Chapter 14: A Conversation of Concern

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The following day, Ella arrived at the office with a heavy heart, her eyes bearing the telltale signs of a sleepless night. Her once-bright hazel eyes were now dull, and the dark circles underneath them spoke volumes about the restless hours she had spent wrestling with her emotions. As she settled into her desk, Ella couldn't help but feel a profound sense of exhaustion and emotional turmoil. The events of the previous night had left her drained, and her thoughts were consumed by the unresolved conflict with Victor. She had tossed and turned, her mind racing with questions and regrets, unable to find solace in the embrace of sleep. Throughout the morning, Ella's concentration wavered as she tried to focus on her work. Her thoughts kept drifting back to the painful events of the night before, and she longed for some semblance of closure and understanding. But the answers remained elusive, and the uncertainty of her relationship with Victor continued to weigh heavily on her. Her friend and coworker, Sarah, who had been a source of support and encouragement, noticed Ella's struggle and approached her desk. Sarah: (Concerned) "Ella, you look absolutely exhausted. Is everything okay?" She knew she needed to confide in someone, and Sarah, her trusted friend and confidante, was the person she turned to. After a short hesitation, Ella said "Sarah, can we talk for a moment? I really need someone to talk to." Sarah sensed the urgency in Ella's voice and nodded, concern etched on her face. "Of course, Ella. What's on your mind?" Ella lowered her voice, feeling a rush of embarrassment and shame. "Sarah, Victor and I... we took the next step in our relationship but we didn't use protection the other night, and it left me feeling worried and scared." Sarah's eyes widened with concern, and she leaned in closer to Ella. "Oh, Ella, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's important to take this seriously. Have you considered taking the morning-after pill?" Ella nodded, her voice soft and uncertain. "Yes, I took it early in the morning before arriving at the office. But I'm also worried about other things. I'm not sure if we were both safe, and I don't know how to bring this up with Victor. We never discussed how many partners he had or if he is recently tested; I felt too embarrassed to bring this up." Sarah's expression softened with understanding, and she placed a reassuring hand on Ella's shoulder. "Ella, it's crucial to prioritize your health. I suggest you also visit a doctor to make sure you don't contract any unwanted diseases. Your well-being is the top priority." Ella's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the thought of discussing such matters with a healthcare professional, but she knew Sarah was right. "I guess you're right. I just... I don't know how to bring this up with Victor." Sarah offered a comforting smile. "Ella, communication is key in any relationship. You need to have an honest conversation with him about your concerns and your health. If he cares about you, he'll understand. Plus, you don’t need Victor’s approval to see a doctor." Ella sighed, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her worries. "Thank you, Sarah. I'll make that doctor's appointment. I appreciate your support and guidance." After Ella confided in Sarah about the complications in her relationship with Victor, Sarah couldn't help but feel deeply concerned for her friend. She had expected Ella to come to work with a sense of enthusiasm and happiness, not the heavy burden of worry that now seemed to weigh on her. As Ella and Sarah continued their conversation, Ella felt a glimmer of hope and reassurance. Once she finished her chat with Sarah, Ella returned to her workstation and while checking her emails she received a text message from Victor. It read, "Ella, don't forget to take the pill. It's important." Ella stared at the message, her heart sinking as she sensed a distance in Victor's words. It was a stark contrast to the warm and affectionate messages they used to exchange. She couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease about the state of their relationship. He didn’t even try to call her to see how she was feeling. She replied with a simple "I remembered," but the exchange left her feeling unsettled. She had hoped that their shared experience would bring them closer, but instead, it seemed to have created a divide between them. Maybe she was at fault, she was supposed to be more prepared. But still, Ella couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between her and Victor, and not in a positive way. Following the chat with Sarah, Ella went to an empty closed office, nervously clutching her phone, as she dialled the number for the clinic to inquire about a check-up. Her heart raced with embarrassment, and she hoped the conversation would be as discreet as possible. After a few rings, a receptionist answered, "Good afternoon, this is Dr. Anderson's clinic. How may I help you today?" Ella cleared her throat, her voice trembling with embarrassment. "Um, hi. I... I need to schedule a check-up. It's, uh, for personal reasons." The receptionist maintained a professional tone, offering reassurance. "Of course, we understand. Can you please provide me with your name and some basic information?" Ella provided the necessary details while trying to keep her voice steady. The thought of discussing such a personal matter with a stranger was uncomfortable, to say the least. The receptionist continued, "Thank you, Ms. Parker. We have some available appointments later this week. Is there a specific day or time that works for you?" Ella hesitated for a moment, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She finally managed to reply, "Um, how about Friday morning? That should work." The receptionist confirmed the appointment and provided Ella with the necessary information. Ella thanked her and hung up, feeling a mixture of relief and mortification. As she put her phone down, Ella couldn't help but wonder how her life had taken such a turn, with personal matters now necessitating medical attention. She hoped that the doctor's visit would provide some clarity and peace of mind, even as her relationship with Victor remained uncertain and confused. After a long day at the office and the discomfort of scheduling a doctor's appointment, Ella found herself yearning for some connection and support. She decided to call Victor from her side, hoping for a reassuring conversation and the possibility of seeing him later in the evening. As Victor answered the phone, Ella tried to infuse warmth into her voice. "Hey, Victor. How's your day going?" Victor's response, however, was measured and somewhat distant. "It's been busy, Ella. I have some prior commitments today. Something happened?" Ella's heart sank at the coldness in his tone, but she pressed on. "I was hoping we could spend some time together tonight, talk things through. Yesterday it was a bit tense, and I miss you." Victor hesitated for a moment before replying, "I understand, Ella, but I have plans this evening. I'll be busy for the next couple of days, but maybe we can catch up towards the end of the week." Ella couldn't help but feel a growing sense of disappointment and sadness. Their conversation was devoid of the warmth and affection that had once been a hallmark of their relationship. With a heavy heart, Ella reluctantly agreed, "Okay, Victor. Let's try to meet later in the week." As she hung up the phone, Ella couldn't shake the feeling that their relationship was in jeopardy or something was not alright. Late at night, while lying in bed, Ella's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. She stared up at the ceiling, her heart heavy with uncertainty. "Why is Victor acting this way?" she wondered aloud to herself. "What did I do to push him away? Is it all because I forgot the protection? Anyhow, we are in a committed relationship, so it should not be an issue." Ella knew she needed answers, but she was hesitant to confront Victor directly. The fear of what his response might be, and the uncertainty of their future together weighed heavily on her.
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