Chapter 21

2163 Words

Kaylene  Things were good until it got confusing. He had nothing to apologize for. He’s a grown man, a damn near-perfect one at that. It wasn’t his fault I was an addict, and that the smell of liquor still affects me, or that just the thought of it brings back the demons that crave it. Pushing my insecurities and stubbornness aside, I let the majority of it out in the open. I had feelings for him, that I knew, and I needed him to know that. Even though they were new and foreign, I couldn't deny that they existed. It wasn’t my intention for us to get as far as we did but I couldn't deny the attraction nor the need. I didn’t just want him, I needed him. It was an odd thing to acknowledge or admit after being around someone for only a month or so. After that first kiss, I was putty i

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