
501 Words
♕ p r o l o g u e ♕ The Kings are a group of three guys who seemed to have it all, money, girls, cars — most importantly power. They were the creators of a shameless ranking system that divided people by their appearances and luxuries. The first male species on this list was Carter Dean, he was the richest of the bunch, the typical playboy who rather play with girls instead of games. He was the type of guy who'd smash and dash, behind his playboy exterior was a rich boy who wanted attention. The second male was Reuben Foster, he was known as the bad boy of the clique. You would see him holding a cigarette in his hand as a metaphor as well as that he would never be seen without his classic leather jacket. He was the type of guy that every good girl will secretly fantasise about, wondering if he will ever fall for them like those dumb cliched w*****d books. Last but not least, Elliot Grey. The fighter and brains of the group, he would be seen in the fighting rink at night all the time — but the next day at school he would be the bad ass nerd who nobody dares to bully. He's known as the guy who plays serious mind games, he was not someone to be messing with. As well as that, girls secretly have kinks of his veiny arms. The trio were known as the Kings of Selveridge High, nobody would question their power or activities. The people of Selveridge high worship them as if they were God's, they didn't really care. They had power, they had money, they had girls. Nothing could ever go wrong for them. But when a certain copper haired girl appears into their lives, things start to take a dramatic turn.  — the real question is... are you guys ready for this book? whose your favourite boy out of the three? carter, reuben or elliot? read this before you continue further this book is satire! meaning that everything that occurs in this book is over exaggerated. like the petty drama and the dramatic words for kids in high school, it's all for entertainment purpose only and adds to the dramatic vibe of the book. and if you don't like the fact these boys address themselves as kings (which is literally the title of the book) then feel free to click off! and remember everything that happens in this book links! keep an eye out for certain dialogue characters state and little clues in body gestures! this is all a fun mystery. i wish you luck because this book is filled with liars, tears, laughter: and romance that is conflicting. there is no love rectangle, triangle! this is all based on assumptions, there is one very prominent love interest and i won't reveal who it is until the very end, you'll have to find out yourself. and about plagiarism? i dare you bro.  - love kxdz
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