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COME BACK TO ME – CHAPTER 28   School resumed. Jamie had met Aaron and he asked to keep taking his son to and from school; this time, he paid. Aaron refused at first but Jamie insisted. Zian was happy that he didn’t have to walk anymore and Cher didn’t have to rush as well. “Thank god Uncle Jamie came home. I get to have a ride to school!” Cher said as she waited for Zian to get ready for school. Zian told her immediately when she came to visit them a few days ago. Aaron was there, visiting Rio. Unbeknownst to their family, the two had started dating. Rio asked Aaron to give him time. He was not ready to tell anyone yet. Maybe Elena; but that was it. Aaron and Rio were in the kitchen; the latter tidying up the mess after he had breakfast. “Let me,” Aaron said to Rio as the latter pick

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