Who Sits on the Throne?

2054 Words

Jasper fell on his knees; all strength had left his body, he was over the moon seeing his brother alive even though just barely. He was emaciated, dirty and his body, a bag of bones. He had been a huge man; the cloak that was in tatters fit his huge body snugly, and his body had been a display of abs and muscles. How he had been reduced to this state was frightening to think, after all he was the most powerful man in Grundolf. Who was the man that occupied the throne at Grundolf? Jasper was beside himself with grief, pity, and anger that no words came out of his mouth except the sobs that wracked his chest. After a while, Carita knelt beside Casper and touched his forehead. He seemed to be fine, she lifted her hand and passed it over his brow to check his mental condition and sighed. Th

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