Coming Back

1993 Words

 “Casper?” “Yes Rita, it is I. Where am I?” the man asked as he tried to look around. He seemed as lost as a babe in the woods and too frail to be walking around. Carita Bennett started crying, she did not think it was possible, she had just tried to see if she could be able to find where his soul had gone wandering. Seeing his projected self now meant that, she had been successful in locating where he was and the only thing remaining was to recall his soul. It felt like Christmas had come early to Carita, she mused, as she felt overjoyed to be seeing her beloved emperor and brother in love. “Hello to you too Cas, it has been too long but now you need to come back home,” Rita said to Casper tears falling down her cheeks. Those that were with her saw tears trickling down her cheeks and

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