Chapter 4

1281 Words
It’s four weeks since my debauchery. Four weeks of being completely sober and clean. Can’t say it’s been easy, cause the withdrawals have been nothing short of a b.tch. Even with them, dad has been making me suffer through these boot camp drills. My phone has been taken away along with the keys to my car. My penthouse has been sold and my only companions have been my parents and Care, with the occasional visits from Nathan, but I think it’s the pretense to be around Care. Dad has but a strong restriction on visitors and if it wasn’t for mom and the fact that Carrie-Ann is also friends with Nathan, he wouldn’t be allowed outside of the gate. One would think that I’m still sixteen the way they act. And they weren’t even that bad at that age. Over the four weeks, they have been the most overbearing parents known in the galaxy. Dad takes the morning shift while mom takes the afternoon and both during the night. Knowing how Carrie-Ann and I are together; they don’t trust her enough to be with me by herself. Can’t blame them, that’s been my partner in crime since the moment they brought me home. You wouldn’t think that I was two years older. We received my medical records and the investigation report a few days after I woke up from that mini coma. According to the reports, my drink was spiked with enough substance to have killed me ten times over. From the surveillance cameras, they have a few guys who are suspected but because I left the party alone and their whereabouts were accounted for throughout my disappearance, there’s nothing that can be done yet. The craziest thing is that once I walked out of the party, there is no record of me thereafter. No surveillance camera around the areas was able to detect my existence, not until I walked out of SandDust five days later. Even the trackers on my phone and necklace went dead until then. There were no cuts or bruises on me, so I wasn’t attacked, nor was I raped. I’m thankful but more confused. My parents have been going crazy and driving others bonkers trying to find out more information. Because I sneaked out of SandDust in a hurry, I have no idea whose room I woke up in. Dad was able to bypass a few red tapes and get in touch with the owners of SandDust to see if there’s anything in their security feed that would give us any clue. With their headquarters being in Florida, it might be a few more days before we get any response. As much as I miss my freedom, these past few weeks have me reevaluating my life. It's not easy and I find myself in the middle of an abyss. Should I give in and fall deeper down or should I fight my way up and save myself? I’m not proud of any of what I did or take to alleviate my pain and problems. No matter the amount of time my parents force me into a program, I never once gave it a try. I would rather mess with one of the higher-ups just to get out early instead of taking the program seriously. I can't change the past but I can work on my present and future. I chose to fight my way up to that abyss and save myself. I won’t so easily cave into my addictions or at least fight not to. No longer do I want to be bound to the substances I enslaved myself to. I know the process isn’t going to be easy, not by a long shot but I’m willing to take it seriously. Seeing how hard my parents are fighting to figure out what happened to me makes me realize how f*cked up I’ve really been. I’m thankful that nothing major happened to me, I could have been r*ped, murdered, or OD way before anyone knew what occurred, that's if they ever found out. So, even though I’m confused that none of those occurred, I’m more than happy to be alive and only missing five days out of my life. Honestly, I don’t even want to find out what happened at that time. I simply want to move on and get my life on track. For the first time since my birth parents have died, I want to live. I want to fight for life not only for them but for my new parents and for myself. “Kaylene” “Yes dad” “You and Carrie have been signed up to volunteer twice a week at the shelter.” “What, come on dad” “Don’t start, y’all better be lucky that’s all I signed you up for. I could change it to every day.” “No sir” “Excuse me?” “No dad” “Good, now get ready and tell your sister to be ready in twenty minutes.” This can’t be happening to me. I know this is his other form of punishment but come on. They founded the Smith’s Shelter foundation fourteen years ago and not once have they wanted us to visit or volunteer. We used to beg them for the opportunity, but there was always an excuse as to why the precious Smith daughters weren’t allowed in such a place. Now, I know I royally f*cked up. Not only are they dragging me but poor Care who has absolutely nothing to do with my f*ck ups is now forced to join the party. “Daddy, I know this is my punishment and I wholeheartedly accept it, but why is Care Bear being punished?” “Oh, so now you remember I’m your daddy. With all those yes sirs you’ve been throwing around, I thought you’ve forgotten.” I seriously want to roll my eyes right now. For someone to be so menacing and overbearing, he tends to get extremely emotional about his titles. I don’t do it intentionally but good lord those that brute take it to the heart every time. “Bad habit” “One of your many that should have died a long time ago” “I’m sorry” I can't wait for him to stop being mad and annoyed with me. I get that I royally messed up but give me a break. This time really wasn't my fault and I'm tired of apologizing for this. I've taken accountability for my actions and anything that happened to me. So why can't he just let it go? He had already taken my phone, car, and condo. I'm basically a prisoner in his house and I don't even bother complaining. “Hmm. And I’m not punishing you or her even though I am still upset about the situation. You two are sisters, it is both of y’all responsibility to look after the other. There should have never been a time when one of you wandered off without the other knowing and following. Not once should there have been an open space between y’all two for anyone else to get in between? No one should have left home alone, especially when you both drove there together and that will never happen again. We’ve taught you both better than that. Now, I’m taking you both to this shelter because your mom and I need the help. Especially with us expanding this location and opening up the seventh one in Georgia. We figured you and your sister can finally put those masters and Ph.D.’s to work.” I get what he's saying but what a drag?
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