was never the way I imagined my first night with a man should be. I have always fantasized about that night, where roses will be on a soft bed covered with white sheets, soft romantic music playing in the music player and my prince charming sitting on the bed with a rose in his hand waiting for me. What a fairy tale I stared at the dresses on the bed and one person came to my thought ''Catherine,'' I murmured in tears For the past four years, she has been the one picking dresses for me. She would always keep three different dresses on the bed asking me to pick my choice, but we will end up taking her choice. She was the one who decides my hairstyles, shoes to wear and everything about me, and now she is gone just like that. ''Goddess.'' I wailed and wept profusely, I wept for hours until it was too late, and I slept off. I woke up to the sound of my door. I quickly opened my eyes and was relieved it was the nice maid who smiled at me. ''Are you alright?'' She asked I ignored her and looked away She heaved a sigh and sat on the bed while I was still on the floor, at the very spot she saw me yesterday. ''Alpha Eric's younger sister will arrive in a few days, he loves her very much just like he loves lady Anita and will do anything she asks of him.'' She spoke up which made me stare at her confused ''I'm her maid and will talk to her on your behalf. Hopefully, if she talks to alpha Eric he might listen to her and set you free.'' She spoke with a weak smile on her face. Hearing those words from her, I was supposed to be happy and relieved, but then I knew I wasn't kept here against my will. I decided to stay to save my brother's life, and he will only let me go if allow him to take his revenge on my brother. ''Thank you,'' I whispered to myself, but she heard me ''You are welcome.'' She flashed me a smile and spoke up ''I heard lady Sofia will be here any moment, so you have to get ready to see her.'' ''Who is lady Sofia,'' I asked weakly ''One of alpha Eric's concubines, actually there are two.'' She whispered ''Oh goddess,'' I murmured in pain, I never knew he had concubines. ''They already hate you, and will do anything to torment your stay here, you just have to avoid their paths.'' She advised. ''Hopefully,'' I murmured and stood on the cold floor. ''Lady Sofia is a werewolf just like us, but lady Cynthia is a human and the daughter of alpha Linus.'' She explained while I just nodded my head She stood on her feet and flashed me a weak smile before going for the door, but my words stopped her ''What's your name?'' I asked, she might be the only friend I will have here, so I thought it wise to know her name. ''My name is Olivia.'' She smiled widely at me and left the room ''Olivia,'' I whispered to myself and sat on the bed while I struggled to process all she said to me. Tiredly, I lay on the bed and tried to get some sleep, but someone barged into the room and shut the door with anger. I quickly sat on the wooden bed and saw a lady staring at me with anger-filled eyes. Judging from her royal appearance, I could tell this must be lady Sofia, the one Olivia talked about. ''So you are the little bitch.'' She yelled ''I'm not a b***h, and I'm not little,'' I spoke angrily because judging from her appearance, she was the same age as me. ''Oh, I see, you have nerves to talk back at me.'' She muttered out in anger and took hold of my hair which made me whimper and took her grip off my hair. We stared at each other eyes and I noticed the colour of her brown eyes was getting darker with rage and anger. ''You think you can lie your way in here.'' She asked in anger ''You b***h, you think you can share alpha Eric with me.'' She asked in anger which made me chuckled ''And what makes you think I want your alpha Eric,'' I spoke back firmly, I was tired and done with being weak, I won't show weakness In front of her. ''I see.'' She laughed bitterly and took a step closer to me and leaned down to me before moving her lips to my left ear ''I took one out of the way, and it won't be hard to take another.'' She whispered and moved away from me, while I just stared at her with shocked-filled eyes and watched her leave. I stood on my feet and wondered what she meant by taking one out of the way. Were there three concubines, and she took one away by doing something evil, or was she talking about… ''The accident,'' I whispered to myself ''s**t,'' I murmured and quickly made a mind link to brother. ''Brother,'' I called out to him ''Ani, are you okay?'' He asked ''Yes, about the accident are you sure it's your fault?'' I asked in a panic ''Yes Ani, My break failed.'' He murmured ''Are you sure?'' I reposted ''Yes, Ani, is there a problem?" He asked ''I don't know.'' I heaved and sat on the bed ''I'm just confused,'' I murmured and scattered my hair with my both hands. ''I'm so sorry Ani, I'm sorry for doing this to you, but don't worry, I'm already making plans.'' He spoke up ''plans like what?" I asked curiously ''Don't worry, you will hear from me Very soon, just hold on tight.'' He begged ''Alright.'' I heaved a sigh and shut myself away from him. I stared out the window and noticed the day was bright and fair and would have gone for a walk with Catherine if everything was just the way it was. I noticed a door attached to the room and walked up to it, only to realize it was a restroom. I sighed in relief and went in. I took off my clothes and took a quick bath. The soap kept here was terrible, and I couldn't believe I was bathing with soap as awful as this. I turned off the shower and stepped back to the empty room with my clothes covering half of my body. I quickly picked a dress from the bed and put it on before arranging my hair in a bun. The door of the room opened and Clara walked in with a wicked grin on her face. ''Seems you are already prepared.'' She mocked ''Prepared for what?" I retorted, feeling confused.
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