Chapter 10: The Last Mission

1026 Words

"It must be" he thought 'If not why would he be feeling rather disappointed each time I came back from a mission successful?, he would grunt and wave me off like like a worthless insect that is off no use?' he thought his face getting redder and redder in anger. "And again he knew that the 'The Devil's Incarnate' base is the most deficult base to break in or sneak in or anything of sorts, if they caught me I will be a dead meat and forever gone, he knows that but still he want to send me there, all the Lords all over has tried to sent their best assassins and best spyies but they all died with no return but still, he is ready to sacrifice me because he has always wanted me dead" he said inwardly laughing maniacally in his brain and smiling like a fool outside. "I has been so naive to tru

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