Chapter 9: The Taunting

1004 Words

"Did you happen to found out the real deal with him and the meeting?, any thing at all?" Zach asked, Phil shook his head saying no " He just sent the message earlier through that dumb headed guy called his assistant" Phil said making Zach to chuckle. Phil has always hated the man's assistant, deeming the assistant stupid for working for a d**k because Vince the Aston's assistance was his classmate but later in life after their graduation, he found out that the guy has become Lord Aston's assistance just like Max is Zach's assistance but Max is way more intelligent, skilled and deadly. "Did he mention the day for the meeting?" Zach asked again but Phil shook his head making Zach to scoff and continued his movement to his room "It looks like a more of an insult than a meeting" Zach said o

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