The Conqueror Thief 16

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  There was a heavy thunder followed by the thunderous salute of the army of Kaborn. Nana knew that this army would destroy the small city of Abori. Her two younger sisters, Lilly and Ann were in Abori and Abori the army would go. In Abori, Ann was seated with Lilly in a tent while the army Amira brought were jubilating in the camp. They could hear their laughters outside the tent. "What did you discuss with Chaze when he rode you off in the carriage. I saw you comfortably seated with him when Amira led us to you both" "Nothing serious. Chaze explained how everything happened. I made a blunder mistake by killing Ome. Sister, you can kill me if that will clear the pain and the hatred you have for me in your heart" Ann remorsefully said. "You are a fool. You know I can't kill you but I will never forget what you did. Now we should plan to return to Kaborn. We are done here" Lilly spoke. "I would like to see Chaze before we go. It would help. His sister Amira doesn't seem like a kind woman. Only Chaze will help us go in peace" Ann said. Lilly looked at her for sometime and shrugged. Chaze and Amira were in a tent alone. "I didn't want you to fight in the war brother and you will dismiss these ladies you lured into our home. Lilly and Ann. They will return to their lands after they must have rendered their service tonight" Amira said. "Which service?" Chaze asked. Just then Lilly and Ann walked in and greeted the two siblings before saying to Chaze, "we would like to board a ship back to Kaborn this night. We wouldn't want to be any more of a trouble to you both" Amira stood up and said, "Go? Just like that? You couldn't fight in the war because I wanted you both to do a special job tonight. You will go after that"  "What job?" Chaze asked while standing up. "My generals, the ones that helped me lead this army to rescue Abori need to rest with you both" Amira said. The girls understood what Amira meant by that. They looked at Chaze and found out he wasn't pleased with the whole thing. "Amira... Chaze began. " Don't call me!!! You brought this on yourself!!!Shouted Amira. I didn't want to be abducted. I was a little boy" Chaze tried to explain. But you came back with troubles all over your shoulders. Because of those troubles mama died. Now you want to free them just like that" Amira walked out angrily. Just then four soldiers walked in and dragged Lilly and Ann away. Chaze tried to go after them but Gilly walked in. "You never get tired. Your sister Amira sacrificed her freedom for you. She told me. She married a foreigner just to have asses to his army and come home with some of them to rescue her father land. She has every reason to do what she is doing now. After this, Amira will be taken back to the foreign ruler by the same army she is commanding. They own her now against her wish. Amira is heartbroken. You need to fight the main war now. A raven from Kenza by some who are still loyal to us brought a message. The king of Kaborn is on the match to Abori for war. Talk to Amira to send word to her husband to send more army. After this war, and if we survive, you must free your sister from the foreign ruler. I Gilly will always love you and I will always fight beside you. We have been bandits, killers and theives but this time, it is the time to start to do the right thing" Gilly finished saying and walked out. To be continued...
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